Sagittarian Archetypes: A Huntress & A Physician

[full_width]CosmoMuse creative writer, Ann Whittaker, brings us inspiration around some bad-ass female archetypes as a lens to create our own mythologies and epic journeys through our Sagittarian sides.

Sagittarian Archetypes: A Virgin Huntress & A Byzantine Physician

Gather round, CosmoMuses, as we continue deep into Sagittarius Season to explore two female archetypes that will rekindle your enthusiasm for expansive journeys, limitless adventures, and constant change.[/full_width]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”7% 0 0 0″]The First Archetype: Atlanta | Virgin Huntress | Unwilling to Marry

Atlanta is Greek mythology’s badass-in-chief. Born an “undesirable” female, her father left her in the woods alone to die, but she was taken in by a sleuth of bears who raised her. Of course, Atlanta became a fierce huntress with bow and arrow who refused to marry–unless her suitor could outrun her, which was impossible. Many suitors attempted to outrun her, but their attempts ended in death. How’s that for badass?

Eventually, Hippomenes asked the goddess Aphrodite for help to outrun Atlanta so he could marry her. Aphrodite gave him two apples that would slow down Atlanta. The virgin huntress could not resist the apples, and Hippomenes beat her in the footrace and they married. However, Hippomenes failed to give sacrifice to Aphrodite, and the vengeful goddess turned them both into lions. [/two_third_last]

[one_half padding=”5% 0 0 0″]The Second Archetype: Anna Komnene | Byzantine Princess, Scholar, Physician, Historian

Anna Komnene was betrothed at birth, and married at age 14 in the 11th century. Sounds like the end to marry so young, yes? Despite the tragedy of being married off for only political reasons, Anna embarked on many paths that any of us could only hope to accomplish one within our busy lifetimes.

Anna, the Scholar
She was a devoted student of astronomy, geography, and mathematics. Her tutors were constantly impressed with her intellect and dedication. She secretly read the Odyssey for herself despite her parents’ wishes that she avoid such literature.

Anna, the Physician
She studied and practiced medicine throughout her life.

Anna, the Historian
Anna felt cheated when her brother, John, was enthroned, and she was accused of plotting his murder. She spent the last years of her life at a convent studying and writing philosophical and historical papers.

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last padding=”12% 0 0 0″]And so, during this Sagittarius Season, what are the grand possibilities you want to manifest in your life? What are you doing now to set the stage for your own epic? How will you find ways to incorporate these archetypes into your daily imagination and to-do lists? Consider all the ways you can travel and achieve the greatest heights of success with these words from Dr. Clairssa Pinkola Estés:

The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.

Image to the left by Mystic Mamma[/one_third_last]

Yoga Poses to Seek More Perspective & Optimism

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last padding=”2% 0 0 0″]
CosmoMuse yogini, Brooke Musat, joins us on this Sagittarius Season day, giving an experiential connection into the time of year’s link to seeking optimism and expansion as the dark nights have us gazing at stars and thinking in grand, visionary ways. Photography, Dustin Couch | Model, Brooke Musat

With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season keeping us occupied, winter finally settling in, and longer days turning into longer nights, it’s easy to feel a little less free. We all have things to do and people to see, but we also owe it to ourselves to preserve a little freedom, push ourselves outside our comfort zones, and remember the future holds that which we seek. Sagittarius’s reign reminds us of the importance of keeping an evolving perspective so we can maintain an optimistic outlook.


[one_third padding=”13% 0 0 0″]The poses of Sagittarius were selected to give you reason to dance with something new, and permission to immerse in the challenging exploration of self. Both postures shown are subtle variations of the traditional yogic poses: Heron Pose and One-Legged King Pigeon Pose II. Openness of heart, hips, hamstrings, and mind are all prerequisites to safely enter and exit these postures. You’ll be forced to listen to your body, to determine what it needs to assume Heron and One-Legged King Pigeon Pose II in a healthy way. See below for suggested preparatory poses, but remember sometimes practice, presence, and, most importantly, patience are necessities we are quick to forget about.[/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][two_third]At first glance these poses may scare you, or make you think “no way”; but, hopefully seeing them, and hearing that they are blessed by Sagittarius, will help you confront your ideas about what is possible. Keep your future bright by embracing an expansive way of thinking. If you can think beyond the difficulty of these poses, you can think beyond that which limits you.[/two_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]Heron Pose :: (Krounchasana) Variation

o Stretches hip, hamstring, and achilles of straight leg

o Stretches quad and top of foot of bent leg

o Opens heart when shoulder blades are relaxed on the back

o Stimulates organs

CAUTION: avoid this pose if you have knee or ankle complications

Preparatory Poses:
Downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Staff Pose (Dandasana)
Hero’s Pose (Virasana) [/one_third_last]

[one_third padding=”13% 0 0 0″]One-Legged King Pigeon Pose II :: (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana II) Variation

o Stretches abdominals and both hips

o Stretches quad of back leg

o Opens chest, shoulders and upper back

o Strengthens back and tiny muscles in the front foot

o Stimulates the thyroid

CAUTION: avoid this pose if you have neck or low back complications


[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last padding=”36% 0 0 0″]Preparatory Poses:
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Upward Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)
Hero’s Pose (Virasana)
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)[/one_third_last]

Gemini Full Moon: Positive Messages

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]As an epic full moon, supermoon in Gemini sits on our horizon, astrologist Allie Couch guides us through the high tide themes facing us today and this evening.

It’s full moon time muses, and this one is a special full supermoon as well as our culminating full moon of 2016. There may be huge feelings of needing to let go of aspects of 2016 that messed with our minds and thoughts so we can move on to 2017 in fresh and vital ways. It’s been a rocky and combustible year with the yang fire that’s been a filter over things. We’ve also had the numerological number 9 (the number of endings) filtering our happenings in 2016–the final number in the 1-9 cycle of years. The good news is that this is a spiritual number and I think it will help us let go of much negativity and prep us for the “1” year ahead–welcoming new paths and epic beginnings and initiatives.

In Gemini, the full moon’s purpose is to show us the information and thoughts that we need to let go of as well as a time of manifestation around information, words, communication, and community connecting that we have worked hard on. The messages that we have put out to the world and the pollination efforts that we have been busy promoting will show through now, letting us know how well we did.

If negativity is reflected back to us at this full moon, we’ll need to take time to analyze our thoughts and words over the past six months. Have they been negative?


[one_half]If our messages and thoughts have been positive and productive, community, connection, and a merry sense of belonging will be reflected back to us.

The planets seem very eager for this moon as so many of them will reach out with holiday cheer. We have two kite formations at this lunation and the full supermoon serves as one target and our seasonal ruler, grandiose Jupiter, serves as the other one. Because of this, there should be an epic feeling of being in touch with others now–for good or bad. It’s great day and night to get out, meet new people, and maybe find that key person or connection who can help push our manifestations, that are trying to peak, over a hump.

It’s always interesting to watch how timing works out and as fate would have it, we made a final decision to produce and self-publish our guide around the Gemini new moon. As hard as we worked and tried to get it out to everyone a few weeks earlier than we did, it is manifesting now, literally getting delivered today to the people who ordered it. A very literal moon cycle in our cards: set the intention at the Gemini new moon and watching it manifest at the Gemini full moon. We have put our hearts, souls, love, and gratitude for so many into this and it’s overwhelming to see the love coming back in and new connections coming our way.[/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]Please come to our humble home today for our pop-up shop to check one out for yourself (check our Instagram @cosmomuse for details). If you already have one come to our 7-9pm holiday celebratory open house and toast to the coming 2017 ‘A Year of Great Expectations’ so we can help elevate each other in all of the new and altruistic inspiration that we see seeping into so many of your minds.

We would love to meet every one of our followers, although I know many are not in the same city as us.

Gemini Full Moon Gathering Ideas:
With this moon being agile, verbal, quick, and movement oriented, it’s a gathering that should be more free flowing than usual. Instead of having a structured program, maybe treat this more like a book club

[full_width](actually a book club theme would be great for a Gemini themed gathering) where food and wine are just out and available to nibble on all night as you sit and chat and move around freely. Let the ritual aspects of this moon gathering happen in their own time and in a less formal way. Instead of doing the traditional circle, maybe set up a table where your moon crew can write out their messages to release and burn and messages that they are hoping to have come into manifestation, to do in their own time. No doubt people will be coming and going so anything structured may have constant distraction. Smudge people upon arriving at the gathering location rather than before entering the moon circle.

Gemini Full Moon Prayer:
I release all of my negative thoughts, forgive other’s negativity and embrace the good messages that I, and others, have. As the year ends, so do my feelings of hatred and bitterness. I am loved, connected and belong to amazing things and people that are all around in this world. My messages carry light and love as I help connect the dots of positive forward motion all around me. [/full_width]

Feel It All: How Are You Transitioning?

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]New Contributor Katie Chirgotis brings an in-tune perspective to our community, a nature lover who works magic with flowers in the bay area through her company, Eothen. We wholeheartedly welcome and share her passionate voice and imagery as an empath, Millennial, artist and muse.

I often ask people how they are doing–not an exceptional way to start a conversation by any stretch. It’s something I genuinely want to know, no doubt. But the answer to the question also lays down the baseline for what I’m tuning into–whether I’m meeting someone for the first time or connecting with a friend from decades before. There’s plenty of lines to read between with the cheery response of, “Fine!”

Interestingly enough, what I have found, as we have all turned slowly into these longer nights and south-slanting light, is my lead-in question has changed. More and more I ask, “how are you transitioning?” It sounds a little strange coming out of my mouth, but there it is. What I have found even more interesting is that the response is often a level gaze, a thoughtful pause, and an articulation of change.

Leading into Sagittarius where big, blousy Jupiter takes us all up in large, fiery swaths of re-examination and questioning, and we have all experienced a different understanding of how we may think, feel, and move in comparison to those who stand beside us. But our experience of change, transitioning, and shifting are common denominators.[/two_third_last]

[one_half padding=”5% 0 0 0″]For many of us, particularly if you are a Millennial as I am, we have long been in cruise mode. The generations before fought wars, felt deeply about causes, shifted culture and, generally, believed in something. Because of that amount of work, or if you want to get woo-woo with me, transmitted energy, decisions were made and patterns set with no sustained volume of curiosity about it on our part. We were told the story, and we believed it to be true.

Now there’s a new frequency. From what I’m picking up, we are collectively waking up. Paying attention, stretching our muscles to ask why. And thank goodness! Doesn’t it feel so damn good to act? To see those patterns of your life, and decide that it doesn’t dictate who you are today, or the next? Perhaps now, there are things we must fight for rather than living within a lie.

So. How are you transitioning?[/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

Seeking All Possibilities for Expansive Perspective

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]Pack your bags muses! We’re about to travel the world right from a local coffee shop or cafe. CosmoMuse contributor, Ann Whittaker, takes us through her expansive Sagittarius Season rituals. Photography by Ann Whittaker | Location: La Barba Coffee

I’m sitting in a cafe in Salt Lake City, but I might as well be sitting in a teahouse in Hagi, Japan. Because the universal lives in the particular. Would I rather be sitting in Hagi? Absolutely. But am I happy to be working in Salt Lake City? Yes. No question. Because it’s all a piece in the puzzle. Sometimes my mind contracts around what I’m not doing, where I’m not traveling, and wondering if I’ll ever get to where I’m headed. Because right now I’m sitting in a coffee shop in Salt Lake City–far, far away from a teahouse in a place I want to be.


[one_third padding=”10% 0 0 0″]Enter Sagittarius. Enter perspective. Enter truth and expansion.

This small moment in Salt Lake City is Hagi, Japan because it’s one of the steps that will lead me there sooner or later. So, I repeat to myself, “This is Salt Lake City. This is Hagi.” I’m already there. I’m exploring this moment to its depths, so that I can explore Hagi to its depths when I get there. Practice expansion. Practice seeing the universe in this very moment.

Here’s some rituals for Sagittarius season you can implement into your daily routine to bring visionary wisdom and experiences.[/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last padding=”5% 0 0 0″]SEEK
Seeking is about asking questions–the kind of questions that ask you to see something in a new light. Seeking is seeing. We get caught up in our daily routines, and they become a burden to us because we don’t open our eyes to the subtleties and nuances that make the mundane remarkable. The small details truly are threads in a universal tapestry that you’re weaving into the wholeness of your life.

Think about one of your daily tasks. Ask yourself these questions to bring new light, new vision to something you see/do every day:

1. Why do I do this?
2. Whom do I do it for? (The answer can be you do it for you.)
3. Who else probably does this same task day after day?
4. How does this thread, this task, tie in to your entire life tapestry?
5. Why does it matter?[/one_half_last]

A quest is about bringing movement to your questions. The ultimate adventure is to ask a question, and then walk the path that presents itself to you. Do something different; open a new door; sing a new song.

A quest takes courage–it requires all the faith you can muster. All you know is the question. You don’t know the answer. Stay open, and listen to new ideas that present themselves to you–the more absurd, the better.

Try any of these things to bring a Sagittarian quest into this season:

1. Find the world in your community. Look for a new international restaurant run by immigrants in your area, and make it one of your go-to eateries. Befriend other patrons and the people who work there. Open up your world through food, new friends, and new experiences.
2. Read a book you wouldn’t normally read. Think of a friend who would love to know you’re reading it, and will “guide” you as you approach a new subject or genre. See where it leads your imagination.
3. Identify something you’ve been avoiding–something you’ve always wanted to do, but haven’t because you didn’t know where to begin or just haven’t made the time. Do it. Put it on the calendar this week. [/full_width]

[one_third padding=”6% 0 0 0″]SHOOT FOR THE STARS

Sometimes we diminish our own dreams, our own desires, our own passions. Because something is “easy” for us, we feel we don’t have the luxury to spend time on them. Truthfully, we all know that the “easy” things are our callings–it’s what we can really contribute to the world. And it matters. It matters like the stars matter in a dark sky. You are the guiding light for someone else. Even if your talent seems small, it’s huge to someone else.

Initiate one of your dreams into your daily routines. After all, you’ll never become a writer later in life if you’re not writing today, right?[/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

Sagittarius New Moon: Seeking & Growing

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]Join CosmoMuse Seasonal Astrologist, Allie Couch, as she lays out the landscape around this morning’s Sagittarius new moon and then takes us through a goal setting ritual. Step bravely toward new openings and grand adventures, Muses. The world beckons to us on this near-winter morning.

As we wake on this dark morning, new energy and doors are opening all around us as a new moon graced our early dawn hours. This isn’t just any new moon, it’s the epic Sagittarius new moon – the most grand and adventurous opening to fresh juju that we get during the year. The way forward is dark as we step into unknown territory with the opportunities presenting themselves. Although scary, the promises on the horizon are ones that will catapult us into new worlds and new ways of living and seeing. [/one_third_last]

[one_third]As an exaggerated comparison (in true Sagittarian fashion), look to the trend of heroic stories and characters that always grace the silver screen during this season for a clue as to what lies ahead. Star Wars, Harry Potter, The Hobbit: All of these are Sagittarius in nature. Taking a note from any of these grand tales, we head toward new openings into great darkness where demons and evil lurk, as noted by the darkest month of the year, but we also realize that the victories possible, although overwhelming, could entirely change our lives with new truths and immense wisdom. The immediate result of deciding to allow fresh Sagittarian goals into our lives is hope, blind faith and optimism and the long term results can be a complete overhaul of our visionary potential, life perspectives and worldly experience.

Exposure to new ways of thinking and living [/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

[full_width]brings more encompassed truths into our perspective, allowing us to eradicate perceived evils. As we conquer these notions of threat and the unknown, bigger opportunities and elevated wisdom brings luck and good will to our doors. World travel, global enterprise, astronomy, publishing, higher education, religion and philosophy are all areas that may call to us at this new moon. Shoot for the stars with your Sagittarius new moon goals and land in new worlds.

Sagittarius New Moon Ritual
Starting any new intentions, initiations, or goals should be gone into feeling new yourself. Because of this, I prefer to use the morning hours as the timing for setting new moon goals.

A shower, salt scrub or smudging will cleanse your aura, allowing your energy to be fresh.

Spend 5-10 minutes reflecting and writing about your dreams from the previous night. Look for any symbolism in these dreams that touch on questions and seeking in your heart.

Commit to a 20-30 minute meditation, focusing on your breath as well as taking note of the things your mind wanders to.

Do a 5 minute scan for common threads over the past day or two, your dreams and where you mind wandered during meditation. Is there anything calling to you? This will help you step toward the right openings available to you.

Writing down your goals and then reading them aloud is a great practice for making them clear and concrete. Before writing your Sagittarian themed goals out (5 – 10 of them) write an affirmation intro sentence: I bravely expand into the below goals to gain more wisdom, opportunity and truth in my life, in turn, bringing openness and goodwill to all I encounter on my path.

As each goal is written, light a candle as an affirmative action, representing your step forward into the goal.

If you have goddess or archetype cards, pick one to know what special guidance you may have access to on your new quests.

Set a calendar reminder for June 9th, (the Sagittarius full moon), and the approximate time that these goals, if tended to, will see their peak manifesting potential.


[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]With Neptune squaring off to this new moon, be aware of getting the wool pulled over your eyes from others or due to your own delusional expectations. There is action needed due to difficulties this may bring up over the next year, but this awareness can help you identify issues. Versatility, flexibility and compassion can bring much inspired dreaming to the table. With Saturn right next to this new moon, these visionary goals will be tinged with a need for focus and dedicated effort. They will not be easy goals to achieve as they will require great structure and expertise, but don’t give up. At the end of the road acclaim and glory may await.

Not all goals take flight, but with Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius) in airy and relational Libra this year, partners, relationships, beauty of the mind and justice will help these goals soar with graceful harmony. [/one_third_last]

A Shift in Seasons: Scorpio to Sagittarius

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]CosmoMuse’s Seasonal Astrologist, Allie Couch, takes us through a poetic transition of our ending autumn month from Scorpio’s reign to Sagittarius’ dark night.

I awoke this morning to mist covered mountain tops and fields, a drizzle in the valley, birds aflutter and nearly all that was left on branches now fallen. Scorpio Season comes to and end today (November 21st) and with it a shift – or should we say a ‘letting go’ in true Scorpio fashion. It was a season where we may have felt intense loss that unhinged our own hidden passions and emotions. Release and intense sharing brought much to the atmosphere, one for the books with an unprecedented election as well as a deep swell of protests around important shared resources—sacred Native American land and water sources facing an oil pipeline that would traumatize it’s history and sustaining powers. If ever there were Scorpio themes, these two events brought them to light as the sun blazed through this season of power and mystery.

The sun grew ever dim and we turned further inward as the nights weighed longer than the days. Our psychological health may have been tested but with that, new insight into our own and shared mysteries brought about transformation. Endings and beginnings flooded the depths of our souls as we bravely plunged into the reflections that the current events brought up in our emotional bearings. Stubborn streaks and battles of will created many a stand off. Farewell, Scorpio and thank you for the lessons in self-control, sharing, secrets and rebirth.


[one_sixth][/one_sixth][one_third]The Mystery | Paul Laurence Dunbar
I was not; now I am—a few days hence
I shall not be; I fain would look before
And after, but can neither do; some Power
Or lack of power says “no” to all I would.
I stand upon a wide and sunless plain,
Nor chart nor steel to guide my steps aright.
Whene’er, o’ercoming fear, I dare to move,
I grope without direction and by chance.
Some feign to hear a voice and feel a hand
That draws them ever upward thro’ the gloom.
But I—I hear no voice and touch no hand,
Tho’ oft thro’ silence infinite I list,
And strain my hearing to supernal sounds;
Tho’ oft thro’ fateful darkness do I reach,
And stretch my hand to find that other hand.
I question of th’ eternal bending skies
That seem to neighbor with the novice earth;
But they roll on, and daily shut their eyes
On me, as I one day shall do on them,
And tell me not the secret that I ask.


[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]As we greet Sagittarius Season tonight, a golden beam of optimism and hope shows through as we enter our longest nights. This may seem like a paradox but that’s what this sign is so masterful at tackling. We are complex beings, capable of holding two seemingly unfriendly ideas and seeing both as valid. Find this quality with Sag as your cosmic guide to understanding others who are wholly different from you.

“The deeper the dark, the closer the dawn. However profound the suffering that envelops you, never forget the inner spark of hope and courage. Never lose the capacity to wait with patient enduring.” — Daisaku Ikeda

You may come up against new philosophies, concepts, cultures and worlds this season, and the challenge is to understand; to learn the ‘language’ of this unknown element. This may not change your passionate stance around ways of thinking and being but it will help you bridge divides and have compassion for another story that is fully different than yours. You can hold both compassion for those who seem ‘dark’ to you as well as keep your convictions in tact.

Go ahead and ask someone to share their story of why their ideals are so different than yours and then share your own—as an offering, not a debate. I dare you to leave that conversation without greater understanding and more perspective on how to move forward together, with hope.[/two_third_last]