For The Love of Me, Myself, and I

By Tessa Woolf

The She & I

When I look in the mirror, I see her reflection. She is always here, and always there. She’s the first woman I see when I wake in the morning, and the last woman I see when I say good night.

She is I. I am she. We are one.

Sometimes she’s happy; other times she’s sad. I love to see her laugh; I hate to see her cry. I try to care for her as best as I can, and she does the same for me. In our own ways, we nurture each other. We bathe in a warm tub, letting the water from the faucet cascade over our toes and the dainty water droplets trickle down our backs. We brush our hair, letting the bristles slowly release the tangles in our locks and the tangles of the day. We sip piping hot cups of tea and read from the pages of great novels. We explore the desert, the mountains, and the stark-white, otherworldly Salt Flats. We tell each other our deepest, most intimate secrets, and share our most magical dreams.

She is I. I am she. We are one.

Yet, sometimes I betray her. I catch a glimpse of her in the mirror, and I quickly look away. I see her shadow following me on a sunny day, and I pick up my steps, trying to outpace her. I awake to see her sleepy eyes and messy hair, and I think, “She looks terrible.” She beckons me to sit, to enjoy a moment of pause during a hectic day, but I dismiss her invitation. “I’m too busy,” I whisper under my breath as I ignore her kind, welcoming smile. Often, I hurry to bed, too tired to take care of her. And then, tucked beneath the sheets, while the world outside is silent and sleeping, the deep sorrow and unshakeable loneliness sink in. Alone I stand; together we fall apart.

Because she is I. I am she. We are one.

2 Steps Towards Greater Self-Compassion

Our relationship with the self is one we all too often overlook. We’ll go to great lengths to please our partner, friend, boss, sister, daughter—but when was the last time you went out of your way to do something nice for yourself? To care for the one person who will always be by your side? When was the last time you practiced self-compassion?

Contrary to what you may have convinced yourself of in this fast-paced, plugged-in, to-do’s driven world we reside in, self compassion is not selfish. Before you list off a series of excuses why you don’t have time to focus on yours truly, consider this: The act of caring for oneself not only boosts your mental and physical wellness and betters your relationship with the self, but it betters your relationships with others, too, and your ability to care for them in return.

Winter is the perfect time to polish up your self-compassion practice. The season is synonymous with cold, dark months, a time when we literally and figuratively turn inward—we spend more time inside our homes, hearts, and heads. And although the winter can be harsh, cruel, and bitter, it’s coupled with moments of joy, warmth, and softness—much like life itself.

Below, I share two steps to start your journey towards healthier self-compassion through positive self-talk, nurturing self-care, and self-grounding rituals.


The Act of Positive Self Talk

“The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely.” ―C.G. Jung

Words have power. With the words we speak, we can elicit a smile, conjure tears, and even start a war. And the same is true of the words we speak to ourselves.

Listen to your self-speak: Do you speak to yourself kindly or do you criticize yourself?  Do you tell yourself you’re beautiful regardless of your bad hair day? Or do you curse you tresses for being frizzy and unruly? Do you tell yourself it’s OK, everyone makes mistakes, when you mess up on a work project? Or do you tell yourself you’re stupid? Do you tell yourself you’re not worthy of love when a romantic relationship ends? Or do you tell yourself a greater love exists?

Find your inner compassionate voice, and give yourself permission to stop negative thoughts. Learn to silence your own inner critic. Acknowledge that you are human—you are not perfect and, yes, you make mistakes—just like the rest of us. You know the saying, “Treat others as you wish to be treated.” The same is true with words: Speak to yourself the way you wish to be spoken to by others. Practice positive self-talk through mantras and daily affirmations. You can find powerful mantras and affirmations online or in books about self-compassion, but you can also create your own personal, meaningful phrase—one that truly speaks to your heart—to repeat every day when you rise.


The Act of Nurturing Self-Care

“Truly, it is in the darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then this light is nearest of all to us.” ―Meister Eckhart

Throughout life’s ups and downs, when you find yourself in the thick of an emotional fog, lost in the shadows, or encountering moments of darkness, remember that you are not alone. The self is always by your side—you simply have to reach for her and ask for her to walk with you. There is comfort in knowing we are never truly alone; the self is always there to hold your hand and to comfort you in times of need.

But finding that warm, guiding hand in a sea of sorrow can be difficult. You must learn to channel your compassionate, nurturing self during times of loss and need. The best way to do this is to be present and to truly feel—to sit with your sadness, with your thoughts and your discomfort, and let it wash over you. As scary, painful, and uncomfortable as it may be, and as much as you may want to ignore it, try to welcome the sadness. Take a deep breath and feel it all. Don’t shy away from tears as crying is an act of cleansing. Take comfort in knowing that the self loves you no matter the circumstance. Practicing nightly self-grounding rituals like those outlined in THIS post will also help you become better connected with the self in times of both gratitude and great need.

Photography:Britt Chudleigh | Model: Blaire Wachter | Art Direction: Allie Kesler | HMU:Gabby Gabbitas | Prop/On Model:Lauren V Brady

Take (Compassionate) Action

The Act of Self-Grounding Night Rituals

By AnneMarie Vivienne

“Go into your own ground and learn to know yourself there.” Meister Eckhart

All too often we are either rushing or dragging ourselves to bed without acknowledging the healing and creative power of night, of darkness. Nighttime is usually simply a time to shut off the checklists, the constant mind chatter, and lofty ambitions that tomorrow will be better than today’s hot mess. Right? Morning will come, and we’ll be kinder, wiser, braver, and happier—magically, with just six-ish hours of sleep.

Nighttime is certainly magic if we can find our own way to acknowledge the passing of what was in order to welcome what could be. Darkness is where creation happens—a womb for gestation. Plant yourself deep in the night to tap into your core self—to remind yourself that you are truly made of the earth and stardust. Of course, tomorrow will be a new day, but first you must acknowledge the coming of night and the rest it brings. Deliberately plant your heart in the dark of the night, and watch to see what grows.

The Rituals:


Not only is a womb a dark place, but also it is full of water. Just like the sea, our waters are affected by the night-sky queen: the moon. Wash away the day’s dirt every night. Wash your face with cold water, or soak in a bath if you have some time to spare. Listen to the sound of the water as it runs from the tap and you splash it on your face. Water will crack open the seed you have planted, and feed the roots that must take hold in the dark before the leaves reach for the sun.

Candle Lighting

1. Greet the Night | Light a Candle

    As you inhale, say, “Welcome, night.”

    As you exhale, say, “I enter rest.”

2. Embrace Loss | Mantras for the Dark

                As you inhale, say, “I accept loss.”

                As you exhale, say, “All things must end.”

3. Let Go | Blow Out the Flame

As the smoke ascends and a few glowing embers dance in the dark, remember that things are being minded–that you, thankfully, don’t have any control. Let things go, so you can let them come. Allow yourself to sit in the dark, in silence for a few breaths.

“I need to be silent for a while, worlds are forming in my heart.”Meister Eckhart

Photography: Britt Chudleigh | Model: Blaire Wachter | Art Direction: Allie Kesler | HMU: Gabby Gabbitas | Prop/On Model:Lauren V Brady

Scorpio Full Moon of Entanglement

[one_third] ARTWORK: Anna Rey | Distillation Series[/one_third][two_third_last]SEDUCTIVE ENTANGLING
Allie Couch, from our new astrology guide DEVOTION TO THE UNSEEN

I’ll show you mine if you show me yours––this is the lure and the intrigue magnetically pulling us to reveal things we’ve strategically kept hidden. A mysterious scenario arrives promising great power should you merge your resources with others. What is it about the power of the situation that pushes you over the edge into great risk and great vulnerability? One person says yes to an affair, knowing that it has to be kept secret for a variety of reasons, but also knowing that they will newly have access to resources they never dreamed of. Six months in, they feel depleted and empty, unable to find personal power in the situation they’ve entered, but they no longer see how they can live without the power that the other offers.

Another invests in a land deal, knowing there are risks, knowing there could be great payoff as well as great loss of precious resources. But this person does something strategic and precise: they check into their essence and know that they have what it would take to recover what could be lost. They know their worth, and, therefore, how to rely upon themselves to create worth. Whether this investment brings greater wealth or assets are lost, they can afford it. This is the secret of Scorpio and power: knowing you can empower yourself regardless of how you merge with others. Knowing that Scorpio’s opposite energy of Taurus needs to be strong in order to come out of sharing your essence with others, unscathed, regardless of how everything lands.[/two_third_last]


Sometimes we have choices, but sometimes we don’t give permission nor do we have any control over why something occurs to things we value deeply––things that have been shared or taken. Either way, it’s likely that there is a mystery in your life that you feel, if you could just extract the roots of it, something in you would be unblocked.

At the Scorpio Full Moon, it’s time to open up about what’s blocking you. It’s time to find courage and vulnerability and reach out for help should you need it. It’s time to stop trying to figure this mystery out on your own. Healers come in many shapes and forms these days and it may be time to tap into them. You may never solve a mystery, but you can find healing through releasing it. For me, the most powerful healing I’ve experienced is in allowing myself to be witnessed by others in my truth. There is something about the vulnerability of being truly seen that releases things, sheds light on them, and that gets absorbed out of you in the most powerful of ways.

Deep transformation comes from baring your soul and revealing what’s blocking you to a safe group or another person. I challenge you all, at this moon, to let others in who want to help you release things, or to truly witness another that needs this from you. It’s not about giving counsel or fixing anything, it’s purely a witnessing.


[one_sixth][/one_sixth][two_third]Claim your power back, release blocks and mysteries, and reach out for a healing hand at this moon should the need arise. If not, pay attention to how you can balance new vital understanding in your personal essence and worth, and how that can allow you to confidently entangle with others––in healthier ways—knowing that you have choices and the power to detangle should you need.[/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]THE TRANSITS: FERTILE GROUNDS

Scorpio’s energy is a very fertile place for all of us this year, laying at the north bend of the moon’s orbit. There may be a feeling of protection and roots starting to sprout in how you are personally allowing yourself to merge and share with others. Things blossoming and becoming full right now may, in several years, be what allows you to take part and share on bigger platforms in the world. Tend to these things and know that they are meant to be nurtured and protected for the time being.

This moon will require initiative and shifts in order to properly grow with a square to Ceres and the lunar nodes. Channel your dynamic problem solving skills and push through any barriers around your needs. Inspiration and compassion through a Neptune connection will help soften some intensity. Saturn adds some get-it-done oomph while Jupiter adds an extra dose of enriched fertilizer to help you grow deeply and expansively. If you need financial help through a loan or raising funds, there are good prospects around this moon—put your feelers out.

Both rulers of this moon, Mars and Pluto, conjunct each other, bringing and alignment of purpose. In Capricorn, this may be around outer world achievements and how to navigate power and control in regard to authority figures, career, or starting/growing your own business.[/two_third_last]

Taurus New Moon: Material Healing

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Happy earthy and sensual Taurus new moon, Muses! On this once yearly pleasure oriented day, Astrologist Allie Couch brings us some cosmic guidance and a sense driven practice.

Are you swimming in compassionate seas this Taurus new moon, with your values and possessions seeming to take on spiritual notes?

New moons are our most fertile time to make goals. In Taurus, new seeds may be forming around your income, your values, your material possessions, and your self-esteem. Just like an actual seed, care and tending are needed for these metaphorical seeds to sprout, grow, and blossom. We look to the full moon of the same sign for results, six months down the road.

The planetary ruler of any event will point us in a deeper direction. The Taurus new moon is ruled by Venus so we look to this goddess planet for context. Our intentions will be formed in Taurus-related themes, but they need to go somewhere—they need to be expressed. In the last degree of Pisces, the last degree of our zodiac, Venus is cracked wide open with her heart exposed and healing all sorts of value wounds that we hold. Our greatest potential for manifestation is held in this degree—so long as symbolic and spiritual tones are noticed.[/two_third_last]


  1. Close your eyes and say the word value out loud – what image arises in your mind’s eye? How does it make your heart feel? Does it make you feel fluid and fertile?
  1. Do this a few more times with other Taurus-reflected words: self-esteem, possession, ownership, income, pleasure, voice, form, texture, smell, taste, sight, sound. Jot down some notes after each to use when forming your Taurus new moon goals.

This new moon has some serious healing vibes surrounding it, but you have to have awareness of the spirit channels at work. They are subtle. Meditation, music, art, breathwork, and the above reflecting practice can help you.

Drawn to our site, you are likely a special breed that is open to subtle forces that are ready and waiting to envelop you in heartfelt love—seeing you for all the greatness you possess. Ask for some cosmic help and see what comes to your aid, reflecting your value back to you. Say out loud: I’m ready for cosmic assistance to help me value myself more, to help me slow down and enjoy my senses, and to find more stability in my personal finances. Be sure to show gratitude to whatever swoops in to assist you. It takes time to develop a relationship to cosmic guidance, but it’s there.

Download our free 2017 guide that has a new moon worksheet for each season, if you don’t have it yet – or buy our printed one, now on sale. [/full_width]


Here are a few more thoughts to help you understand how you relate to Taurus’s financial energy at this new moon.

What do you want to own in the material realm and why?

Before you answer this, let’s do a bit of reflection so we can think about this question with more depth and understanding of our habits.

What do you tend to spend your money on?
Does your income support the above habits with ease? (If not, are you being overly careless with your resources or do you need a leg up to help you get by with very essential needs? Either way, use this new moon to help you with the issue.)
What resources do you own that you consider valuable?
What possessions do you take the most care of?
What are a few things you’d like to initiate to help you feel more security through your personal resources (open a savings account, budget to rid yourself of debt, put more into a 401k, open an IRA, stash a shoebox of money, ask for a raise, learn how to budget…)

These material things can help you feel more solid and stable, allowing you to act out of your real values rather than react out of a feeling of deficit. Once you’ve answered the above questions, go back and answer the first question. [/full_width]


Taurus: I assert into life with strength of voice, financial prudence, and loving values.

Gemini: I inspire the world through my voice and values. My cosmic connections are comfortable.

Cancer: I help evolve humanity with a progressive voice and values.

Leo: I support the world through loving values and a prudent voice.

Virgo: I value pushing my perspectives to be wiser as I expand into foreign sensibilities.

Libra: I value and respect the resources of others, in turn, finding value through those resources.

Scorpio: I build relationships based on hearing others and values rooted in equality.

Sagittarius: I find pleasure and value in my work. My lifestyle is easy and comfortable.

Capricorn: I create with my senses and find a strong voice as a leader.

My home is a place of comfort, pleasure, and strong values.

Pisces: I use my strength in communication to spread loving values.

Aries: I am financially comfortable and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.[/two_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]

Monday Mantras: Wishing on Stars

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last padding=”6% 0 0 0″]Welcome to our new weekly, Monday Mantras! Based off of the solar season, any major cosmic events in the week ahead, and a touch of chakra love, we hope to help you start your Moody Monday’s with a bit more excitement. This week, Seasonal Astrologist Allie Couch gives us some power to put behind our Aries new moon wishes.

At this evening’s Aries new moon, we have potent energy to make new intentions and get really clear about what we want to be fearless in over the next twelve months, leading to great satisfaction around personal desires. Read your Aries new moon mantras below for both your sun sign & rising sign to help you tap into bold intentions over the course of this week. When the moon is new, it’s at it’s darkest, allowing for our stars to shine bright, begging for us to make wishes upon them. Happy wishing, muses.

“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson



Aries Mantra: I am a fearless pioneer, boldly clearing new life paths that lead to my deepest passions.

Taurus Mantra: I see and express love in the world as I connect to fresh spiritual clarity and inspiration.

Gemini Mantra: My passion and initiative revives systems and friendships through strong and conscious intuiting.

Cancer Mantra: A clear and sharp mind gives me logical creativity as I build fresh & independent successes.

Leo Mantra: Analytical skills and a strong memory push my boundaries as I experience fresh & passionate wisdom. [/full_width]

[one_half padding=”4% 0 0 0″]Virgo Mantra: I intuit and transform anything blocking my life force, attracting outside resources & empowerment.

Libra Mantra: I receive the love of others into my life, connecting me with fresh balance and simple elegance.

Scorpio Mantra: Assertion and action in my day-to-day life and processes, reignites my self-confidence & will-power.

Sagittarius Mantra: Bold emotions and passions fluidly move through me, generating exciting and fresh creativity.

Capricorn Mantra: Nurturing and caring grounds my life, giving me the courage to grow new physical strength.

Aquarius Mantra: Positive connections and information bring new found stability and energetic control.

Pisces Mantra: Alluring creativity molds and infuses my life with pleasure and value, generating new financial energy.[/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

A Shift in Seasons: Scorpio to Sagittarius

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]CosmoMuse’s Seasonal Astrologist, Allie Couch, takes us through a poetic transition of our ending autumn month from Scorpio’s reign to Sagittarius’ dark night.

I awoke this morning to mist covered mountain tops and fields, a drizzle in the valley, birds aflutter and nearly all that was left on branches now fallen. Scorpio Season comes to and end today (November 21st) and with it a shift – or should we say a ‘letting go’ in true Scorpio fashion. It was a season where we may have felt intense loss that unhinged our own hidden passions and emotions. Release and intense sharing brought much to the atmosphere, one for the books with an unprecedented election as well as a deep swell of protests around important shared resources—sacred Native American land and water sources facing an oil pipeline that would traumatize it’s history and sustaining powers. If ever there were Scorpio themes, these two events brought them to light as the sun blazed through this season of power and mystery.

The sun grew ever dim and we turned further inward as the nights weighed longer than the days. Our psychological health may have been tested but with that, new insight into our own and shared mysteries brought about transformation. Endings and beginnings flooded the depths of our souls as we bravely plunged into the reflections that the current events brought up in our emotional bearings. Stubborn streaks and battles of will created many a stand off. Farewell, Scorpio and thank you for the lessons in self-control, sharing, secrets and rebirth.


[one_sixth][/one_sixth][one_third]The Mystery | Paul Laurence Dunbar
I was not; now I am—a few days hence
I shall not be; I fain would look before
And after, but can neither do; some Power
Or lack of power says “no” to all I would.
I stand upon a wide and sunless plain,
Nor chart nor steel to guide my steps aright.
Whene’er, o’ercoming fear, I dare to move,
I grope without direction and by chance.
Some feign to hear a voice and feel a hand
That draws them ever upward thro’ the gloom.
But I—I hear no voice and touch no hand,
Tho’ oft thro’ silence infinite I list,
And strain my hearing to supernal sounds;
Tho’ oft thro’ fateful darkness do I reach,
And stretch my hand to find that other hand.
I question of th’ eternal bending skies
That seem to neighbor with the novice earth;
But they roll on, and daily shut their eyes
On me, as I one day shall do on them,
And tell me not the secret that I ask.


[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]As we greet Sagittarius Season tonight, a golden beam of optimism and hope shows through as we enter our longest nights. This may seem like a paradox but that’s what this sign is so masterful at tackling. We are complex beings, capable of holding two seemingly unfriendly ideas and seeing both as valid. Find this quality with Sag as your cosmic guide to understanding others who are wholly different from you.

“The deeper the dark, the closer the dawn. However profound the suffering that envelops you, never forget the inner spark of hope and courage. Never lose the capacity to wait with patient enduring.” — Daisaku Ikeda

You may come up against new philosophies, concepts, cultures and worlds this season, and the challenge is to understand; to learn the ‘language’ of this unknown element. This may not change your passionate stance around ways of thinking and being but it will help you bridge divides and have compassion for another story that is fully different than yours. You can hold both compassion for those who seem ‘dark’ to you as well as keep your convictions in tact.

Go ahead and ask someone to share their story of why their ideals are so different than yours and then share your own—as an offering, not a debate. I dare you to leave that conversation without greater understanding and more perspective on how to move forward together, with hope.[/two_third_last]