A Trifecta of Yoga Poses for Spring’s Transitions

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]In this season of transition into unpredictable spring weather, let CosmoMuse yogi, Brooke Musat, help you find balance with three Pisces inspired poses.

If you are anything like me the first sign spring is on its way is a runny nose, never-ending sneezes, and dry itchy eyes. I get excited for the warmer weather and longer days, but I also begin to feel a bit nostalgic toward the intimacy winter provides. The cusp of spring and Pisces Season is all about embracing the promise of the future, while ceremoniously remembering the past.

This limbo type of season can lead to feelings of confusion. You may even feel pulled in different directions or a bit unsettled in your body. [/one_third_last]

[full_width] While you may be occupied with moving shorts and tanks to the front of the closet, you know you still have to make room for winter jackets and long pants. Betting on what the weather of tomorrow will be, is a risky bet. Whether it is sun, sleet, or snow, be prepared for whatever precipitates. Spring or winter could be knocking at your door, and Pisces reminds us the importance of being equipped to welcome both.

Hold space for winter and spring with this Pisces inspired sequence. While this sequence is only 3 postures in length, each pose is designed to offer both a kinesthetic familiarity and unfamiliarity representing the securities of winter and the possibilities of spring. On days where you may be feeling more disoriented than normal, move through each posture at a slower pace. Draw your attention to the rootedness of your foot and hands in Downward-Facing Dog, the stabilizing power of your quads in Crescent Lunge, and the strengthen of your entire core in twisted Staff Pose. On days where you may feel more secure under foot, experiment with picking up the pace between postures and commit to repeating the sequence 7-10 times. Allow the poses to be simple shapes in space and permit your breath to curate your experience. [/full_width]

[one_third padding=”21% 0 0 0″]Downward-Facing Dog Pose with nose to knee and heel lifted variation

Pose Benefits:

o Strengthens the entire body

o Stretches shoulders, chest hamstrings, and calves

o Tones the core [/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

[one_third padding=”21% 0 0 0″]Crescent Lunge with hands to third eye variation

Pose Benefits:

o Stretches the hips and triceps

o Opens chest and upper back

o Strengthens quads and glutes [/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

[one_third padding=”21% 0 0 0″]Standing Twisted Staff Pose with hands to third eye variation

Pose Benefits:

o Tones the entire core

o Helps cultivate a better sense of balance

o Strengthens the tiny muscles in the feet and muscles of the standing leg

Yoga Poses to Seek More Perspective & Optimism

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last padding=”2% 0 0 0″]
CosmoMuse yogini, Brooke Musat, joins us on this Sagittarius Season day, giving an experiential connection into the time of year’s link to seeking optimism and expansion as the dark nights have us gazing at stars and thinking in grand, visionary ways. Photography, Dustin Couch | Model, Brooke Musat

With the hustle and bustle of the holiday season keeping us occupied, winter finally settling in, and longer days turning into longer nights, it’s easy to feel a little less free. We all have things to do and people to see, but we also owe it to ourselves to preserve a little freedom, push ourselves outside our comfort zones, and remember the future holds that which we seek. Sagittarius’s reign reminds us of the importance of keeping an evolving perspective so we can maintain an optimistic outlook.


[one_third padding=”13% 0 0 0″]The poses of Sagittarius were selected to give you reason to dance with something new, and permission to immerse in the challenging exploration of self. Both postures shown are subtle variations of the traditional yogic poses: Heron Pose and One-Legged King Pigeon Pose II. Openness of heart, hips, hamstrings, and mind are all prerequisites to safely enter and exit these postures. You’ll be forced to listen to your body, to determine what it needs to assume Heron and One-Legged King Pigeon Pose II in a healthy way. See below for suggested preparatory poses, but remember sometimes practice, presence, and, most importantly, patience are necessities we are quick to forget about.[/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][two_third]At first glance these poses may scare you, or make you think “no way”; but, hopefully seeing them, and hearing that they are blessed by Sagittarius, will help you confront your ideas about what is possible. Keep your future bright by embracing an expansive way of thinking. If you can think beyond the difficulty of these poses, you can think beyond that which limits you.[/two_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]Heron Pose :: (Krounchasana) Variation

o Stretches hip, hamstring, and achilles of straight leg

o Stretches quad and top of foot of bent leg

o Opens heart when shoulder blades are relaxed on the back

o Stimulates organs

CAUTION: avoid this pose if you have knee or ankle complications

Preparatory Poses:
Downward facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
Staff Pose (Dandasana)
Hero’s Pose (Virasana) [/one_third_last]

[one_third padding=”13% 0 0 0″]One-Legged King Pigeon Pose II :: (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana II) Variation

o Stretches abdominals and both hips

o Stretches quad of back leg

o Opens chest, shoulders and upper back

o Strengthens back and tiny muscles in the front foot

o Stimulates the thyroid

CAUTION: avoid this pose if you have neck or low back complications


[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last padding=”36% 0 0 0″]Preparatory Poses:
Pigeon Pose (Eka Pada Rajakapotasana)
Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
Upward Facing Dog Pose (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)
Hero’s Pose (Virasana)
Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)[/one_third_last]

Yoga Poses to Uncover More Intensity & Desire

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]CosmoMuse yogi, Brooke Musat, brings us some Scorpio Season intensity with two poses that help us balance our yin & yang energy during this transformative season. Photography by Bus Couch.

In the height of the transition between fall and winter upon us, we welcome Scorpio into her reign. Harnessing the power that is transformation, now is the perfect time to turn lessons learned into lessons shared. With Mars in Scorpio’s corner, the courage within will help us as we turn toward our hidden depths. Because Scorpio energy calls upon our inner detectives, consider this an opportunity to dig a little deeper into what you desire. Don’t shy away from identifying what it is you want, need, or simply crave.  If what you desire feels a little avant garde or taboo, find comfort that identification is the first step in the healthy exercise of self-discovery.[/one_third_last]

[full_width]With Pluto, Scorpio’s second ruling planet in your court, your intuitive abilities should be easier to call upon. Knowing what is right for you and when to act, are powers you already embody. Know though, that your journey to seek that which you desire does not need to be a lonely one. Sure, Scorpio season strengthens our self-control, but Scorpio season also reminds us there is power in intimacy. Give yourself permission to open up and share your truths with others. The essence of who you are is worth celebrating with company and embracing both your dark side along with your light side will bring greater empowerment!
The Yin and Yang poses of Scorpio season will keep you balanced as temperatures drop and the scenery shifts. With focus on caring for the loins and the heart, we are reminded that sometimes access to our desires requires a great deal of concentration and hard work. Steadiness achieved through strong feet, hamstrings, and quads, we recognize that transformation isn’t fleeting, but rather best initiated by finding strength on a cellular level.

[one_third padding=”26% 0 0 0″]Yin Pose :: Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana (Folded Extended Hand-to-Big-Toe Pose)

o Stretches the hips, shoulders, and hamstrings

o Strengthens the ankles and legs

o Can help to strengthen the tiny muscles in the feet to help with cultivating a better sense of balance


[full_width]Fire Signs (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius):
Fire Signs, practice this pose only after warming up the hamstrings and opening up the hips. Don’t let your ego tell you props aren’t permitted. A strap looped around the foot in the air is a great way to give tight hamstrings room to breathe.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn):
Earth signs, your tendency may be to focus on the foot that is connected to the ground or your mat, try to avoid this, as it may throw off your balance. Instead, try to bring your focus to the lightness of the leg suspended in the air. You could even try letting go of the foot with the hand and using your core to hold the leg up.

Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius):
Air Signs, we challenge you to hold this pose for more than 1 minute. If your hamstrings are tight, bend the knee, and take both hands to the shin, then draw the knee closer to chest.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): 
Water Signs, focus on trying to make this posture comfortable. You may need to play with bending either the standing leg’s knee or the knee of the leg in the air. Relax the shoulders and break in this pose in as it feels right for you.

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”5% 0 0 0″]Yang Pose :: Dancer’s Pose (Natarajasana)

o Strengthens the core and legs

o Opens the heart and chest

o Stretches the shoulders and back

Fire Signs (Leo, Aries, Sagittarius):
Fire signs, be aware that this pose should be eased into. Draw your attention to the tension of the foot in the hand and make sure your knee (of suspended leg) is pointed down toward the earth.

Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn):
Earth signs, recognize this pose is quite an opening for your chest, back, shoulders, and heart. If you begin to feel vulnerable or trapped, try bending the standing leg, focus on the breath, or acknowledge you need to come out of the pose and try again.

[full_width]Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius):
Air signs, consider bringing the hand into the foot and aligning the knees. From there slowly begin to push the foot into the hand. With every breath you can focus on bringing the leg a bit higher. Once you’ve reached your peak, exit the pose the same way you entered it.

Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces):
Water signs, bring your attention to the shoulders and the arm suspended in space. Play with the angle of the suspended arm, reaching up toward sky, or reaching forward and parallel with the earth. Try to keep the shoulders squared toward the front of your mat. [/full_width]