Mid-Winter Yoga: Finding Familiarity with Failure

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”2% 0 0 0″]Yogi, Brooke Musat, joins us with insight from our Seasons of Greatness, Winter Workshop on how to use failure as a way to reinvent your goals after we’ve all had blunders with our New Year’s Resolutions. Get curiosity, relax your standards, and negotiate with yourself! Photography by Ann Whittaker

It’s no longer the season of New Year’s Resolutions, instead, it’s that tricky time of year when resolutions of the New Year start to lose their “newness” and motivation starts to dry up. If your start of February is anything like mine, you may have found yourself failing to stick to what you promised yourself you’d stick to in January, and swore you’d stick to throughout the year. That’s okay, a lot of us are in the same boat, and actually, I am encouraging you to continue to fail.

Yup, that is right, I think you should fail more often. Build a familiarity with failure, and generally get more comfortable with committing to do so.

Just saying “fail” out loud feels slightly taboo, maybe it’s because it’s a 4 letter word that begins with an “F”, or maybe it’s the weight the word carries. “Fail” is defined as “being unsuccessful in achieving one’s goal.” Yikes! Just reading that might make your shoulders slump, your lip droop, or your stomach begin to turn. The definition of “fail” is 2 parted, with an element of expectation and an element of disappointment. But what I think the dictionary’s definition doesn’t include, is the importance of failure in achieving one’s goal.

[full_width]Before successfully inventing the light bulb, Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times. When asked about his number of failures, he said “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
Failure lets us know we must amend, redefine, adjust, reroute, modify, alter, revise, and so forth. Each failure is a breadcrumb on your path to success, a nod from the universe you are 1 step closer, and an opportunity for you to reevaluate or pause.

So how do you begin to build a familiarity with failure? Read below for 3 tips that may help. [/full_width]

[full_width]GET CURIOUS
When you fail, because you will, we all fail, get curious about WHY you failed. If, for example, you failed by falling out of a balancing yoga pose, investigate whether you fell forward, backward, or to one side. If you fell forward, you need to lean less forward, if you fell backward, you need to lean more forward, and if you fell to one side, you need to find strength in the opposite side for which you fell. This example may seem obvious, but this type of investigation is important and 100% appropriate when deciding your next move.
Try the sequence below, but keep curiosity top of mind. If you can’t get curious about poses you’ve done a million times, think about how you can make them feel different. Maybe try thinking about how 1 particular body part is positioned in a pose, stare at that body part, push down, pull up, or direct your breathe toward it. Take time to explore the boundaries of each pose. If this doesn’t work, try adding weights to the hands or feet. If you can commit to remaining curious, you’re sure to make a better next step.
“We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things, because we’re curious…and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” – Walt Disney [/full_width]

[one_half padding=”7% 0 0 0″]o Upward Salute Pose
o Standing Forward Bend
o ½ Standing Forward Bend with arms out to the sides (3X)
o Focus on squeezing shoulder blades together (pictured)
o Chair Pose with feet hip distance
o Bring hands to the outside of the knees (push hands into knees and knees into hands)
o Standing Forward Bend with alternating bent knees
o High Plank
o Four-Limbed Staff Pose
o Downward Dog with legs turned out and then in
o 3 Legged Downward Dog
o Low Lunge with knee down
o High Plank
o Four-Limbed Staff Pose
o Sphinx, Cobra, or Upward Facing Dog
o Repeat sequence on opposite side. [/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

If you’ve experienced failure because you were unable to solve the problem right in front of you, then this tip is for you. Inspired by the science and application of algorithms, this tip reminds us that sometimes success can’t be achieved through intensity, but rather finds its way to us when we are relaxed.

Have you ever focused so hard on solving a problem, decided to give up after a significant period of time, then later, when you’re completely unfocused on solving the problem, the solution comes to you? If you’re nodding your head “yes”, then try this sequence. Each of the poses in this sequence have an advanced version, and slightly less advanced version. Try the advanced version first (it will appear first in the sequence), if you fail at embodying it comfortably and safely, then “relax the problem” and go for the less advanced variation. Give yourself permission to fail, and you might be surprised how “permission” temporally allows relaxation to sneak in.

“When we give ourselves permission to fail, we, at the same time, give ourselves permission to excel.”
– Eloise Ristad[/full_width]

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last padding=”11% 0 0 0″]o Dolphin or Short Downward Dog (Step feet 6-12 inches closer to hands)
o Low lunge (Transition Pose)
o Crescent Lunge or Crescent Lunge with back knee down
o Revolved Side Angle or Revolved Side Angle with back knee down
o High Plank or Forearm Plank
o Downward Dog (Transition Pose)
o Warrior II with hands reaching toward the diagonal or traditional Warrior II (pictured)
o Side Angle with hand on mat or Side Angle with hand on block
o Triangle with hand on shin/mat or Triangle with hand on block
o ½ Moon or ½ Moon with hand on block
o Flow to Downward Dog
o Repeat sequence on opposite side.[/one_half_last]

If you are that individual who sets the same goal ever New Years, and you fail every year, this tip is dedicated to you. It’s clear, the goal you make every year, isn’t going to pan out exactly as you imagined. Your failure to achieve that goal year after year, is a clue that you need negotiate with yourself.
What about the goal would you being willing to reshape, reframe, or redefine? Let’s say your goal was to run 10 miles each week, but by mid-February you’ve consistently only run 7 miles each week. Clearly, you’ve failed at achieving your initial goal, but instead of getting down on yourself, take the hint from the universe, and use the failure as an opportunity to reflect on the goal. Maybe, you’d be okay with running an average of 10 miles each week. In a month, that could be 2 weeks at 7 miles, 1 week at 12 miles, and 1 week at 14 miles. At most, that is only 2 miles each day!
Try the strengthening poses in this sequence, and think about how you’d be able to build on them over time. If the suggested number of breathes, or recommended time holding the posture does not feel appropriate, negotiate with yourself until you feel comfortable with the terms.[/full_width]

[one_third padding=”21% 0 0 0″]o Plank Pose – hold for 30-60 seconds

o Pose Dedicated to the Sage Koundinya II – hold for 10 breathes each side

o 3 Legged Downward Dog – 7 breathes each side

o Low Lunge (transition pose) – do not hold

o Warrior III or Warrior III with blocks – hold for 30-60 seconds (pictured)[/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

[full_width]“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.”
– Michael Jordan

With the remaining 11 months of the year still ahead of us, find comfort in the length of runway we still have to achieve goals we initiated at the start of the New Year. Whether you are on track to achieve your goals, or you’ve lost a bit of steam, recognize that failure will likely play some role in your story of success. If at any moment you find yourself failing, falling, or in the aftermath of a major F***up, remember these tips: get curious, relax the problem, and be willing to negotiate with yourself. If you keep these tips at arm’s reach, you’ll be sure to find success in 2017! [/full_width]

Great Summits: The Capricorn New Moon

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]CosmoMuse Seasonal Astrologist, Allie Couch, brings us some guidance around tonight’s aspiring Capricorn new moon, breaks it down by sign, as well as shares a practice to help us connect on a deeper level with our pinnacle goals of the year. Set your sights on tall peaks on this winter night, Muses; ones that will bring you glory and acclaim for the authority and responsibility that you are capable of carrying—and remeber to write your new moon goals in your CosmoMuse 2017 Seasonal Astrology Guide (or get one here if you don’t have one yet). Photography by Dan Peck

A quick refresher: New moons signify a point in time when the energies are ripe to initiate new goals. Each solar season gets a new moon of the same sign when the sun and moon share the same degree of the Tropical Zodiac. [/one_third_last]

[two_third]This season, Capricorn is up, marking our highest point in the zodiac and connected to the things we aspire to be recognized for, whether that’s through career, achievements, titles, awards or things we hold authority and responsibility in. Just as Capricorn Season starts at the winter solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere), when the days are at their shortest but start slowly growing in length, our Capricorn new moon goals will reflect this new found desire to slowly, step-by-step, climb the peaks we start seeing outlines of as we seek more light and glory. The goals we initiate now are ones that we will summit at the summer solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere), when the days are at their longest. They may feel like heavy burdens to bear and will require singular focus and a limiting of what we allow into our sphere of duties. Just as one who climbs a tough mountain needs to be prepared, plan and train for their journey, your Capricorn goals should take on the same seriousness and austerity.

Only look to goals that you know are within your attainment but push these and yourself bit beyond your norm this year as the planetary ruler of this event, Saturn, is in Sagittarius, the sign of expansion, vision and optimism.

This lunar event will happen at the tail end of the 28th for some of us and in the wee hours of the 29th for others. Either way, the optimal time to set your goals and intentions for your Capricorn themed yearly goals should be within six hours of the exact new moon. Starting no earlier than 5pm PT, 6pm MT, 7pm CT, 8pm ET is your best timing and into the night, with a 12 hour window. Don’t fear if you miss this, you can set and work on these goals for the whole week ahead, this window is just the ideal.


[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]CAPRICORN GOALS BY SIGN

Capricorn rules a different part of each sign’s chart. Read below for a little extra context around how to direct your goals based on your sun sign AND rising sign:

Aries: Your career and public aspirations are doubly in focus. Own your authority in the professional world and watch your responsibilities and acclaim grow.
Taurus: Your ability to give structure and prestige to global and enterprising pursuits could win you some public favor. Let go of any limiting notions of belief and allow yourself to climb foreign mountains.
Gemini: Authority follows you into taboo areas. You are responsible and structured in the things you share and transform with others. Own your ability to make responsible choices in entanglement and find your acclaim this summer as you see what you’ve helped rebuild, step-by-step, through joining forces for exponential growth in shared possessions.
Cancer: Relating and relationships are what bring you glory and acclaim. You may sometimes feel limited or too responsible when it comes to your relationships, but own your ability to bring structure and focus to the give and take that makes great partnering and climb big peaks in front of you with a graceful flow of taking the lead and following that takes your ability to equalize to new heights. [/two_third_last]

[full_width]Leo: Lifestyle and your daily processes (or work duties) are what get your most structured capabilities. You may take a lot on your shoulders but your step-by-step approach to getting through your days is enviable and you are capable of tackling more projects than the other signs and having a rigorously purified life. A new project may come your way that will push your limits but open the door to a new stream of work that rises your prestige.
Virgo: Structure and responsibility are where you shine. Don’t squash your authority for fear of the limelight. Embrace your leadership and creative expression and watch as the world praises your ability to structure and achieve.
Libra: Growing roots and self-nurturing are important things in life and you take this very seriously—or you should. By taking care of your family and home or things related to nurturing, sustaining and protecting, your structured abilities here help you grow prestigious roots in life.
Scorpio: Words and connecting with others may at times seem a burden to you but this is where you build and take on authority in your life. By realizing that your linear thought process is enviable and respectable, you can let go of any feelings of communicative inferiority. Use your authoritative style to stay connected to those in power, bringing you more respect.
Sagittarius: What comes around goes around. Share your authority in something to increase your self-worth and give of your possessions to keep the flow of value streaming into your life. Or, use your resources to increase your authority and skills in something that you feel is important to your self-worth. This will help you let go of feelings of lack or inferiority.
Capricorn: This is your new moon of the year; the time when your agenda is in motion and getting green lights. You are a responsible breed and no doubt your new moon goals will be tinted with practical, step-by-step goals that will give you more respect and authority in your life. Whatever you most desire should be sought now.
Aquarius: Arts, spirituality, composition and healing may feel like serious areas to you and they are. This is your time to initiate new goals that fill you with inspiration. You are capable of becoming an authority in your artistic and spiritual pursuits but you have to put in solid, structured building to get there.
Pisces: Groups, causes, and friends may sometimes make you feel inferior but they need you. You bring structure and responsibility to humanity and causes bigger than the individual. So on our behalf, not yours, please shed your feelings of limitation around what you can contribute and dive in to help the rest of us bring structure and acclaim to the things we all need as a collective for the progress of our world.

*Only incorporate the above contexts into your Capricorn themed goals if you can hold or understand the complexity – do not stress about these if it feels too overwhelming confusing. [/full_width]


Normally I suggest making 3 or 4 goals for both your sun and rising sign (6-8 total) as not all of them will grow the needed roots but this time I’m suggesting a limit to this. Make one or two goals for each and treat them like a expedition plan that then may incorporate other smaller stepping stones, base camps (or goals) to help you reach your main peak to summit. So here’s the question to help you set your gaze on the right challenging peak for glory this year: What do you most aspire to be recognized for and stand on top as an authority of?

o Make a 4-5 step plan that will help you attain your main goal— this can include some sub-goals.

o With each of your sub-goals, write out a few sentences of how you will start those goals.[/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]


o Make a list of ‘gear’ need for your big trek ahead.

o As soon as you are ready to take a step into your first sub-goal, light a candle and repeat the following (this should be within a week of making your goals): I accept the responsibility that I am asking for and know that this will lead me to more authority and acclaim in my life, which in turn I can use to give others more authority in their lives.

o Enjoy the trek you set out on but stay focused and take time to look back every now and then, leading up to July (or the scheduled summit), to see how far you’ve climbed toward this goal.

With Mercury retrograde connected to your yearly Capricorn goal/s, be sure you are clear and double check any communication around your journey/s with these goal/s. Take things slow as certain paths may not lead where you think they will—planning and research will help you to choose the correct routes so there is little back tracking needed. Mars and Neptune send supporting guidance on your mission so inspired, artistic, and cosmically entangled action and healing will be with you every step of the way—but you do need to ask for this when you need it. These guides are available to you but they can’t read you mind. Happy trails muses. May you find all that you aspire to accomplish on this new trek and summit with grand fulfillment come July.[/full_width]


With this being your summer solstice time of year, we flip the seasons around and so in some astrologers theories (including mine), this is your Cancer time of year.

With your Cancer new moon falling today, it’s the perfect time for you to make goals around how to nurture and grow your roots. Pay attention to your inner stirrings of what you need to feel safe, nurtured and protected in this world. The sun has reached the tropic of Capricorn and will start backing away as the nights slowly grow in length, making it your ideal time to start thinking about and planning for the future darker times coming, when your autumn months will ask you to tap into your inner resources.

I know this is just a bread crumb but more for your side of the world is in the works! [/full_width]