Monday Mantras: Invest in Curiosity

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Invest In Curiosity
By Allie Couch | Image via Perla Marek

This week we’ve newly entered the solar season of Gemini. Ruling over the last of the zodiac’s spring seasons, this sign wants us to wander and flirt with life, to find our curiosity, and to buzz around like little hummingbirds, engaging with life in a multitude of ways to see what sticks: Try a new hair color; start writing; spark a conversation with a stranger; say yes to something different.

In the words of Elizabeth Gilbert from her book, Big Magic: “Keep your eyes open. Listen. Follow your curiosity. Ideas are constantly trying to get your attention. Let them know you’re available.”

Taking this a step further, during this curiosity amplifying Gemini time of year, Gemini’s ruler, Mercury, is back in the sign of Taurus. This will add a layer of making our ideas need to feel valuable to us—or create value for us.

Invest in your ideas this week and see how this valuing of curiosity pays off throughout the year. With our Gemini new moon arriving on Thursday, doing this sooner than later will serve us best. [/two_third_last]