Taurus New Moon of Essence

[one_third] Photography: Anna Rey[/one_third][two_third]TAURUS NEW MOON of ESSENCE
Allie Couch | 2018 – 2019 Seasonal Astrology Guide

What are your senses finding pleasure in and how can that ground you into your essence and value?

Smell the scent of mid-morning dew evaporating as the sun warms the day. Hear the sounds of birds leading their young to feeding grounds as they peck and toss their heads with plump worms. Witness the sight of new life breaking through the ground in fresh spring pallets. Luxuriate in the feel of soft, baby petals starting to unfold with new confidence. Notice the nature of our earth starting to show what she’s made of. Drop into your senses, one at a time. Really be in them.

Think back on what the birth of Spring Equinox brought up in you. From this place of embodiment, easily and with surety, pass through a list of things that you are still deciding whether to pursue around new desires. Say yes and no with confident grace from this place of embodied knowing. You are in the most stable and grounded phase of spring and the Taurus New Moon is here to help you decide what to put yourself into. A slower, more deliberate pace means some things must go, but the things you truly value will start to come alive with shape, texture, scent, and sound during this season. What you decide to hold onto should connect to you in a way that brings you pleasure and slow, steady ease. These will be things that bring you worth because they are so honored. They are a reflection of your nature, your essence, your worth. The things you say yes to should be allotted ample space and time in your life in order to move with and adore them.[/two_third]

[two_third padding=”3% 0 0 0″]A STATEMENT OF VALUE
Write a short phrase that supports your most pure, inner essence. Successful brands do this for themselves to assure a guiding value. Why not do it to grow personal self-worth. Disney’s is “fun family entertainment”. Simple, short, to the heart. Everything they value and give form to stems from their essence statement.

As an example, I strongly hold both the mystic and explorer archetypes so I can deduct why I’ve always been drawn to off-the-beaten-path travel and why cherished ethereal items flood my home. By further cataloging the way I spend and care for certain things I own, I can understand that I value design, quality, cycles, patterns, mystery, and nature. In melding these, my guiding essence statement is “Exploring Seasonal Elegance”. Keep yours to three to four words if possible. Use the above practices to write down what you intend to give form to through your essence. Use this as a way to remember your guiding values, meant to provide you a life of pleasure and worth.[/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]THE ASPECTS: INTELLIGENCE OF FOCAL POINTS
Mars and Pluto are in a nice angle from Capricorn––this brings maturity and powerful passions around all that rises anew this spring. There is support from protectors and those with resources at this new seeding time.

Opposed Jupiter in Scorpio, it’s through compromise and sharing that great opportunities widens your perspective and what is possible.

Venus rules this new moon and is sextile Uranus in Aries. Find secure boundaries and focus on why there’s been any discontent around your identity. This will allow you to be more natural with strong focus and dedication in acceptance of who you are. Square Neptune, there may be something you are seeing through rose-colored glasses around what you believe to be valuable. Come down to earth and re-engage your senses.

Taurus is sitting on the south bend of the moon’s orbit, making its energy one that is peaking our lives. Taurus pursuits are moving into a phase of rest and renewal. Accept recognition coming your way for all of your grand summits in how you’ve built personal value. This energy will be reborn to a brand new journey in a few years. [/two_third_last]

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][two_third]The above article is from our 2018 – 2019 Seasonal Astrology Guide: Devotion To The Unseen. For more on this season and through to the end of winter 2019, order your guide HERE.[/two_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

Leo New Moon: Feel Your Heartbeat

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last padding=”4% 0 0 0″]Sunday July 23rd | Leo New Moon
By Allie Couch

“I believe there is something of the divine mystery in everything that exists. We can see it sparkle in a sunflower or a poppy. We sense more of the unfathomable mystery in a butterfly that flutters from a twig–or in a goldfish swimming in a bowl. But we are closest to God in our own soul. Only there can we become one with the greatest mystery of life. In truth, at very rare moments we can experience that we ourselves are that divine mystery.” -Jostein Gaarder, Sophie’s World

The critical 0 degree point of Leo that we experience this new moon at, along with some of the planetary aspects to it, could make for some shocking episodes. Some could even experience a rare glimpse into the creation and root of their heart’s communication with their mind—raw energy converting into consciousness.

[two_third padding=”0% 0 0 0″]With Mars only one degree ahead of this new moon, a current of creation-magic engulfs this event. Mars clears away debris with his manifesting fires in order to crack through into new realms, carrying electrical pulses. 0 degrees, new moons, and Mars all contain the power of initiation—gate keepers of new realms. In the sign of Leo, solar fires as well as our hearts and egos become the focus. We also have a square from Uranus, planet of lightning: grand flashes of sudden disruption, whether in beautiful insight or destructive force. All of this adds up to a lot of fire-y originality striking.

At this new moon, I challenge you to witness your life force—your ability to use electricity to move, eat, sleep, and dream. In this delve into your own gorgeous, mystical existence through electrical currents—currents that are constantly creating new life processes­—feel how your heart feeds off of these energetic plays. Notice its magnificence in transmuting impulse and energy into something that your mind can interpret and form desires and willpower with. Learn to witness your ego taking form and find brilliant ways to manipulate that for greater creative control of your life, love, and happiness.

Make intentions at this new moon to redesign your ego and your ability to warmly embrace the process of life and love over the next year. [/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

Pisces Solar Eclipse: Life’s Symbolic Meaning

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]It’s time to get your CosmoMuse 2017 Seasonal Astrology Guide out to make your Pisces New Moon Eclipse Intentions. If you don’t have yours yet, you can get our printed guide OR PDF download in our online shop (HERE). Our seasonal discount code: PISCESSEASON will get you 10% off. Get ready to explore this big lunar event that will bring deeply spiritual shifts into our lives as Seasonal Astrologist, Allie Couch, gives us a glimpse into this moon-y cycle.

Every zodiac solar season, an opening graces our lives rich with opportunity for fresh starts and new initiations. This is the new moon’s gift to us: a new cycle with new opportunities to grow and push ourselves in the things that that season represents. It’s like planting a seeds that needs tending to, and that will go through different phases over the course of the year until the next new moon of the same season comes, in a year’s time.

This Pisces Season, we get an extra helping of new starts for this sign’s purpose in our lives. As new moon’s happen, we often build on them with each new round. We may start with a rose bush seed, and then next year we decide to expand and plant 3 more rose bushes, next we make a whole entry path lined with rose bushes, and so on. Enter the eclipse. Eclipses always fall on the full or new moons, and when they coincide with a new moon, the progressions we’ve been making each year with our new moon initiations, or new seeds for that sign, gets a complete overhaul. [/two_third_last]

[two_third]Maybe we’ve grown tired of the same rose bushes, maybe a tornado destroys them, or maybe a different flower catches our eye that we become fixated with. Either way, every six years, we begin a fully new cycle for a two sign polarity, over the course of two years. With Sunday’s Pisces new moon eclipse, we will see our lives take on a newly evolved meaning within the area that this sign rules in our lives: dreams, fantasy, compassion, healing, arts, symbolism, chemistry, the quantum field, and spirituality. It brings a lot of overall symbolic meaning into our lives.

Whether we consciously decide we want to take on a new phase of evolving for these things or an event happens that rocks your world, forcing these changes, much shifting takes place. As the trickle down happens and others around us start to shift, this impacts our shifts and we see a several-week impact with all sorts of news making waves and changing circumstances.

Not every eclipse is equal, and the intensity depends on the connections the eclipse forms with other planets as well as whether it connects to any planets or cardinal lines in our own chart. This Pisces eclipse feels especially potent as it’s slow moving nebulous ruler, Neptune, recently returned to it’s own sign after a 165 year tour of the zodiac. This eclipse falls very near to the same degree of Neptune in Pisces. In short, this new and evolved Pisces phase that we are entering is graced with it’s own ruler’s gifts, quadrupling our ability to heal, dream, and find symbolic meaning in life. If working Pisces in the negative, watch out for disillusionment, lies, addiction, narcissism, and/or a victim mentality.

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][two_third]The most ethereal and inspired energy comes from this sign, so it makes sense that we also see some of our most difficult issues arise here as well.

With us being in a 1 universal year, ruling new starts, this Pisces solar eclipse may take on even more significance of new beginnings in our lives. [/two_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[three_fifth][/three_fifth][two_fifth_last]PISCES IN YOUR CHART
Depending on your rising sign, Pisces will rule over (or gives its dreamy filter to), a specific area of your life, and this is the area that will get a complete revamp, under the Pisces umbrella of energies.

Aries: Pisces is in it’s natural 12th house in your chart so it’s themes are triple. It may be hard for you to notice as this house lies in your shadows. Arts, your spiritual connection, covert works, connection to institutions, healing, life meaning, compassion, and retreating are all getting a makeover.

Taurus: Your 11th house of systems, friends, networks, future hopes, and groups or industries is starting a new phase in its connection to compassion, art, healing, and institutions. You may find more compassion and chemistry in the groups you discover now or see makeovers in your circles that uplift and inspire you.[/two_fifth_last]

[one_half padding=”4% 0 0 0″]Gemini: Your 10th house of career, aspirations, and reputation is getting an overhaul in its connection to arts, healing, spirituality, inspiration, and building lasting structures in fantasy and dream driven fields. Much composition will flow out of you this year to create the building blocks you need for your rise to success.

Cancer: Your 9th house is about to undergo some big changes. Finding compassion and spiritual connection in your world views and beliefs is important to you and you may see yourself blurring boundaries in order to see outside of your current views, broadening your compassion for more ways of life. Compassionate expansion brings opportunity.

Leo: Your 8th house is beginning a newly evolved cycle, helping you soften your heart and find compassion for those dark places that have been hiding way down inside of you. With some psychological digging and healing, you start to better allow others into your life who may provide resources for your needs. [/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Virgo: Your 7th house of partnerships, relationships, sense of balance and equality is getting an overhaul. You may find a deeply spiritual way of relating with others at this time that opens up a much more composed and symbolic way of creating harmony and elegance around you.

Libra: Your 6th house is ruled by Pisces so a new cycle is starting in the way that you go through your day-to-day life, the processes you use to get things done, and how you like to be productive. You may find more art, mediation, retreat, and compassion become available to you, helping you to better hone your ability to compose your days in an artistic fashion rather than checking things off in a linear mode.

Scorpio: Your 5th house is ready to shine in new and inspiring ways. You may not be an overt and bossy leader, preferring to inspire rather than command, and this eclipse is surrounding you with a soft, memorizing glow that makes your vitality and star powers enchanting and magical to watch. Much artistic, healing, and/or spiritual expression is available to you this coming year.

Sagittarius: Your 4th house is about to go through a big change making home, family, and your roots a little wobbly for a minute. As changes take place, you may find yourself needing to uproot and plant new roots or metaphorically having that feeling with some big revamps in family dynamics. Once settled, the new soil you find your home and/or family in will be much more glamorous and spiritually rich, allowing for a beautiful and meditative vibe. If moving, something near the ocean, or a large body of water, could bring you more fluid, soothing energy. [/two_third_last]

[two_third padding=”3% 0 0 0″]Capricorn: Your 3rd house of communication is up for a reset. Poetic, psychic, and compassionate in thought and thought patterns, you may find this new reset utilizing your poetic and integrally composed way of thinking being put to better use for healing, arts, and/or institutional purposes. More life meaning could unveil itself in the information, newly acquired knowledge, or learning experiences that come your way, helping you make compassionate and artistic connections in your community. You think symbolically so do be sure that people feel clear about what’s been communicated to them as you tend to have the most communication issues of any sign.

Aquarius: Your 2nd house is in line for an revamp with this eclipse. Hone in on your senses and how much pleasure and connection to value they bring you. With Pisces here, you may see new doors open to you that allow you to utilize your love of the arts in newly inspiring and composed ways. This will in turn boost your sense of self-worth.

Pisces: This is a major eclipse for you, Pisces. Your whole agenda and personal desires are up for a makeover. The things you wanted over the past six or seven years may be feeling less interesting as new and evolved maturity and compassion seep into your soul. With your ruler also in your 1st house, your heart’s desires are very supported at this time, or at least feel very personal. Inspiration and healing are at your fingertips all year. [/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]



Model/Dancer: Sayaka Ohtaki

Hair & Makeup: Lesley Lind

Words & Photography: Allie Couch
