Taurus New Moon: Material Healing

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Happy earthy and sensual Taurus new moon, Muses! On this once yearly pleasure oriented day, Astrologist Allie Couch brings us some cosmic guidance and a sense driven practice.

Are you swimming in compassionate seas this Taurus new moon, with your values and possessions seeming to take on spiritual notes?

New moons are our most fertile time to make goals. In Taurus, new seeds may be forming around your income, your values, your material possessions, and your self-esteem. Just like an actual seed, care and tending are needed for these metaphorical seeds to sprout, grow, and blossom. We look to the full moon of the same sign for results, six months down the road.

The planetary ruler of any event will point us in a deeper direction. The Taurus new moon is ruled by Venus so we look to this goddess planet for context. Our intentions will be formed in Taurus-related themes, but they need to go somewhere—they need to be expressed. In the last degree of Pisces, the last degree of our zodiac, Venus is cracked wide open with her heart exposed and healing all sorts of value wounds that we hold. Our greatest potential for manifestation is held in this degree—so long as symbolic and spiritual tones are noticed.[/two_third_last]


  1. Close your eyes and say the word value out loud – what image arises in your mind’s eye? How does it make your heart feel? Does it make you feel fluid and fertile?
  1. Do this a few more times with other Taurus-reflected words: self-esteem, possession, ownership, income, pleasure, voice, form, texture, smell, taste, sight, sound. Jot down some notes after each to use when forming your Taurus new moon goals.

This new moon has some serious healing vibes surrounding it, but you have to have awareness of the spirit channels at work. They are subtle. Meditation, music, art, breathwork, and the above reflecting practice can help you.

Drawn to our site, you are likely a special breed that is open to subtle forces that are ready and waiting to envelop you in heartfelt love—seeing you for all the greatness you possess. Ask for some cosmic help and see what comes to your aid, reflecting your value back to you. Say out loud: I’m ready for cosmic assistance to help me value myself more, to help me slow down and enjoy my senses, and to find more stability in my personal finances. Be sure to show gratitude to whatever swoops in to assist you. It takes time to develop a relationship to cosmic guidance, but it’s there.

Download our free 2017 guide that has a new moon worksheet for each season, if you don’t have it yet – or buy our printed one, now on sale. [/full_width]


Here are a few more thoughts to help you understand how you relate to Taurus’s financial energy at this new moon.

What do you want to own in the material realm and why?

Before you answer this, let’s do a bit of reflection so we can think about this question with more depth and understanding of our habits.

What do you tend to spend your money on?
Does your income support the above habits with ease? (If not, are you being overly careless with your resources or do you need a leg up to help you get by with very essential needs? Either way, use this new moon to help you with the issue.)
What resources do you own that you consider valuable?
What possessions do you take the most care of?
What are a few things you’d like to initiate to help you feel more security through your personal resources (open a savings account, budget to rid yourself of debt, put more into a 401k, open an IRA, stash a shoebox of money, ask for a raise, learn how to budget…)

These material things can help you feel more solid and stable, allowing you to act out of your real values rather than react out of a feeling of deficit. Once you’ve answered the above questions, go back and answer the first question. [/full_width]


Taurus: I assert into life with strength of voice, financial prudence, and loving values.

Gemini: I inspire the world through my voice and values. My cosmic connections are comfortable.

Cancer: I help evolve humanity with a progressive voice and values.

Leo: I support the world through loving values and a prudent voice.

Virgo: I value pushing my perspectives to be wiser as I expand into foreign sensibilities.

Libra: I value and respect the resources of others, in turn, finding value through those resources.

Scorpio: I build relationships based on hearing others and values rooted in equality.

Sagittarius: I find pleasure and value in my work. My lifestyle is easy and comfortable.

Capricorn: I create with my senses and find a strong voice as a leader.

My home is a place of comfort, pleasure, and strong values.

Pisces: I use my strength in communication to spread loving values.

Aries: I am financially comfortable and enjoy the simple pleasures in life.[/two_third] [one_third_last][/one_third_last]

Monday Mantras: Clarity & Senses

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][one_third][/one_third][one_third]This week’s Monday Mantras for April 17th – 23rd, come to us from Astrologist, Allie Couch. Designed to help us shift from the ending Aries Season to Wednesday evening’s approaching Taurus Season.

This is a week of shifting energies as we move from our first astrological season of Aries; the season that woke us out of our winter slumber and into initiations for the yang half of the year; to the season of Taurus where we’ll be taking a slower pace to find pleasure and hone in on our senses. These mantras should wake us up to the value and beauty of life and ourselves. The shifting energies this week can bring feelings of urgency to tie things up, celebrate or release a cycle, and take some awkward steps into a new energy and season. It’s not a great week for initiating, but rather, for reflecting,and being open to new possibility as you observe and sense your way into Taurus Season. [/one_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[two_third padding=”2% 0 0 0″]Aries: I am clear and self-possessed as I move into a fresh cycle of sensual living.

Taurus: I am clear and spiritually activated as I move into a fresh cycle of claiming my worth.

Gemini: I am clear and socially plugged-in as I move into a fresh cycle of spiritual enhancement.

Cancer: I am clear about my authority and aspirations as I move into a fresh cycle of valuable networking.

Leo: I am clear about bold aims as I move into a fresh cycle of giving form to my aspirations.

Virgo: I am clear and personally empowered as I move into a fresh cycle of grand financial aims. [/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”5% 0 0 0″]Libra: I am clear in my harmonizing with others as I move into a fresh cycle of transforming my values.

Scorpio: I am clear and assertive in my productivity as I move into a fresh cycle of forming valuable relationships.

Sagittarius: I am clear about my creative initiative as I move into a fresh cycle of slow & valuable living.

Capricorn: I am clear about my self-care needs as I move into a fresh cycle of forming creative projects.

My mind is sharp and clear as I move into a fresh cycle of nurturing & caring for my senses.

I am clear about my bold self-worth as I move into a fresh cycle of valuable connecting and communicating. [/two_third_last]