Desire & Aversion: An Aries Season Meditation

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]We asked John Kesler, founder of Integral Polarity Practice Institute (IPPI), to share a polarity meditation with us that fit the themes of Aries Season. With purpose and clarity, his take on the polarity of Desire & Aversion is one that can be of great use for us as we define new passions with the rebirth of spring and our first astrological season of Aries.


At this time of the year we can feel connected to the earth and the rebirth of life. Out of this earthy, physical sensibility, our instincts for passion and creation arise with purpose and power.

Although the source of this energy arises from our primal life force, it nevertheless courses through the full spectrum of our beings including our highest spiritual quests, ultimately seeking clarity and simplicity on the other side of chaos and complexity.

One basic polarity which we share with all living things is foundational to such Aries related dynamics: desire and aversion. Together they comprise the energy of seeking. In its most primal manifestation one moves towards food and safety and away from dangers of all sorts. We use these polar dynamics hundreds of times a day, naturally and without much thought. Yet it is this very polar dynamic, when brought forward and empowered, generates such important Aries qualities.[/two_third_last]

[two_third]A pathology results when one is caught up in either pole. When we are stuck in desire, we suffer addiction. When aversion takes over we are experiencing conditions such as anorexia or any number of phobias. In addition to having desire/aversion well integrated with one another, the key is to be centered and present, so that there is an inner stillness and clarity regarding what is important at any given moment.

From this still center we can access a concrete sense of Deep Satisfaction, a more subtle sense of Deep Contentment and an even more spiritual sense of Transcendent Abundance and possibility. Also a deep Gratitude emanates from this Abundance as well as a spirit of Generosity. All of this results from tapping into this power at the core of our beings.

On the other hand if we are always seeking and striving from a place of deficit rather than Abundance, we are driven, endlessly dissatisfied, leading to exhaustion and confusion rather than empowerment, clarity and flow.

It is important then to learn to hold desire and aversion as two complementary freely flowing aspects of the same awareness and energy and to be centered in a sense of Satisfaction, Contentment and Abundance. This connects us to the limitless source of the life force, to our deepest wisdom, clarity, purpose, compassion, inspiration and creativity as we fully awaken to the energy of Aries.[/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

[full_width]An IPP Meditative Practice:
Accessing the Still Point of these polarities and the virtues that flow from them

o Get comfortable in a chair or seated floor position, somewhere without distraction.

o Breathing in a relaxed manner, settle into a state of relaxation, calm and tranquility.

o Allow the energy of purposeful activity of seeking – of desire/aversion – to slow down and become still.

o In this place of stillness bring forth a sense of Deep Satisfaction, Deep Contentment and Transcendent Abundance in this moment, a place of Stillness outside of place and time. Settle into this experience.

o Out of this Stillness and Abundance feel the opening to a deeper Purpose, to a source of Passion, Clarity, Inspiration and Creativity.

o From this experience, feel the qualities of Gratitude and Generosity emerge and accompany you during your day.[/full_width]

Feel It All: Burn It Down

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]New, change, unfamiliar. These are things the season of Aries brings up. Katie Chirgotis of Eothen, our Muse of feeling and nature, shares some incandescent insights and images for this time of beginnings.

There are vibrant, essential places on our planet that require fire for vitality. The flats of the prairie, undulating grasslands of the savanna, and stands of chaparral and coniferous forests cannot thrive, or make room for renewal, without the heat and rapture of fire to sweep through. But what is initially left behind the flames’ retreat is most often a desolate reality. Fire catalyzes change that is so swift that often there is little comfort found in a blackened, smoldering moonscape – a strangeness that sparks fear, loneliness and grief.

Change. Harder for some, welcomed by others, inevitable to all. Coming into the start of our Zodiacal calendar, which truly feels like the New Year (truly – who can set intentions to hit the gym, or go on a juice cleanse, when we’re swaddled in sweaters and presented with anemic Romaine leaves in January?!), Aries fire is the match struck to New Beginnings. We can all feel the shift, and respond to it in turn by our actions and communication. Inboxes and text threads ping non-stop. Plans are made and projects launch. Heartbeats quicken, and hands turn over warming soil.

Realizations arrive with nuclear impact. Sledge-hammer decisions are made to chart a new course. Relationships come to an end, and we may be left in a barren moonscape where comfort was once found.[/two_third_last]


[two_third]Both/and is the pyre of Aries, and its flames burn through old patterns and holdings to make room for something new. Further enlightened, stronger, present, in-tune. But different – and that’s where we trip up. To arrive at a place so strange and initially barren with grace is certainly not a concept I’m familiar with, and it’s one with which I feel many of us struggle. We may brace our heels and deny, or fight for whatever hold we have to keep things the same. But to struggle and resist change is to suffer. The pain, the burn! We associate with the sudden arrival to a place with which we are unfamiliar, and perhaps alone and afraid, is made greater when we do not allow ourselves to be swept along with the rush of spark and cinder.

To make room for more richness and vitality in our lives, both within ourselves and with one and another, must happen. Whether it’s something of our own choosing may not be our experience, but there is comfort in knowing that experience is a shared one, a necessary part of being here on this planet. And how lucky to be able to open our palms to the heat of change, warming us to something more.

Aries fire is both beautiful and terrible. Let us be thankful for both, and for the opportunity to begin again. [/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

Hello spring, Hello Aries: Yoga for Awakening

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]CosmoMuse yogini, Brooke Musat, helps us on our journey to awaken to this new astrological year with yoga poses to ignite our bold inner warriors.

There is something about the onset of spring that makes anything seem possible. Whether it’s tackling a major chore you’ve been putting off, or taking the time to treat yourself to something you thought you didn’t deserve, spring—inspires a certain amount of assertiveness to get things done.

In Aries reign we are granted permission to be bold in realizing our deepest desires while finding the strength to put fears, insecurities, and timidities, to rest. From Aries we awaken a sleeping warrior, ready to fight for our soul’s self-interests and transform dreams into realities. [/one_third_last]

[full_width]Robert Frost said, “freedom lies in being bold,” and Aries’s reign is our gateway to finding freedom through a boldness that lives in each of us.

Try the poses inspired by Aries to call upon your sleeping warrior, bring clarity to your path, and ignite an internal fire of boldness. In One Legged Downward-Facing Dog you’ll be forced to find balance in a posture that may feel familiar but demands a heightened sense of awareness to achieve. In the Low Lunge variations boldness will come in the dual opening of hips and side body. Lastly, in the Warrior III variation, you may need to find boldness through trial and error. Traditional Warrior III, quite bold on its own, can be difficult to execute, and the Aries’s Warrior III variation brings about a new element of difficulty. Read on below for details on each posture’s benefits and instruction on how to effectively assume each pose. [/full_width]

[two_third padding=”9% 0 0 0″]One Legged Downward-Facing Dog :: (Eka Pāda Adho Mukha Śvānāsana)

In One Legged Downward-Facing Dog, try to keep the hip of the leg suspended in the air closed and toes of that leg pointing down toward the earth. Avoid the tendency to bring weight into one shoulder or the other, instead keep the shoulders square and focus on bringing equal weight into both hands.

Pose Benefits:

o Strengthens the shoulders and legs

o Tones the core

o Increases flexibility in the shoulders, hamstrings, and calves

o Opens the chest [/two_third][one_third_last padding=”0% 0 0 0″][/one_third_last]

[two_third padding=”8% 0 0 0″]Low Lunge :: (Anjaneyasana) with hands clasp above the head variation
In Low Lunge, make sure the knee of the bent leg is aligned directly above the toes. Work toward squaring the hips by drawing the front leg’s hip back into the socket and inviting the back leg’s hip forward. Be mindful about protecting the lower back by drawing the naval toward the spine.

Pose Benefits:

o Releases hip tension

o Stretches hamstrings

o Strengthens the quadriceps and knees

o Opens chest and upper back
[/two_third][one_third_last padding=”0% 0 0 0″][/one_third_last]

[two_third padding=”8% 0 0 0″]Low Lunge :: (Anjaneyasana) variation side body opening
In Low Lunge, make sure the knee of the bent leg is aligned directly above the toes. Work toward squaring the hips by drawing the front leg’s hip back into the socket and inviting the back leg’s hip forward. To open through the side body, plant the fingertips of the hand (same side of the front leg) firmly into the earth then reach up and over with the other arm and hand. Be mindful that the shoulder of the hand reaching over the head does not start to lift toward the ear.

Pose Benefits:

o Releases hip tension

o Stretches hamstrings

o Strengthens the quadriceps and knees

o Opens chest, upper back, and side body
[/two_third][one_third_last padding=”0% 0 0 0″][/one_third_last]

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]Warrior III variation :: (Virabhadrasana III)
In Warrior III variation, push the hand firmly into the thigh of the lifted leg to bring length to the spine. Be cautious not to twist the shoulders, but instead keep them squared toward the font of the mat. Just like in One Legged Downward-Facing Dog keep the hip of the leg suspended in the air closed and toes of that leg pointing down toward the earth.

Pose Benefits:

o Strengthens the ankles and legs

o Strengthens the shoulders and muscles of the back

o Tones the abdomen

o Improves balance and posture[/one_third_last]

Ask Ash: The Libra Full Moon & Finding Balance

[one_third padding=”0% 0 0 0″][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”0% 0 0 0″]Astrologist Ash Bonelli brings her intuitive connection to the stars as she guides us through our yearly Libra full moon’s balancing act between attending to our personal desires and the needs of others. At the end, Ash gives advice about this lunation to one lucky reader.

Dear Muses,

During the Libra full moon the sun and the moon are gazing deeply into one another’s eyes. They are relaying a story to each other that will show up in our lives in a variety of ways depending upon the cosmic makeup of our charts. If you have any planets or important points (Ex: MC, IC, Descendant, Ascendant) at or within a few degrees of 21 in Cardinal signs (Aries, Libra, Cancer, Capricorn) you are likely to feel this lunar event more deeply.

Let’s begin with the Sun’s role in this configuration. The sign that the Sun is currently in each month gives a feel for the energy found within the collective. Right now the Sun is residing with passionate pioneer, Aries. It makes sense that Aries, the Ram, would lead the charge of Spring to kick start the zodiacal year. We are in the midst of newness and charging ahead with the plans that will grow and evolve over the next year. There is a strong need for independence right now. [/two_third_last]

[full_width]Your autonomy in a particular area of your life is probably quite palpable, but as much as we need to be able to stand on our own two feet we also need others in this intense journey called life. This Sun/Moon opposition is all about being able to find,feed,and nurture ourselves without compromising our precious relationships. The urge to be free is even more amplified at this time due to the fact it’s sharing close quarters with Uranus, our planetary rebel. With Uranus adding some peer pressure to the sun you may feel more restless than usual this month.[/full_width]

[one_half]Across the heavens we find lady luna nestled in Libra’s harmonious embrace creating an emotional need to keep the peace with others. She vibes sweetness and serenity. The moon is a swift figure within the transiting bodies that affect us. She only stays in a sign for about 2 ½ days, so her emotional state is always changing. With that said she is in Libra every month for a couple of days—except this time in particular she is sitting right next to Jupiter, the planet of expansion. He is often associated with happily increasing good cheer and positivity yet the dark side to this is that he isn’t really concerned about what exactly he expands in our lives. He can amp up the joy just as quickly as any drama. We always forget to choose wisely with Jupiter. He goes big and isn’t concerned with the details so we need to be! Jupiter will be expanding upon any emotions you may have about pleasing those near and dear to you. This could throw a wrench in all of that Aries, my way or the highway attitude. You may find yourself juggling your needs versus your desire to make other people happy.

Another element of this lunar spectacle is that the sun and moon will both be squaring Pluto, Mr. Underworld himself. That means that whatever comes up at this time for you won’t go away unless you deal with it. Avoidance, denial, and resistance will only make you sink further into Pluto’s depths. To win with Pluto is to let go. Stop clinging on to the issue. The negativity will only disappear when you recognize its hold on you. No use fighting the tide when you can simply float, my friends.[/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

[full_width]Lastly, (like there isn’t enough already going on!) is the fact that Mercury (our communication planet) and Venus (our values & love planet) are both retrograde. This could add in discussions/episodes that you thought were over. People from your past could start cropping up. Some of these people may be a welcome surprise while others you wish would just stay in the shadows of the past. Either way be on watch for review sessions regarding your thought patterns, the way you engage, your values, self-esteem and how your heart deals with love & loss. [/full_width]

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last padding=”6% 0 0 0″]All of these topics could show up in your friendships, partnerships, jobs, children, etc so be mindful of your inner state vs. outer state.

Think on these questions….

Is there an area of your life where you restrict yourself for fear of being judged by others?

Do you give yourself enough alone time?

Are you addicted to pleasing others? If so, what area of your life do you focus that energy and why?

Do your thoughts align with your words?


[full_width]THE READER QUESTION (Email [email protected] for a chance to get your question answered at next month’s Scorpio full moon).

Dear Ash,
How does this upcoming full moon play out in my chart?

Dear Maiysha,

As with everything in astrology there are layers, cycles and an evolving story at play. How this full moon in Libra will unfold for you is no exception. Full moons are a time of release and awareness. They have a tendency to illuminate important areas of our lives especially if the degrees of the full moon happen to be close to natal points or planets in our charts. In your case this is occurring near a few areas of interest. First off, you are coming up on your solar return, Happy Birthday! Since this full moon is happening so closely to your birthday I feel like its themes tie into your year ahead. Keep that idea in mind when thinking about the energy of the rest of 2017.

During a full moon the sun and moon are in an exact opposition so we want to look at the dialogue between those two first. The transiting Sun is in fiery Aries making a conjunction (close together) with your natal (birth) Chiron, Mercury and natal Sun. This represents the external/yang portion. With so much energy close to home for you I would expect this to be a more intense lunar experience. Since you were born with Chiron, the symbol of our personal achilles heel being right next to your Mercury, our communication planet you may naturally be sharp witted and quick to state your opinion but this could be a gift that gets you in trouble with others from time to time. Having this conjunction so close to your Sun suggests that this is a big part of your life path. The full moon may light up this dynamic in a surprising way thanks to Uranus also being in the mix. Uranus is our rebellious planet that likes to be foot loose and fancy free. His presence could throw you some curve balls. The issues/experiences that come up will likely be linked to your daily routines, how you go about your life, your health or how you feel you are giving back to the world. This may be a good time to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself unless it’s a battle you know you will win. [/full_width]

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last]Across the chart we see the more internal/yin side of the story. The moon is in diplomatic Libra being extra close with Jupiter, the planet of expansion. The moon in Libra is concerned about the other, whether that be romantic or platonic, she needs to know she is being harmonious. Jupiter who livens up everything he touches in size and attitude will be amplifying this need to please. This will be the emotional side for you. You are an Aries so you won’t be placating nonsense but when you care for someone you are willing to at least hear them out. This could be a theme that pulses strongly during this moon cycle as well as the year. Finding a balance between the head and the heart is this years mantra.

Also in this cosmic soup the sun and moon will be square to Pluto. The deal with Pluto is to let go of the things that seemingly control us. If there is a thought pattern, attitude, experience that is nagging you from within that you are happy to ignore then you’ve found your Pluto. This could be a time when that drum starts banging away again. [/one_half_last]

[full_width]Be mindful of your internal landscape and see what happens if you face the issue head on by giving into it instead of hoping it will dip back into the recesses of your mind.

During this full moon Mercury will be retrograde in your house of love and partnerships while Venus will be retrograde in your house of creativity, romance, and personal expression. This would point towards the idea that this push/pull dynamic of aligning what you say and what you think especially in intimate relationships will be up for review. When Mercury is retrograde we get to reflect on our verbal interactions, things we’ve written and the many ideas that come up again and again in our heads. During a Venus retrograde we reflect on our current relationship status, our exes, our values and our self esteem in response to those subjects. You may find yourself running into people that once meant so much but somehow got lost in the shuffle of life and time. You may re-evaluate what you find meaning in. This is an excellent full moon to let go of ideas, feelings or experiences that are limiting you from moving forward in all of your relationships. Just know some old ghosts may arise, surprises are not out of the questions and get ready for a year ahead that focuses on love, relationships, and potential business partnerships!


Find a list of Ash’s astrological services on her site, HERE.[/full_width]

Mapping the Earth, Bodies, & Stars | Aries Ecologies

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”0% 0 0 0″]Writer and creative, Anne Marie Vivienne, joins us with a beautiful exploration through the woven ecological thread that the solar season of Aries and the spring time of year breathe life into.

Spring starts with a seed that has been planted deep inside the earth, in a dark womb of soil where the seed must have courage to break open. The seed cracks, opening to the nourishment around it: the rain that has fallen and that light that is dawning. Roots begin to reach out into the dark, down deep to establish a network of sustenance, while a sprout takes heart and reaches above. It can feel the light before it can see it.

One seed. One plant. Growing in, above, and through the earth.

And so we have courage to crack wide open when in the depths of a dark and unknown place. We’ve been growing roots for months now. We know what we want most. We know who and what we are. And now, now is the time to break through the ground and become visible–to photosynthesize and feed ourselves so that we may feed others when called upon later in the year. We find our place in a natural ecology where our self-care transforms into the oxygen for others to breathe. [/two_third_last]

[one_sixth padding=”0% 0 0 0″][/one_sixth][one_third padding=”0% 0 0 0″][/one_third][one_third padding=”4% 0 0 0″]We walk between the earth and the stars; we are bodies that dance between the tangible and intangible; we are hungry (tangible) and we feel courage (intangible). Somehow, magically, we are living our lives between the cosmos and nature herself.

Often we only think of spring as form coming from the earth–green plants breaking through the surface. But what if it works another way as well? What if spring is a time to give form to ideas that have been taking root in your mind, in the cosmos? What if all the dreaming you’ve been doing for the past few months are the imaginative roots you’ve been establishing, and now your dreams are breaking through the intangible world and sprouting into this tangible world of form and existence. [/one_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[one_third][/one_third][one_third][/one_third][one_third_last padding=”19% 0 0 0″]What if the cosmos are the fertile soil of our dreams? What if we tend to our imagination just as we would the seeds we plant in the ground? What if we had seeds in both the ground and the cosmos that were growing toward each other to create the life we’ve always wanted? It’s exhilarating, isn’t it? This Aries season your seeds are clearly above ground and thriving.

So here’s to growing in all directions as we walk between the tangible and intangible, creating a cosmic ecology where the earth meets our bodies that meet the stars.

Monday Mantras: Wishing on Stars

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last padding=”6% 0 0 0″]Welcome to our new weekly, Monday Mantras! Based off of the solar season, any major cosmic events in the week ahead, and a touch of chakra love, we hope to help you start your Moody Monday’s with a bit more excitement. This week, Seasonal Astrologist Allie Couch gives us some power to put behind our Aries new moon wishes.

At this evening’s Aries new moon, we have potent energy to make new intentions and get really clear about what we want to be fearless in over the next twelve months, leading to great satisfaction around personal desires. Read your Aries new moon mantras below for both your sun sign & rising sign to help you tap into bold intentions over the course of this week. When the moon is new, it’s at it’s darkest, allowing for our stars to shine bright, begging for us to make wishes upon them. Happy wishing, muses.

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson



Aries Mantra: I am a fearless pioneer, boldly clearing new life paths that lead to my deepest passions.

Taurus Mantra: I see and express love in the world as I connect to fresh spiritual clarity and inspiration.

Gemini Mantra: My passion and initiative revives systems and friendships through strong and conscious intuiting.

Cancer Mantra: A clear and sharp mind gives me logical creativity as I build fresh & independent successes.

Leo Mantra: Analytical skills and a strong memory push my boundaries as I experience fresh & passionate wisdom. [/full_width]

[one_half padding=”4% 0 0 0″]Virgo Mantra: I intuit and transform anything blocking my life force, attracting outside resources & empowerment.

Libra Mantra: I receive the love of others into my life, connecting me with fresh balance and simple elegance.

Scorpio Mantra: Assertion and action in my day-to-day life and processes, reignites my self-confidence & will-power.

Sagittarius Mantra: Bold emotions and passions fluidly move through me, generating exciting and fresh creativity.

Capricorn Mantra: Nurturing and caring grounds my life, giving me the courage to grow new physical strength.

Aquarius Mantra: Positive connections and information bring new found stability and energetic control.

Pisces Mantra: Alluring creativity molds and infuses my life with pleasure and value, generating new financial energy.[/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

Inner Musings: Fighting Fair

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last]Let’s dive into this astrological new year by igniting our fires and facing our anger square on. CosmoMuse mental health expert, Lauren Eimers-Wangrud, shares some brilliant thoughts on how we can do this in a very constructive way.

“Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.” – Maya Angelou, Poet, 1928 – 2014

It’s the beginning of the astrological new year, and with new beginnings comes refreshed energies to clean house–literally, emotionally, psychologically. One way to “clean house” emotionally is with anger. Many of us were taught that anger is a purely negative feeling, but anger can be a positive and curative force when uncoupled from violence and aggression. This Aries season, the season of fire, ignition, and clarity, we can address anger in our lives and learn how to convey our anger in constructive ways.[/one_half_last]

[full_width]Sitting on or stifling your anger isn’t the best idea for your emotional or physical health. Just as a wound can fester if not cleaned and properly cared for, so can anger that is left pent up. That anger can turn into a grudge or bitterness and creates an energy drain on your internal resources. Anger that is not expressed ultimately damages the person carrying it, not the source or cause of the anger. Understanding now that unreleased anger serves no one, let’s talk about how we can channel our anger and express it in a positive way.

“Fighting fair” isn’t about not letting your emotions be known or sugar-coating how you really feel. Bringing honesty, maturity, and empathy into an argument can make your expression of anger a starting point for better communication and even possibly a solution to the source of that anger. Much like a debate, there are ground rules that need to be followed for an argument to have a chance at a positive outcome.[/full_width]

[two_third]The first and most important rule is that aggression and violence have no place in “fighting fair.” That said, your next rules need to be agreed upon by both parties and are best discussed during a time where emotions aren’t running high, i.e. don’t try to discuss new mutual ground rules in the middle of a fight:

Try to remain calm and open to communication. When we are overwhelmed or “flooded” with emotion to the point where we aren’t hearing what the other person is saying, it is 100% okay to take a “time out” until you aren’t feeling flooded any longer.

Be specific about what it was that caused your anger. Using phrases like, “It makes me feel XYZ way when ABC happens,” helps the other party to understand what you are trying to convey while not getting defensive. Your feelings are valid and talking about them only helps in reaching a positive outcome, as opposed to accusations, which shuts down communication in no time.

Old issues aren’t allowed in the fight. Bringing up something that happened in the past isn’t going to help the situation at hand. If you are still carrying a wound from the past, pick another time to discuss that, so you can release that from yourself. Try not to let your anger build up over time, so the only arguments you have are of the “kitchen sink” variety.

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last]Try not to use words like “always” or “never.” Generalizations not only are inaccurate, they can make an issue seem bigger and that there is less room for change.

Stonewalling is not an option. The silent treatment won’t help in two-way communication or the reaching of any sort of resolution. If you are feeling flooded, let the other person know you need a breather, but are committed to resuming your conversation when you are better able to talk constructively.

Remember this isn’t a “win or lose” situation. Many an argument have resolutions built on respect and compromise.

Your spring cleaning can take many forms this year. With a little planning, honesty, and empathy, you can let that anger burn brightly and emerge unburdened with new emotional clarity.[/one_half_last]

A Trifecta of Yoga Poses for Spring’s Transitions

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]In this season of transition into unpredictable spring weather, let CosmoMuse yogi, Brooke Musat, help you find balance with three Pisces inspired poses.

If you are anything like me the first sign spring is on its way is a runny nose, never-ending sneezes, and dry itchy eyes. I get excited for the warmer weather and longer days, but I also begin to feel a bit nostalgic toward the intimacy winter provides. The cusp of spring and Pisces Season is all about embracing the promise of the future, while ceremoniously remembering the past.

This limbo type of season can lead to feelings of confusion. You may even feel pulled in different directions or a bit unsettled in your body. [/one_third_last]

[full_width] While you may be occupied with moving shorts and tanks to the front of the closet, you know you still have to make room for winter jackets and long pants. Betting on what the weather of tomorrow will be, is a risky bet. Whether it is sun, sleet, or snow, be prepared for whatever precipitates. Spring or winter could be knocking at your door, and Pisces reminds us the importance of being equipped to welcome both.

Hold space for winter and spring with this Pisces inspired sequence. While this sequence is only 3 postures in length, each pose is designed to offer both a kinesthetic familiarity and unfamiliarity representing the securities of winter and the possibilities of spring. On days where you may be feeling more disoriented than normal, move through each posture at a slower pace. Draw your attention to the rootedness of your foot and hands in Downward-Facing Dog, the stabilizing power of your quads in Crescent Lunge, and the strengthen of your entire core in twisted Staff Pose. On days where you may feel more secure under foot, experiment with picking up the pace between postures and commit to repeating the sequence 7-10 times. Allow the poses to be simple shapes in space and permit your breath to curate your experience. [/full_width]

[one_third padding=”21% 0 0 0″]Downward-Facing Dog Pose with nose to knee and heel lifted variation

Pose Benefits:

o Strengthens the entire body

o Stretches shoulders, chest hamstrings, and calves

o Tones the core [/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

[one_third padding=”21% 0 0 0″]Crescent Lunge with hands to third eye variation

Pose Benefits:

o Stretches the hips and triceps

o Opens chest and upper back

o Strengthens quads and glutes [/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

[one_third padding=”21% 0 0 0″]Standing Twisted Staff Pose with hands to third eye variation

Pose Benefits:

o Tones the entire core

o Helps cultivate a better sense of balance

o Strengthens the tiny muscles in the feet and muscles of the standing leg

Feel It All: Waking Dream

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”0% 0 0 0″]Dream, escape, diffuse, compose. Florist, Katie Chirgotis of Eothen, poetically guides us through the deeply feeling seas of Pisces Season with her empath connection to the natural world after hosting a dreamy floral design workshop, deeply embedded in the mysticism of Mexico and it’s historical artist, Frida Kahlo. Photography by Katie Chirgotis

My recent travel to Mexico gave life to my notion of a Waking Dream. Drawn in by the inner and outer worlds of Frida Kahlo (a major influence), mysterious ruins of Mesoamerica, mysticism of sacred plant medicine, the karmic span of Teotihuacan weavers, saturated cascades of bougainvillea – all a tapestry of warmth and vibrancy. It’s all true. So, too, is fear of Montezuma’s revenge, stilted language barriers, and the lack of kale in my life for half the month. Dreaminess and inspiration countered by confusion and disillusion. Piscean to a fault. The line between the two called to be dissolved, the colors of daily reality to bleed and swirl to a hue where I could be both myself and Other. To re-connect to a core pulse so often dampened by email pings and to-do lists.

Since the Roman Calendar new year, many of us have been hyper-active in the practice of
Awareness. Vigilant of shifting sands beneath our feet, so difficult to find balance and move quickly, so we looked towards one another. During Aquarius, we connected to each other and formed community and new identities of Relationship – all just on the cusp of creation! Yet there’s expressed frustration and confusion of wanting to do so much, to act strongly, yet strangely feel mired in a viscous energy drag.

[two_third padding=”4% 0 0 0″]And so sweeps in the school of Pisces, dissolving that sand beneath our feet into water. A colloidal liquid, filled with particles of this life and the last and the next, in which we may be suspended. Ourselves and Other. Land and Sea. Earth and Cosmos. Caught in a gentle whirlpool, cyclically turning like fish swimming head to tail. YES there’s fear, to be unsure what’s below and above you is almost too vast to bear. But with these softened lines of our experience, this allows for creativity to come coursing through. A chance to be new.

Within the microcosm of a floral design workshop I guided in Mexico City, I witness this state of being first hand. I watched student’s hands move untethered. Using gestures somewhere between shaping clay and fanning air, art flowed from fingertips like water, like music. To be lost in The Process is like a trance, time doesn’t matter, hunger unimportant. All that exists is creating existence. Once a piece was complete, the eyes refocused and one comes back into the body. Like waking from a dream. There are few experiences as validating as guiding others to the realization of their inherent magic. A shared healing that loops like infinity, two fish swirling in the stars. It can be felt in parenting, deep friendships, love – it’s lifting one another up so they can See. [/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]


[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”8% 0 0 0″]Soon, this colloidal mix of sand, spirit and cosmic water will settle to form the earth beneath our feet. The increasing warmth from the sun will warm it, causing the soil to swell and the waters to evaporate back to the skies. We will collectively refocus our eyes and return fully to our bodies to plant, work, grow. Exciting stuff.

But, for a little while longer, let your hands move by forces unseen. Become a channel, with boundaries between you and the next person, this life and another, be liquid. Let us open our eyes under the water to See the vastness that surrounds us and, rather than fear it and struggle for air, allow it to hold us. Pass through us. Become Us.[/two_third_last]

Dear Ash: Translate the Virgo Full Moon

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Astrologist, Ash Bonelli, brings her intuitive Pisces insight to one reader, and then to all of us, around this weekend’s Virgo full moon. The polarity of Pisces and Virgo that is illuminated at this time is always one that feels haunting, in a magical way. Ash channels this beautifully as she guides us to weave through the energy of the Dual Fish and the Virgin with mysticism and purity.

Dear Ash,

How does this Full Moon in Virgo translate within my life?

Dear Kate,

The transiting Sun (our current solar path), Chiron (our point of sensitivity) & Mercury (our communications) are all conjoined with your natal Moon (our emotional hub) in Pisces for this particular lunar event. The transiting Moon in Virgo will be shining her light on that watery quartet. This fleeting dance of opposition may be asking you to make a compromise somewhere in your life or at least strike a more authentic balance.

Breaking this down I will start with the Moon lighting up your second house. Where the Moon is transiting, especially when she is full, shows where you currently need to feel nurtured and cared for. This window of time is showing you where you can amplify those requirements. In Virgo, the Moon needs to be able to care for those they love in a way that is more practical and almost mundane. The everyday details of life can be boring but if we didn’t take care of them everything else would just seem a bit sloppy. [/two_third_last]

[full_width]If we thread in that this expression is occurring in your 2nd house, there is a link to your self-worth. You may need to derive more value from your everyday acts of service. Since this is a Full Moon we are experiencing, there is something that has come to fruition as well as something that needs to be released. It may become more clear in the next few days just exactly how you’ve been routinely engaged with your intimate circle. This could also highlight what has been blocking you from experiencing a deeper, more fulfilling version of expressing these Virgo moon characteristics.

Now over in the house of Pisces where the Sun, Chiron and Mercury are transiting your natal Moon with a little hug we see the other side of the opposition story. The Sun is highlighting the energy and attributes of how we go about our life path. Being in Pisces, there is a heightened urge to express empathy, compassion and creativity. Considering you were born with a Pisces moon these sensitive qualities are certainly not foreign to you. Having the Sun illuminate your tender moon could highlight the need to invest more into that compassionate soul you were meant to be. With Chiron so closely tied into this exchange it could bring up some raw emotions especially if you feel you haven’t been able to properly/fully utilize your kindness. It could be that you’ve felt repressed and need to channel it outwards in some capacity. Mercury rounds out the mix with a need for creative verbal release. Your thoughts and feelings may be swirling about for a few days and possibly journaling or just sharing with a friend may be very cathartic. This all goes down in your 8th house so you may be feeling a need for more empowerment. Maybe your heart has yearned for expression but due to feelings of fear or anger haven’t yet had the proper outlet to share it. I feel this is especially strong due to the fact that Saturn will also be squaring this gathering of pisces planets. There could be an authority figure or a negative male/patriarchal energy butting heads with your spirit’s need for expression. Use that Virgo moon energy to be strategic, skilled and crafty with your emotional executions. We live in a time where caring about the details, doing the work and leaning into the art of discernment will lead to more creative freedom and compassion. Wishing you a healing and inspiring Full Moon.


[two_third]Dear Collective,

We have arrived at the Full Moon in Virgo at 22 degrees which will give birth at 7:54 AM (PDT)!

We find ourselves swimming through the season of the dreamer, Pisces, for another week. Pisces is at the end of the cosmic pantheon making our entrance into Aries on March 21st, the zodiacal New Year. There is a feeling of endings with Pisces, yet as her archetype would also suggest (the two fish swimming in opposite directions) a symbology of new beginnings. I often think of the quote from Pablo Picasso, “The act of creation is first of all an act of destruction” when I meditate on Pisces energy because this sign really embodies the belief that there is a never ending cycle of birth/death. Full moons also possess this similar energy as they represent the culmination of something as well as the ending of something else. The Sun and Moon are gazing at one another asking us to weave together a narrative between these two polar opposites.

Our current Full Moon is playing out in the sign of Virgo. The Moon in Virgo wants to nurture by taking care of all the necessary details that can get missed by the nebulous/dreamy nature of Pisces. With that said, there is an area of your life that needs more fine tuning, more craft and care. With Chiron being so closely linked to this lunar event you may find yourself feeling a bit more sensitive especially to any outside critiques. Mercury is also intimately involved so how you think and speak are at play as well. Really give notice to whether or not your thoughts align with your actions. Maybe work on letting go of any distance between the two so you can feel more cohesive in your daily life. [/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

[full_width]As if this wasn’t enough to process, Saturn, our cosmic life coach is squaring (90 degrees) our little underwater trio (Sun/Chiron/Mercury). This adds a serious depth to any shifts or decisions that you embark on during this time. Pisces is all about the feelings and Saturn is all about the achievement. Whenever Saturn is involved just do the work and the rewards will eventually come. Such a simple mantra, do the work, do the work and yes, do the work. Saturn is really the Zen master of the universe.

Concurrently, we are under the spell of the Venus Retrograde. Our values within our relationships, our self-worth, what unifies us and all the things we love are up for review. This addition to the heavens weighs heavily into how we navigate this Full Moon. Stay clear of being too critical, drowning in unnecessary worry or judging things that you know all too well you are also guilty of. Up the self-care, make mindful adjustments that you can commit to long term and allow creativity to lead the way. Below are questions for each of the houses Virgo could rule in the chart. Take time to review and process these questions. This Full Moon could bring some healthy solutions to begin integrating into your routine starting with our next New Moon on March 27th in fiery Aries. [/full_width]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]1st house Virgo/Virgo Rising – Are you taking care of your body? How do you speak to yourself? Could it stand to be a bit kinder?

2nd house Virgo/Leo Rising- How is your budget? What is your money story aka your relationship to your finances based on how you were raised regarding the topic of money? Are your feelings of self-worth directly linked to how others perceive your external successes or failures?

3rd house Virgo/Cancer Rising – Are you too critical of yourself and/or others? Do you place too much pressure upon yourself to be perfect? Have you considered starting a daily journaling practice?

4th house Virgo/Gemini Rising – How do you engage/support your family? How do they nurture you? What small actions could you take to feel more secure in your own home?

5th house Virgo/Taurus Rising – Do you allow yourself time to engage creatively with your inner child? What allows you to feel free? Are there any new skills/crafts that you wish to start learning or sharing with others?

6th house Virgo/Aries Rising – What could you add to your daily routine that would help it flow better? In fact, what could you take away? How could you nurture your health better? What dietary changes could you embrace for more optimal wellness?[/two_third_last]

[full_width]7th House Virgo/Pisces Rising – How are you contributing to your relationships in a meaningful way? Do you feel seen, heard and supported by your intimate circle? What do you love about yourself?

8th house Virgo/Aquarius Rising – What helps you feel in control? Do you feel that something within you is actually limiting your ability to experience self empowerment? How can you creatively connect on a deeper level to your own intuition?

9th house Virgo/Capricorn Rising – What makes you feel spiritual? How do connect to a deeper sense of purpose? What is your relationship to culture?

10th house Virgo/Sagittarius Rising – What are your career goals for the rest of the year? How is your relationship to your co-workers? Is there a creative interest that could be turned into a new career or make for a nice addition to your current work situation?

11th house Virgo/Scorpio Rising – How do you support your social network? Is there a charity that could really utilize your area of expertise? How often do you allow yourself to daydream?

12th house Virgo/Libra Rising – Do you take time to notice and really evaluate your more subconscious/background thoughts? Do they align with your daily conscious expressions? Do you write down your nightly dreams?

Happy Full Moon Muses!

xxAsh [/full_width]