Cultivating Networks of Generosity: Aquarius Rituals

[two_third] (Photo by Ann Whittaker of our Seasons of Greatness Workshop, January 28, 2017)[/two_third][one_third_last]Ann Whittaker, our muse of eloquence, guides us on a journey through beautiful mid-winter rituals to help us take advantage of Aquarius Season’s connection to humanity.

“Conquer the angry one by not getting angry; conquer the wicked by goodness; conquer the stingy by generosity, and the liar by speaking the truth.”
– Gautama Buddha, The Dhammapada

My desire for tenderness, compassion, and generosity are potent these days. It’s midwinter, and all I want to do is make sure that hearts are warm, and that we are gathering to propel each other’s dreams forward–working together to unearth any dormant resources or to uncover the pathways that will move humanity into inspiring systems that can create beauty.[/one_third_last]

[full_width]None of us can do anything meaningful alone. We need each other. We need collective courage when we are afraid; we need collective trust when we are uncertain; we need collective imagination when we forget that darkness is where creation begins; we need collective tenderness when criticism lashes out.

Aquarian Rituals

Most days I run into fear, anxiety, anger, self-doubt, stinginess, or regret in some form or another. I’m hoping to be more present and aware when the ego creeps up by tending to these daily rituals that will keep me focused on contributing to this good world and the humans who inhabit it. [/full_width]

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][one_third padding=”3% 0 0 0″]MORNING: Light up your room, light up the world
Light a candle in the dark of the morning. Take notice of your breath. Notice if you have any fears, any self-doubt, any feelings of scarcity or possessiveness. Notice. Then present yourself with other options. If you are worried a new project isn’t gaining traction, reach out to friends or colleagues that you admire. Or, better yet, take a break from your own work, and be a light for someone else–who can you give your time, your heart for an hour or two? [/one_third][one_third][/one_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][one_third][/one_third][one_third padding=”3% 0 0 0″]MIDDAY: Turn on the music, identify the patterns
Find some inspiration in music or any art that you particularly enjoy. We love art because we love patterns. How can you tap into an art world of ideas, patterns, composition, and imagination to move forward on a project? Let the work of others inspire you–continue and expand upon conversations that have been going on for centuries.

(Try our Aquarius Season Spotify playlist: a mix of all our Muses Aquarian inspired faves)[/one_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][one_third]EVENING: What have you gained, and how will you share it?
Each day we acquire new knowledge, new hopes, new wounds, new insight, new resources. The truth is, none of it is really ours. How does a person actually “own” knowledge? Do we even really “own” our wounds, or can we let them pass through us, and let them exit us with tenderness? Can you be vulnerable without being dramatic? How can your new insight help someone who is struggling? What knowledge did you gain that can help a friend? Perhaps you are sitting on an abundance of resources that need to start flowing into the community. Write down the things you gained during the day, and identify a person or group who you would like to share it with. [/one_third][one_third] (Another image by Ann Whittaker of our recent Seasons of Greatness workshop, gathering and sharing with our loved community)[/one_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[full_width]“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals. When we pool our strength and share the work and responsibility, we can welcome many people, even those in deep distress, and perhaps help them find self-confidence and inner healing.”
– Jean Vanier[/full_width]

Balancing Libra: How to Cultivate More Beauty

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]Finding Beauty through Balance, Equality, & Elegance by Ann Whittaker

This is me–my sun sign is Libra. You would think this would be a breeze to explore and write about, right? I thought so, too. And, boy, was I dead wrong. Why? But, really, why?

Maybe because the first thing you read about your own damn sun sign is that it’s the sign that rules relationships, marriage, and weddings–turns out I went through a divorce over a year ago. How’s that Libra working out for me now? Marriage? Not so much. Relationships? My familial relationships with my mom and siblings are enviable. My women friends are my secret coven who take great care of my heart. I buy it. I know it. Libras lean heavily on relationships.

[full_width]Perhaps that’s why my divorce was so devastating. The balance shifted. But I eventually found the balance again in all the other remarkable people in my life–because give and take is the rhythm I seek and cultivate. And, truly, I still love going to weddings. I admit it, I’m your typical Libra: Hopeless Romantic in Chief. Thank you, Venus.

With that out of the way, we can talk about the other things I love about being a Libra, and how all of us can cultivate our Libra side.


“When our eyes are graced with wonder, the world reveals its wonders to us. There are people who see only dullness in the world and that is because their eyes have already been dulled. So much depends on how we look at things. The quality of our looking determines what we come to see.”
-John O’Donohue

Beauty is my word of all words. I live by it; I crave it; I seek it. This is no artificial or empty beauty–it’s a beauty that comes deep from the roots. Beauty is the perfect balance of bitter, sweet, and savory in a meal; beauty is the sound of aspen trees quaking in the wind; beauty is one line perfectly intersecting another creating a harmonizing composition; beauty is a simple voice singing a simple tune.

Beauty, let it be noted, is not unblemished perfection–that would tip the scales out of balance! Beauty is wholeness–all of it. I often tell my dear friends, “I love you. Every bit.” And I mean it. They are beautiful to me, every bit.

Cultivate Beauty:
1. Send three friends an unsolicited text that says, “I love you. Every bit.”
2. What have you seen today in nature that was so beautiful it resonated to your very core? List five things.
3. Write down the last time something moved you to tears or to laughter it was so beautiful.



[full_width]Equality & Diplomacy

I was that university student who went to every protest, signed every petition, and lectured my family weekly about how we can’t support unfair labor practices in any way, shape, or form. It broke my heart as I inhaled books and articles about the violence women and children experience on this planet–ecofeminism was a no-brainer for me. Equal opportunity was and is my mantra. If someone isn’t playing by the rules, or they’ve created unfair rules, you better get ready for a storm because I won’t stand for it, and I’ve got karma on my side.

As I’ve aged, thankfully, my diplomatic side has also grown to balance out the scales. I love a good debate about issues surrounding justice and equality. Both sides are fascinating to me, but, of course, equality wins in my heart and mind every time. Keep in mind, equality and justice come at a price, and your Libra side loves a good fight for a good cause.

Cultivate Equality & Diplomacy:

1. Identify an issue where you see an injustice concerning something you care about deeply. How can you participate to encourage more equality in your circles of influence?
2. Figure out a way to approach the topic diplomatically next time you have a discussion. Have fun trying to see it from both sides. Put yourself in the other side’s shoes–at least for a moment.[/full_width]


I cannot describe how refreshing elegance is for a Libra: an almost bare room with just one blooming flower in its center; an unadorned piece of music; an honest line of poetry. No clutter, no distractions, no overstimulation–just the true essence of a thing or a person.

The best word I’ve come across to define what elegance means to me is the Japanese word “shibui” – an honest, minimal, quiet, unassuming, and unadorned feeling. No wonder I am drawn to poetry. Of course I prefer minimalist classical music or a straightforward bossa nova. Then there’s autumn–season where the leaves begin to fall and everything becomes bare again. And, and, thank the trend gods for making all-white décor a thing again.

Experience Elegance:

1. Listen to Arvo Pärt’s Silentium.
2. Listen to W.S. Merwin, poet, read his “Rain Light” or read it here.
3. Go for a walk in the woods. Take nothing with you. No music, no books, no one. Enjoy just walking–one thing. Notice how elegant walking truly is.