Connect With Your Tribe Over Hibiscus Tea

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”6% 0 0 0″]GEMINI HIBISCUS TEA
By Lindsay LaPaugh | The Wellness Gypsy
Images & Styling | Allie Couch

As the days get longer and the weather gets hotter, there’s nothing more satisfying than getting together with friends and celebrating each other. Celebrate your bond, your friendship, the stories you love to tell over and over again, and the stories you’d never repeat to anyone. We hopefully learn more about ourselves as we age and become in tune with our soul–we hope to find a tribe that understands and accepts us.

Once we find a tribe that gets us the energy is addicting and you feel at home. The connection is magical, you feel energized even after you leave. Tea has always been a drink to connect people all over the world. It’s often served in people’s homes and if you don’t accept it, certain cultures will be offended as if you had said something terrible about their first born. When we make tea for our loved ones, it’s like a written love note. Every ingredient we put in is handled with care, and carefully selected to compliment the other flavors. Have your best friends over, make a pitcher of this hibiscus tea, cool down and enjoy the company and conversation around you.[/two_third_last]

[one_third padding=”5% 0 0 0″]Gemini Hibiscus Tea


1 cup dried hibiscus leaves
4 cups filtered water
3-4 tbsp raw, local honey
2 cinnamon sticks Lime wedges(optional)


Add water to a saucepan on low heat. Once water starts to warm add honey and hibiscus leaves. Simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Add mixture to a large pitcher, cinnamon sticks and refrigerate overnight (or 8-10 hours). Remove from fridge and strain hibiscus leaves. Serve over ice with lime wedge.