Connect With Your Tribe Over Hibiscus Tea

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”6% 0 0 0″]GEMINI HIBISCUS TEA
By Lindsay LaPaugh | The Wellness Gypsy
Images & Styling | Allie Couch

As the days get longer and the weather gets hotter, there’s nothing more satisfying than getting together with friends and celebrating each other. Celebrate your bond, your friendship, the stories you love to tell over and over again, and the stories you’d never repeat to anyone. We hopefully learn more about ourselves as we age and become in tune with our soul–we hope to find a tribe that understands and accepts us.

Once we find a tribe that gets us the energy is addicting and you feel at home. The connection is magical, you feel energized even after you leave. Tea has always been a drink to connect people all over the world. It’s often served in people’s homes and if you don’t accept it, certain cultures will be offended as if you had said something terrible about their first born. When we make tea for our loved ones, it’s like a written love note. Every ingredient we put in is handled with care, and carefully selected to compliment the other flavors. Have your best friends over, make a pitcher of this hibiscus tea, cool down and enjoy the company and conversation around you.[/two_third_last]

[one_third padding=”5% 0 0 0″]Gemini Hibiscus Tea


1 cup dried hibiscus leaves
4 cups filtered water
3-4 tbsp raw, local honey
2 cinnamon sticks Lime wedges(optional)


Add water to a saucepan on low heat. Once water starts to warm add honey and hibiscus leaves. Simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes. Add mixture to a large pitcher, cinnamon sticks and refrigerate overnight (or 8-10 hours). Remove from fridge and strain hibiscus leaves. Serve over ice with lime wedge.

A Refreshing Gemini Season Spring Cocktail

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”4% 0 0 0″]Lemon, Basil, Mint Spritzer
Recipe, Styling, and Photography by Allie Couch

I’m no mixologist but this spring I’ve happened onto a concoction while fiddling with some ingredients out of my garden that I’m now obsessed with. Most evenings, before heading out to the yard to get my hands dirty, I throw one of these together. It makes tending to weeding and watering a little more leisurely, enjoyable, and bubbly.

Seeing as it’s a long holiday weekend (Memorial Weekend), I thought I’d share my little garden drink that you can easily transform into a mocktail if you’re not into alcohol at the moment. Just omit the wine and add a bit more of the lemon mixture and splash more sparkling mineral water.


o White wine
o Lemons
o Fresh basil
o Fresh mint
o Sparkling mineral water[/two_third_last]


[one_third padding=”6% 0 0 0″]There is no exact science to this cocktail so these measurements are loose:

1) Squeeze a few fresh lemons into a jar that has a lid.

2) Finely chop some fresh basil and mint.

3) Mix the chopped leaves into the fresh lemon juice. Shake and store the fridge for 30 minutes.

4) Fill a glass with ice. Pour 2/3 parts white wine to 1/3 parts sparkling mineral water. Leave 1/2 inch for lemon mixture.

5) Strain the lemon mixture and add as much as desired (I do about a teaspoon). Stir and garnish. Cheers! [/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

A Vibrant Gemini Supermoon New Moon

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last padding=”2% 0 0 0″]The Gemini New Moon
By Astrologist Allie Couch

Our last new moon of spring brings much life into the open that has been finding its grounding, intention, and senses behind the scenes. The sun is ascending to its highest point and we are experiencing our longest days before the sun reaches the Tropic of Cancer, at Summer Solstice, and starts tilting back toward the Tropic of Capricorn.

Baby deer, raccoons, voles, and chipmunks will start to make their first appearances to the outside world, away from their birth place, just as our new spring intentions and values will do the same. More insects start to appear as do bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds in order to carry the pollen and seeds of new spring growth. This is what happens with humans as well. We start to communicate, to allow our new spring initiatives to emerge from the protective places we’ve held them, and to tell our communities what we are going to be working on this year.

The Gemini new moon is the pivot for all of this and this year’s is quite a powerful one.


[full_width]Be very careful with your thoughts at this new moon. If you are struggling with jealousies, negativity, or anger, see what you can do to keep these away from your new moon goals. The Gemini new moon is a potent time to create intentions for the next year to come around mentality, learning, belonging, connecting, and communicating. Gemini spreads its seeds far and wide so this, more than any other new moon, holds the chance of inadvertently planting seeds that you didn’t mean to plant, filled with mental attitudes that will play out all year.

Find some extra awareness and self-control around your thoughts (ruled by Gemini) over the next week or you may end up with some seeds that only bring more negativity and hurtful words into your life—for a full year.

On the other hand, if you tap into your natural rhythms, really feel into those places that welcome you with open arms and hold great interest and curiosity for you, your Gemini new moon goals could lead you to great mental growth, fortuitous connections, and a year filled with wonder and community.

Now to the smaller details: This year’s Gemini new moon is a supermoon. This means that this union between the sun and moon will fall in its closest possible proximity to earth, making what arises very potent and powerfully felt. We have a lovely link to Jupiter in Libra, making this moon open to pushing our boundaries and finding more faith around equality, harmony, fairness, and relationships. On the other hand, Neptune is squaring off to this moon, calling for us to be extra cautions around honesty (from ourselves OR others), to be realistic, and to use our creative urges toward the arts and spiritual aims rather than toward deceit and trickery. Last, we have Pluto in a sesquiquadrate angel to this moon. Some subtle challenges may be felt at our cores around obsessions and power issues. By bringing these to your surface and sharing your thoughts, some of this can get cleared out and actually create some metamorphism around using knowledge and eloquence for empowerment rather than to control. [/full_width]

[one_half padding=”10% 0 0 0″]We also look to the planetary ruler of Gemini (Mercury) to see how our goals may move throughout the year. In Taurus, we may need for our Gemini goals to bring us a greater sense of ownership and self-worth. Take some moments leading up to writing out your new moon goals to feel your value. Use all of your senses to find resonance with your authenticity. How can your words and communications help you hone this even more over the next year? Mercury will be in nice angle to both Neptune and Pluto, the very planets giving our new moon a bit of heat. This will help us to tap into the better sides of these planets over the next year, in connection to our Gemini goals. Inspired art, transcendent feelings, psychological insight that brings great transformations—all of these are possible as we work to move our Gemini goals forward. [/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

[full_width]Muses, if there’s anything to remember about the Gemini new moon, it’s this:

Our Gemini new moon day is a powerful time to make goals that will enhance the eloquence of our thoughts and words. It’s a time to embrace the duality that lives within us by experimenting with both the left and right sides of our bodies—our yin and yang qualities, to plug into communities and learning experiences that feel right and accepting of us, and to let loose our curiosity for the wonders of life, all around us. The seeds formed at this moon will bring a new cycle of thought, movement, and connecting into our lives for the next year. Stay aware and stay positive. [/full_width]

Monday Mantras: Invest in Curiosity

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Invest In Curiosity
By Allie Couch | Image via Perla Marek

This week we’ve newly entered the solar season of Gemini. Ruling over the last of the zodiac’s spring seasons, this sign wants us to wander and flirt with life, to find our curiosity, and to buzz around like little hummingbirds, engaging with life in a multitude of ways to see what sticks: Try a new hair color; start writing; spark a conversation with a stranger; say yes to something different.

In the words of Elizabeth Gilbert from her book, Big Magic: “Keep your eyes open. Listen. Follow your curiosity. Ideas are constantly trying to get your attention. Let them know you’re available.”

Taking this a step further, during this curiosity amplifying Gemini time of year, Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, is back in the sign of Taurus. This will add a layer of making our ideas need to feel valuable to us—or create value for us.

Invest in your ideas this week and see how this valuing of curiosity pays off throughout the year. With our Gemini new moon arriving on Thursday, doing this sooner than later will serve us best. [/two_third_last]