Taurus New Moon of Essence

[one_third] Photography: Anna Rey[/one_third][two_third]TAURUS NEW MOON of ESSENCE
Allie Couch | 2018 – 2019 Seasonal Astrology Guide

What are your senses finding pleasure in and how can that ground you into your essence and value?

Smell the scent of mid-morning dew evaporating as the sun warms the day. Hear the sounds of birds leading their young to feeding grounds as they peck and toss their heads with plump worms. Witness the sight of new life breaking through the ground in fresh spring pallets. Luxuriate in the feel of soft, baby petals starting to unfold with new confidence. Notice the nature of our earth starting to show what she’s made of. Drop into your senses, one at a time. Really be in them.

Think back on what the birth of Spring Equinox brought up in you. From this place of embodiment, easily and with surety, pass through a list of things that you are still deciding whether to pursue around new desires. Say yes and no with confident grace from this place of embodied knowing. You are in the most stable and grounded phase of spring and the Taurus New Moon is here to help you decide what to put yourself into. A slower, more deliberate pace means some things must go, but the things you truly value will start to come alive with shape, texture, scent, and sound during this season. What you decide to hold onto should connect to you in a way that brings you pleasure and slow, steady ease. These will be things that bring you worth because they are so honored. They are a reflection of your nature, your essence, your worth. The things you say yes to should be allotted ample space and time in your life in order to move with and adore them.[/two_third]

[two_third padding=”3% 0 0 0″]A STATEMENT OF VALUE
Write a short phrase that supports your most pure, inner essence. Successful brands do this for themselves to assure a guiding value. Why not do it to grow personal self-worth. Disney’s is “fun family entertainment”. Simple, short, to the heart. Everything they value and give form to stems from their essence statement.

As an example, I strongly hold both the mystic and explorer archetypes so I can deduct why I’ve always been drawn to off-the-beaten-path travel and why cherished ethereal items flood my home. By further cataloging the way I spend and care for certain things I own, I can understand that I value design, quality, cycles, patterns, mystery, and nature. In melding these, my guiding essence statement is “Exploring Seasonal Elegance”. Keep yours to three to four words if possible. Use the above practices to write down what you intend to give form to through your essence. Use this as a way to remember your guiding values, meant to provide you a life of pleasure and worth.[/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]THE ASPECTS: INTELLIGENCE OF FOCAL POINTS
Mars and Pluto are in a nice angle from Capricorn––this brings maturity and powerful passions around all that rises anew this spring. There is support from protectors and those with resources at this new seeding time.

Opposed Jupiter in Scorpio, it’s through compromise and sharing that great opportunities widens your perspective and what is possible.

Venus rules this new moon and is sextile Uranus in Aries. Find secure boundaries and focus on why there’s been any discontent around your identity. This will allow you to be more natural with strong focus and dedication in acceptance of who you are. Square Neptune, there may be something you are seeing through rose-colored glasses around what you believe to be valuable. Come down to earth and re-engage your senses.

Taurus is sitting on the south bend of the moon’s orbit, making its energy one that is peaking our lives. Taurus pursuits are moving into a phase of rest and renewal. Accept recognition coming your way for all of your grand summits in how you’ve built personal value. This energy will be reborn to a brand new journey in a few years. [/two_third_last]

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][two_third]The above article is from our 2018 – 2019 Seasonal Astrology Guide: Devotion To The Unseen. For more on this season and through to the end of winter 2019, order your guide HERE.[/two_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

Scorpio Full Moon of Entanglement

[one_third] ARTWORK: Anna Rey | Distillation Series[/one_third][two_third_last]SEDUCTIVE ENTANGLING
Allie Couch, from our new astrology guide DEVOTION TO THE UNSEEN

I’ll show you mine if you show me yours––this is the lure and the intrigue magnetically pulling us to reveal things we’ve strategically kept hidden. A mysterious scenario arrives promising great power should you merge your resources with others. What is it about the power of the situation that pushes you over the edge into great risk and great vulnerability? One person says yes to an affair, knowing that it has to be kept secret for a variety of reasons, but also knowing that they will newly have access to resources they never dreamed of. Six months in, they feel depleted and empty, unable to find personal power in the situation they’ve entered, but they no longer see how they can live without the power that the other offers.

Another invests in a land deal, knowing there are risks, knowing there could be great payoff as well as great loss of precious resources. But this person does something strategic and precise: they check into their essence and know that they have what it would take to recover what could be lost. They know their worth, and, therefore, how to rely upon themselves to create worth. Whether this investment brings greater wealth or assets are lost, they can afford it. This is the secret of Scorpio and power: knowing you can empower yourself regardless of how you merge with others. Knowing that Scorpio’s opposite energy of Taurus needs to be strong in order to come out of sharing your essence with others, unscathed, regardless of how everything lands.[/two_third_last]


Sometimes we have choices, but sometimes we don’t give permission nor do we have any control over why something occurs to things we value deeply––things that have been shared or taken. Either way, it’s likely that there is a mystery in your life that you feel, if you could just extract the roots of it, something in you would be unblocked.

At the Scorpio Full Moon, it’s time to open up about what’s blocking you. It’s time to find courage and vulnerability and reach out for help should you need it. It’s time to stop trying to figure this mystery out on your own. Healers come in many shapes and forms these days and it may be time to tap into them. You may never solve a mystery, but you can find healing through releasing it. For me, the most powerful healing I’ve experienced is in allowing myself to be witnessed by others in my truth. There is something about the vulnerability of being truly seen that releases things, sheds light on them, and that gets absorbed out of you in the most powerful of ways.

Deep transformation comes from baring your soul and revealing what’s blocking you to a safe group or another person. I challenge you all, at this moon, to let others in who want to help you release things, or to truly witness another that needs this from you. It’s not about giving counsel or fixing anything, it’s purely a witnessing.


[one_sixth][/one_sixth][two_third]Claim your power back, release blocks and mysteries, and reach out for a healing hand at this moon should the need arise. If not, pay attention to how you can balance new vital understanding in your personal essence and worth, and how that can allow you to confidently entangle with others––in healthier ways—knowing that you have choices and the power to detangle should you need.[/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]THE TRANSITS: FERTILE GROUNDS

Scorpio’s energy is a very fertile place for all of us this year, laying at the north bend of the moon’s orbit. There may be a feeling of protection and roots starting to sprout in how you are personally allowing yourself to merge and share with others. Things blossoming and becoming full right now may, in several years, be what allows you to take part and share on bigger platforms in the world. Tend to these things and know that they are meant to be nurtured and protected for the time being.

This moon will require initiative and shifts in order to properly grow with a square to Ceres and the lunar nodes. Channel your dynamic problem solving skills and push through any barriers around your needs. Inspiration and compassion through a Neptune connection will help soften some intensity. Saturn adds some get-it-done oomph while Jupiter adds an extra dose of enriched fertilizer to help you grow deeply and expansively. If you need financial help through a loan or raising funds, there are good prospects around this moon—put your feelers out.

Both rulers of this moon, Mars and Pluto, conjunct each other, bringing and alignment of purpose. In Capricorn, this may be around outer world achievements and how to navigate power and control in regard to authority figures, career, or starting/growing your own business.[/two_third_last]

A Vibrant Gemini Supermoon New Moon

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last padding=”2% 0 0 0″]The Gemini New Moon
By Astrologist Allie Couch

Our last new moon of spring brings much life into the open that has been finding its grounding, intention, and senses behind the scenes. The sun is ascending to its highest point and we are experiencing our longest days before the sun reaches the Tropic of Cancer, at Summer Solstice, and starts tilting back toward the Tropic of Capricorn.

Baby deer, raccoons, voles, and chipmunks will start to make their first appearances to the outside world, away from their birth place, just as our new spring intentions and values will do the same. More insects start to appear as do bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds in order to carry the pollen and seeds of new spring growth. This is what happens with humans as well. We start to communicate, to allow our new spring initiatives to emerge from the protective places we’ve held them, and to tell our communities what we are going to be working on this year.

The Gemini new moon is the pivot for all of this and this year’s is quite a powerful one.


[full_width]Be very careful with your thoughts at this new moon. If you are struggling with jealousies, negativity, or anger, see what you can do to keep these away from your new moon goals. The Gemini new moon is a potent time to create intentions for the next year to come around mentality, learning, belonging, connecting, and communicating. Gemini spreads its seeds far and wide so this, more than any other new moon, holds the chance of inadvertently planting seeds that you didn’t mean to plant, filled with mental attitudes that will play out all year.

Find some extra awareness and self-control around your thoughts (ruled by Gemini) over the next week or you may end up with some seeds that only bring more negativity and hurtful words into your life—for a full year.

On the other hand, if you tap into your natural rhythms, really feel into those places that welcome you with open arms and hold great interest and curiosity for you, your Gemini new moon goals could lead you to great mental growth, fortuitous connections, and a year filled with wonder and community.

Now to the smaller details: This year’s Gemini new moon is a supermoon. This means that this union between the sun and moon will fall in its closest possible proximity to earth, making what arises very potent and powerfully felt. We have a lovely link to Jupiter in Libra, making this moon open to pushing our boundaries and finding more faith around equality, harmony, fairness, and relationships. On the other hand, Neptune is squaring off to this moon, calling for us to be extra cautions around honesty (from ourselves OR others), to be realistic, and to use our creative urges toward the arts and spiritual aims rather than toward deceit and trickery. Last, we have Pluto in a sesquiquadrate angel to this moon. Some subtle challenges may be felt at our cores around obsessions and power issues. By bringing these to your surface and sharing your thoughts, some of this can get cleared out and actually create some metamorphism around using knowledge and eloquence for empowerment rather than to control. [/full_width]

[one_half padding=”10% 0 0 0″]We also look to the planetary ruler of Gemini (Mercury) to see how our goals may move throughout the year. In Taurus, we may need for our Gemini goals to bring us a greater sense of ownership and self-worth. Take some moments leading up to writing out your new moon goals to feel your value. Use all of your senses to find resonance with your authenticity. How can your words and communications help you hone this even more over the next year? Mercury will be in nice angle to both Neptune and Pluto, the very planets giving our new moon a bit of heat. This will help us to tap into the better sides of these planets over the next year, in connection to our Gemini goals. Inspired art, transcendent feelings, psychological insight that brings great transformations—all of these are possible as we work to move our Gemini goals forward. [/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

[full_width]Muses, if there’s anything to remember about the Gemini new moon, it’s this:

Our Gemini new moon day is a powerful time to make goals that will enhance the eloquence of our thoughts and words. It’s a time to embrace the duality that lives within us by experimenting with both the left and right sides of our bodies—our yin and yang qualities, to plug into communities and learning experiences that feel right and accepting of us, and to let loose our curiosity for the wonders of life, all around us. The seeds formed at this moon will bring a new cycle of thought, movement, and connecting into our lives for the next year. Stay aware and stay positive. [/full_width]

Desire & Aversion: An Aries Season Meditation

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]We asked John Kesler, founder of Integral Polarity Practice Institute (IPPI), to share a polarity meditation with us that fit the themes of Aries Season. With purpose and clarity, his take on the polarity of Desire & Aversion is one that can be of great use for us as we define new passions with the rebirth of spring and our first astrological season of Aries.


At this time of the year we can feel connected to the earth and the rebirth of life. Out of this earthy, physical sensibility, our instincts for passion and creation arise with purpose and power.

Although the source of this energy arises from our primal life force, it nevertheless courses through the full spectrum of our beings including our highest spiritual quests, ultimately seeking clarity and simplicity on the other side of chaos and complexity.

One basic polarity which we share with all living things is foundational to such Aries related dynamics: desire and aversion. Together they comprise the energy of seeking. In its most primal manifestation one moves towards food and safety and away from dangers of all sorts. We use these polar dynamics hundreds of times a day, naturally and without much thought. Yet it is this very polar dynamic, when brought forward and empowered, generates such important Aries qualities.[/two_third_last]

[two_third]A pathology results when one is caught up in either pole. When we are stuck in desire, we suffer addiction. When aversion takes over we are experiencing conditions such as anorexia or any number of phobias. In addition to having desire/aversion well integrated with one another, the key is to be centered and present, so that there is an inner stillness and clarity regarding what is important at any given moment.

From this still center we can access a concrete sense of Deep Satisfaction, a more subtle sense of Deep Contentment and an even more spiritual sense of Transcendent Abundance and possibility. Also a deep Gratitude emanates from this Abundance as well as a spirit of Generosity. All of this results from tapping into this power at the core of our beings.

On the other hand if we are always seeking and striving from a place of deficit rather than Abundance, we are driven, endlessly dissatisfied, leading to exhaustion and confusion rather than empowerment, clarity and flow.

It is important then to learn to hold desire and aversion as two complementary freely flowing aspects of the same awareness and energy and to be centered in a sense of Satisfaction, Contentment and Abundance. This connects us to the limitless source of the life force, to our deepest wisdom, clarity, purpose, compassion, inspiration and creativity as we fully awaken to the energy of Aries.[/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

[full_width]An IPP Meditative Practice:
Accessing the Still Point of these polarities and the virtues that flow from them

o Get comfortable in a chair or seated floor position, somewhere without distraction.

o Breathing in a relaxed manner, settle into a state of relaxation, calm and tranquility.

o Allow the energy of purposeful activity of seeking – of desire/aversion – to slow down and become still.

o In this place of stillness bring forth a sense of Deep Satisfaction, Deep Contentment and Transcendent Abundance in this moment, a place of Stillness outside of place and time. Settle into this experience.

o Out of this Stillness and Abundance feel the opening to a deeper Purpose, to a source of Passion, Clarity, Inspiration and Creativity.

o From this experience, feel the qualities of Gratitude and Generosity emerge and accompany you during your day.[/full_width]

Monday Mantras: Wishing on Stars

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last padding=”6% 0 0 0″]Welcome to our new weekly, Monday Mantras! Based off of the solar season, any major cosmic events in the week ahead, and a touch of chakra love, we hope to help you start your Moody Monday’s with a bit more excitement. This week, Seasonal Astrologist Allie Couch gives us some power to put behind our Aries new moon wishes.

At this evening’s Aries new moon, we have potent energy to make new intentions and get really clear about what we want to be fearless in over the next twelve months, leading to great satisfaction around personal desires. Read your Aries new moon mantras below for both your sun sign & rising sign to help you tap into bold intentions over the course of this week. When the moon is new, it’s at it’s darkest, allowing for our stars to shine bright, begging for us to make wishes upon them. Happy wishing, muses.

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson



Aries Mantra: I am a fearless pioneer, boldly clearing new life paths that lead to my deepest passions.

Taurus Mantra: I see and express love in the world as I connect to fresh spiritual clarity and inspiration.

Gemini Mantra: My passion and initiative revives systems and friendships through strong and conscious intuiting.

Cancer Mantra: A clear and sharp mind gives me logical creativity as I build fresh & independent successes.

Leo Mantra: Analytical skills and a strong memory push my boundaries as I experience fresh & passionate wisdom. [/full_width]

[one_half padding=”4% 0 0 0″]Virgo Mantra: I intuit and transform anything blocking my life force, attracting outside resources & empowerment.

Libra Mantra: I receive the love of others into my life, connecting me with fresh balance and simple elegance.

Scorpio Mantra: Assertion and action in my day-to-day life and processes, reignites my self-confidence & will-power.

Sagittarius Mantra: Bold emotions and passions fluidly move through me, generating exciting and fresh creativity.

Capricorn Mantra: Nurturing and caring grounds my life, giving me the courage to grow new physical strength.

Aquarius Mantra: Positive connections and information bring new found stability and energetic control.

Pisces Mantra: Alluring creativity molds and infuses my life with pleasure and value, generating new financial energy.[/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]