A Shift in Seasons: Scorpio to Sagittarius

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]CosmoMuse’s Seasonal Astrologist, Allie Couch, takes us through a poetic transition of our ending autumn month from Scorpio’s reign to Sagittarius’ dark night.

I awoke this morning to mist covered mountain tops and fields, a drizzle in the valley, birds aflutter and nearly all that was left on branches now fallen. Scorpio Season comes to and end today (November 21st) and with it a shift – or should we say a ‘letting go’ in true Scorpio fashion. It was a season where we may have felt intense loss that unhinged our own hidden passions and emotions. Release and intense sharing brought much to the atmosphere, one for the books with an unprecedented election as well as a deep swell of protests around important shared resources—sacred Native American land and water sources facing an oil pipeline that would traumatize it’s history and sustaining powers. If ever there were Scorpio themes, these two events brought them to light as the sun blazed through this season of power and mystery.

The sun grew ever dim and we turned further inward as the nights weighed longer than the days. Our psychological health may have been tested but with that, new insight into our own and shared mysteries brought about transformation. Endings and beginnings flooded the depths of our souls as we bravely plunged into the reflections that the current events brought up in our emotional bearings. Stubborn streaks and battles of will created many a stand off. Farewell, Scorpio and thank you for the lessons in self-control, sharing, secrets and rebirth.


[one_sixth][/one_sixth][one_third]The Mystery | Paul Laurence Dunbar
I was not; now I am—a few days hence
I shall not be; I fain would look before
And after, but can neither do; some Power
Or lack of power says “no” to all I would.
I stand upon a wide and sunless plain,
Nor chart nor steel to guide my steps aright.
Whene’er, o’ercoming fear, I dare to move,
I grope without direction and by chance.
Some feign to hear a voice and feel a hand
That draws them ever upward thro’ the gloom.
But I—I hear no voice and touch no hand,
Tho’ oft thro’ silence infinite I list,
And strain my hearing to supernal sounds;
Tho’ oft thro’ fateful darkness do I reach,
And stretch my hand to find that other hand.
I question of th’ eternal bending skies
That seem to neighbor with the novice earth;
But they roll on, and daily shut their eyes
On me, as I one day shall do on them,
And tell me not the secret that I ask.


[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]As we greet Sagittarius Season tonight, a golden beam of optimism and hope shows through as we enter our longest nights. This may seem like a paradox but that’s what this sign is so masterful at tackling. We are complex beings, capable of holding two seemingly unfriendly ideas and seeing both as valid. Find this quality with Sag as your cosmic guide to understanding others who are wholly different from you.

“The deeper the dark, the closer the dawn. However profound the suffering that envelops you, never forget the inner spark of hope and courage. Never lose the capacity to wait with patient enduring.” — Daisaku Ikeda

You may come up against new philosophies, concepts, cultures and worlds this season, and the challenge is to understand; to learn the ‘language’ of this unknown element. This may not change your passionate stance around ways of thinking and being but it will help you bridge divides and have compassion for another story that is fully different than yours. You can hold both compassion for those who seem ‘dark’ to you as well as keep your convictions in tact.

Go ahead and ask someone to share their story of why their ideals are so different than yours and then share your own—as an offering, not a debate. I dare you to leave that conversation without greater understanding and more perspective on how to move forward together, with hope.[/two_third_last]

Using Intense Election Emotions For Creation

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last]The unimaginable has happened and in it’s wake, many of us are enraged, emotional, shocked, terrified… The Donald has secured himself as the President Elect, our 45th POTUS-to-be. Is it the dawn of Idiocracy or can we use the intense emotional responses coming up to transform the maturity of our country through brilliant creation? Rather than completely submitting to our inner rage and war paths, let’s incite war’s polar energy of creating—not peace.

I’m an eternal optimist (Sag rising here), so I choose, I take a stand, to make a difference, to tap into the current transformation evoking energies of the sun in Scorpio to create powerfully (and hopefully in a way that might welcome some from the other side to ‘get it’ and see what we are now facing). To help myself and others, no matter their previous patriotic ideals, to grown up and face our country’s pathologies head on.

How did we fail to reach such a huge segment of the US and how do we come together to help enlighten those who are functioning at very immature, selfish levels. We’re at a time in history where we can no longer be in it only for our own gain. We need to be in it for humanity’s sustainability and we need leaders who take our environment, equality, and basic benevolence to heart. So, what now? What do we do in this moment that feels like a crisis? Here are three astrological insights and ideas, on what kind of creation and understanding we should be striving for, that have been inspiring me over the past 24 hours:[/one_half_last]

[full_width]1) We, as a country, are in the midst of a huge shift, one that hasn’t taken place since 1977 (before I was even born), as we move into a new progressed rising sign—from Leo into Virgo.

Since 1977 (shortly after a different kind of presidential election upset happened as unknown Jimmy Carter beat out Regan for President) the US has been focused on asserting herself through grand entertainment, recreation, youthfulness, theatrics, leadership, creative-expression and gregarious warmth. It’s been fun but it’s time to batten down the hatches and start growing up with our new directive from Virgo. Things like reality TV and useless spectacle will start to dwindle under Virgo’s refined and snobbish reign. It’s going to take a few years to understand this new direction so many strange things such as this election (although this is hopefully the biggest) may start to appear. On that note, Trump’s ascendant is about one half of a degree away from the US’s progressed rising sign or ascendant—although his is technically in Leo so has just been passed. Because of this, take heart – we as a country will be moving further and further away from his POV and directive and I believe that even if he makes it through four years, we will not re-elect him. Leo is done, and we will have understood that by the 2020 elections. It takes until 3 degrees of a sign to start accepting the new energy (which will be just when the new election cycle begins).

Virgo is going to ask us to work hard to produce great harvests, get more organized, be more efficient with process and critical thinking, value quality over quantity and find more purpose and service as a nation. It’s not going to be as fun as our Leo days, but I think it’s going to be a needed shift. One that helps us mature and be more thoughtful. As a Virgo sun and mid-heaven, I can assure you, us Virgos do like to have fun, but in a quirky way. Humor may be more off-beat and dry, but clever.

With Virgo’s ruler, progressed Mercury, currently in Aquarius, I love the implications this holds for taking humanity and worthy causes such as the environment, seriously. It’s an altruistic combination, these two—Virgo and Aquarius. Leonardo DeCaprio just might get his efforts to take flight as we start taking the environment, as the US, more seriously. Use your fired up state to know that change is coming and dive head first into worthy causes that will take you into our nation’s Virgo cycle, being a pioneer for the rest to follow as we act more maturely and thoughtfully. [/full_width]


[full_width]2) Pluto, planet of transformation (death and rebirth) is opposing our nation’s sun form the sign of Capricorn (structure, achievement, corporations, paternal, old-boys club, reputation, career…). With our sun in Cancer (mothering, safety, privacy, patriotism, nurturing, roots, family, home) these two signs make up the polarity of security – one side through our roots (Cancer) and the other side through our ability to be seen and admired for the structure we create (Capricorn). Both of these things are facing differences of opinion and with Pluto in the mix, there is no doubt in my mind that we will need to go through some destruction in order to rebuild again. Sure this scares me that we may not survive the trauma this induces, but if we can all remember that what is really at play here is a desire for security, we might come out the other end in more fertile ground where our roots can thrive and better grow.

With our sun getting opposed by Pluto, our ego’s and will-power are tied up in having a ‘safe’ home but Pluto is coming along and questioning the influence that business and old power structures are having. It’s an epic battle of wills. I think this election put this issue front and center – why do white men and women, big corporations and old establishment get to decide what ‘safe’ means anymore. I think the cosmos is teaching us a lesson that really got ignited in the most public of ways this week. This IS going to change if Pluto has anything to say about it.

Power is shifting, ‘corporation’ is shifting and what we see as successful is shifting. Try to see with this perspective and choose how you wish to create with that fueling your drive. We don’t need to go to war with each other we need to create with each other in order for this to have a healthy transition. We need to put our heads together, listen to each other and have love and compassion for those trying to tell us what feels ‘safe’ to them. We are faced with this everyday in the news right now. People are not feeling secure so let’s deconstruct the structures we’ve put in place around our old definitions of safety and rebuild with a more encompassed vision. [/full_width]

[two_third]3) Over the next eleven months, we have expansive Jupiter in the sign of relational and equalizing Libra. This means we start the year off with what may seem like imbalance as that’s what Jupiter in Libra will be ‘seeking’—things to bring into balance. As we move through the year, we have very optimistic influences to use Libra’s equalizing energy of justice, harmony and elegance toward our efforts for more equality and fairness. Any ‘Trumped-up’ anger can be used very effectively right now in our efforts to create and grow more equality. Start initiatives that allow diversity to have a voice and to help those out there who are ignorant to what minorities and the disenfranchised are suffering to understand and develop more compassion. Energy goes where we focus, so rather than focusing on Trump himself, focus on solutions and creation that will ‘trump’ the issues we foresee him creating.

So, to clarify, I’m not saying that we should stop fighting to get Trump out of office or block his archaic initiatives but I do see a need to balance this war-like spirit with creation that elevates past him, that helps all mankind see potential in progressive rather than archaic movement. For good or bad, Trump is igniting a lot of cardinal energy in our society, so in yourself, use this opening that is happening to initiate things founded in love, compassion and progressive hope. This is the thing that will inspire change and maturity in those who are on the wrong side of history. I am a patriot through and through so I have to have hope and share the things that I think will help us climb out of the darkness that we may be headed toward.

“These are the times that try men’s souls… We have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives every thing its value.”
– Thomas Paine | The Crisis [/two_third][one_third_last padding=”25% 0 0 0″][/one_third_last]

Balancing Libra: How to Cultivate More Beauty

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]Finding Beauty through Balance, Equality, & Elegance by Ann Whittaker

This is me–my sun sign is Libra. You would think this would be a breeze to explore and write about, right? I thought so, too. And, boy, was I dead wrong. Why? But, really, why?

Maybe because the first thing you read about your own damn sun sign is that it’s the sign that rules relationships, marriage, and weddings–turns out I went through a divorce over a year ago. How’s that Libra working out for me now? Marriage? Not so much. Relationships? My familial relationships with my mom and siblings are enviable. My women friends are my secret coven who take great care of my heart. I buy it. I know it. Libras lean heavily on relationships.

[full_width]Perhaps that’s why my divorce was so devastating. The balance shifted. But I eventually found the balance again in all the other remarkable people in my life–because give and take is the rhythm I seek and cultivate. And, truly, I still love going to weddings. I admit it, I’m your typical Libra: Hopeless Romantic in Chief. Thank you, Venus.

With that out of the way, we can talk about the other things I love about being a Libra, and how all of us can cultivate our Libra side.


“When our eyes are graced with wonder, the world reveals its wonders to us. There are people who see only dullness in the world and that is because their eyes have already been dulled. So much depends on how we look at things. The quality of our looking determines what we come to see.”
-John O’Donohue

Beauty is my word of all words. I live by it; I crave it; I seek it. This is no artificial or empty beauty–it’s a beauty that comes deep from the roots. Beauty is the perfect balance of bitter, sweet, and savory in a meal; beauty is the sound of aspen trees quaking in the wind; beauty is one line perfectly intersecting another creating a harmonizing composition; beauty is a simple voice singing a simple tune.

Beauty, let it be noted, is not unblemished perfection–that would tip the scales out of balance! Beauty is wholeness–all of it. I often tell my dear friends, “I love you. Every bit.” And I mean it. They are beautiful to me, every bit.

Cultivate Beauty:
1. Send three friends an unsolicited text that says, “I love you. Every bit.”
2. What have you seen today in nature that was so beautiful it resonated to your very core? List five things.
3. Write down the last time something moved you to tears or to laughter it was so beautiful.



[full_width]Equality & Diplomacy

I was that university student who went to every protest, signed every petition, and lectured my family weekly about how we can’t support unfair labor practices in any way, shape, or form. It broke my heart as I inhaled books and articles about the violence women and children experience on this planet–ecofeminism was a no-brainer for me. Equal opportunity was and is my mantra. If someone isn’t playing by the rules, or they’ve created unfair rules, you better get ready for a storm because I won’t stand for it, and I’ve got karma on my side.

As I’ve aged, thankfully, my diplomatic side has also grown to balance out the scales. I love a good debate about issues surrounding justice and equality. Both sides are fascinating to me, but, of course, equality wins in my heart and mind every time. Keep in mind, equality and justice come at a price, and your Libra side loves a good fight for a good cause.

Cultivate Equality & Diplomacy:

1. Identify an issue where you see an injustice concerning something you care about deeply. How can you participate to encourage more equality in your circles of influence?
2. Figure out a way to approach the topic diplomatically next time you have a discussion. Have fun trying to see it from both sides. Put yourself in the other side’s shoes–at least for a moment.[/full_width]


I cannot describe how refreshing elegance is for a Libra: an almost bare room with just one blooming flower in its center; an unadorned piece of music; an honest line of poetry. No clutter, no distractions, no overstimulation–just the true essence of a thing or a person.

The best word I’ve come across to define what elegance means to me is the Japanese word “shibui” – an honest, minimal, quiet, unassuming, and unadorned feeling. No wonder I am drawn to poetry. Of course I prefer minimalist classical music or a straightforward bossa nova. Then there’s autumn–season where the leaves begin to fall and everything becomes bare again. And, and, thank the trend gods for making all-white décor a thing again.

Experience Elegance:

1. Listen to Arvo Pärt’s Silentium.
2. Listen to W.S. Merwin, poet, read his “Rain Light” or read it here.
3. Go for a walk in the woods. Take nothing with you. No music, no books, no one. Enjoy just walking–one thing. Notice how elegant walking truly is.

Organize the Harvest for a Season of Simplicity

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last padding=”7% 0 0 0″]


“Living simply makes loving simple.”
-Bell Hooks

Summer has been good to you—really good. There were outings, road trips, mountaintops, moonlight lake swims, farmers’ markets, ocean breezes, and probably a picnic or two. You took advantage of the extra sunlight, and said yes to it all. And now you’re feeling it—a bit overwhelmed and craving simplicity, yes? Hello, Virgo—a season of purification, organization, service and harvest.

[two_third padding=”7% 0 0 0″]


You inhaled summer. Happily. Now it’s time to sift through what will continue to nourish you (keep those essential nutrients) and what has become excess (share it and give it away). Digestion is Virgo’s principle characteristic reminding us that there are consequences to the experiences, places and relationships we consume. Turns out not everything or everyone sits well within our hearts and souls—what seemed like a good idea then might start to result in heartburn if we can’t digest it properly. Pay attention. What isn’t sitting right with you any more?

Make a list. Trust your gut. Make two columns, one labeled “nourishing” and the other labeled “to give away.” Keep the experiences and people that you know deep down inside will continue to bring you strength, well-being, and won’t keep you up at night. The things that feel like you’re forcing them down your throat, say a brief “thank you” and give them up—someone else will find use of use for those things. It can be hard to let go of a good thing, but it might be better for someone else and it creates space for you.

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”6% 0 0 0″]


Of course the first word that comes to mind when organization comes up is clutter—it’s opposite. Organization can be painful because we know how tedious digging through the clutter can be. It’s possible that we fear organizing because there’s a perfection subtly connected to the thought of cleaning something out. We tell ourselves, “I can’t clean out my closet until I have an entire weekend to work on it and the money to buy those shelves I’ll need,” or “I’ll deep clean the garage when…”.

Avoid perfectionism. Once you’ve identified the nourishing elements of your life that you want to keep, don’t mull over them and wait for the perfect circumstances to continue to nurture them. Make your list, prioritize it quickly and succinctly, and simply move forward into all that space you’ve just created. As you spend less time on indulging in everything you thought you needed in your life, you’ll have clarity of heart and mind to offer your gifts to yourself and to others.




The first rule of the harvest: never harvest alone. The excess you are freeing yourself from should not simply be thrown into the trash—there’s a very good chance that the excess and abundance can be shared and provide opportunities for service. Virgo’s harvest season is about both partaking in and sharing the feast with those you love and cherish.

Give and Gather. Is there something you’re giving up that can find life with another? Who can benefit from all that you’ve planted? What can you give away to create space to plant new seeds? A meal shared is better digested—so, too, a life shared is more complete.

Organize a gathering where all the guests can give, receive and let go into a season of simplicity—a direct result of Virgo’s purifying characteristics.

“’Tis the gift to be simple; ‘tis the gift to be free.”
-Shaker Folk Song

Words and Images: Ann Whittaker @annwhittaker9
Bri Cook @brianajeanphoto
