Crowdfunding: 2017 Printed Astrology Guide



This is what we at CosmoMuse have picked as our theme for the coming year. Why? Good question, and one that is beautifully addressed and expanded on in our 2017 printed Astrology Guide. We used numerology, Chinese astrology and western astrology to determine this large arc theme and you’re going to want to know how to get in sync with what 2017 can offer you.

We think you’ll LOVE this beautiful guide, BUT, we need your help to get it printed. Check out our crowdfuning page to pre-order your copy today!



As well as presenting a well researched theme for the year, we have 5 gorgeous editorial features to help us grab hold of the bigger themes in the stars for 2017 and really utilize them – inspiration, ritual, yoga, meditation and creativity are all part of these features.

We then go into the guide part of the publication with a chapter for each season (season being the four week period that the sun spends in a sign). These seasons hold so much cosmic magic to tap into if you know what to look for, and it really can produce massive and positive insight and change. Living ‘in-season’ with the stars is actual magic and we can help you tap into this!

Each seasonal chapter of the guide will talk[/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]about the theme for that season, connecting us to the larger patterns and cycles at play, but will also weave into our yearly theme in a seamless and inspiring way. Our insight is digestible, fun, clean and intentional.

These chapters will include an overall theme for the four weeks ahead and the sign ruling it, moon cycle events (such as new moon goal setting and thoughts for full moon manifesting) and wellness & mindfulness tips for the season.

This guide is easy enough for a beginner to follow and deeply researched enough for our spirit junkies to find endless fascination with. It’s a new way of approaching a yearly astrology guide, in a ‘bookazine’ style, and we think you’ll love it – we do!

follow this link to pre-order your copy![/one_third_last]