Cultivating Networks of Generosity: Aquarius Rituals

[two_third] (Photo by Ann Whittaker of our Seasons of Greatness Workshop, January 28, 2017)[/two_third][one_third_last]Ann Whittaker, our muse of eloquence, guides us on a journey through beautiful mid-winter rituals to help us take advantage of Aquarius Season’s connection to humanity.

“Conquer the angry one by not getting angry; conquer the wicked by goodness; conquer the stingy by generosity, and the liar by speaking the truth.”
– Gautama Buddha, The Dhammapada

My desire for tenderness, compassion, and generosity are potent these days. It’s midwinter, and all I want to do is make sure that hearts are warm, and that we are gathering to propel each other’s dreams forward–working together to unearth any dormant resources or to uncover the pathways that will move humanity into inspiring systems that can create beauty.[/one_third_last]

[full_width]None of us can do anything meaningful alone. We need each other. We need collective courage when we are afraid; we need collective trust when we are uncertain; we need collective imagination when we forget that darkness is where creation begins; we need collective tenderness when criticism lashes out.

Aquarian Rituals

Most days I run into fear, anxiety, anger, self-doubt, stinginess, or regret in some form or another. I’m hoping to be more present and aware when the ego creeps up by tending to these daily rituals that will keep me focused on contributing to this good world and the humans who inhabit it. [/full_width]

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][one_third padding=”3% 0 0 0″]MORNING: Light up your room, light up the world
Light a candle in the dark of the morning. Take notice of your breath. Notice if you have any fears, any self-doubt, any feelings of scarcity or possessiveness. Notice. Then present yourself with other options. If you are worried a new project isn’t gaining traction, reach out to friends or colleagues that you admire. Or, better yet, take a break from your own work, and be a light for someone else–who can you give your time, your heart for an hour or two? [/one_third][one_third][/one_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][one_third][/one_third][one_third padding=”3% 0 0 0″]MIDDAY: Turn on the music, identify the patterns
Find some inspiration in music or any art that you particularly enjoy. We love art because we love patterns. How can you tap into an art world of ideas, patterns, composition, and imagination to move forward on a project? Let the work of others inspire you–continue and expand upon conversations that have been going on for centuries.

(Try our Aquarius Season Spotify playlist: a mix of all our Muses Aquarian inspired faves)[/one_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][one_third]EVENING: What have you gained, and how will you share it?
Each day we acquire new knowledge, new hopes, new wounds, new insight, new resources. The truth is, none of it is really ours. How does a person actually “own” knowledge? Do we even really “own” our wounds, or can we let them pass through us, and let them exit us with tenderness? Can you be vulnerable without being dramatic? How can your new insight help someone who is struggling? What knowledge did you gain that can help a friend? Perhaps you are sitting on an abundance of resources that need to start flowing into the community. Write down the things you gained during the day, and identify a person or group who you would like to share it with. [/one_third][one_third] (Another image by Ann Whittaker of our recent Seasons of Greatness workshop, gathering and sharing with our loved community)[/one_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[full_width]“One of the marvelous things about community is that it enables us to welcome and help people in a way we couldn’t as individuals. When we pool our strength and share the work and responsibility, we can welcome many people, even those in deep distress, and perhaps help them find self-confidence and inner healing.”
– Jean Vanier[/full_width]

Gemini Full Moon: Positive Messages

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]As an epic full moon, supermoon in Gemini sits on our horizon, astrologist Allie Couch guides us through the high tide themes facing us today and this evening.

It’s full moon time muses, and this one is a special full supermoon as well as our culminating full moon of 2016. There may be huge feelings of needing to let go of aspects of 2016 that messed with our minds and thoughts so we can move on to 2017 in fresh and vital ways. It’s been a rocky and combustible year with the yang fire that’s been a filter over things. We’ve also had the numerological number 9 (the number of endings) filtering our happenings in 2016–the final number in the 1-9 cycle of years. The good news is that this is a spiritual number and I think it will help us let go of much negativity and prep us for the “1” year ahead–welcoming new paths and epic beginnings and initiatives.

In Gemini, the full moon’s purpose is to show us the information and thoughts that we need to let go of as well as a time of manifestation around information, words, communication, and community connecting that we have worked hard on. The messages that we have put out to the world and the pollination efforts that we have been busy promoting will show through now, letting us know how well we did.

If negativity is reflected back to us at this full moon, we’ll need to take time to analyze our thoughts and words over the past six months. Have they been negative?


[one_half]If our messages and thoughts have been positive and productive, community, connection, and a merry sense of belonging will be reflected back to us.

The planets seem very eager for this moon as so many of them will reach out with holiday cheer. We have two kite formations at this lunation and the full supermoon serves as one target and our seasonal ruler, grandiose Jupiter, serves as the other one. Because of this, there should be an epic feeling of being in touch with others now–for good or bad. It’s great day and night to get out, meet new people, and maybe find that key person or connection who can help push our manifestations, that are trying to peak, over a hump.

It’s always interesting to watch how timing works out and as fate would have it, we made a final decision to produce and self-publish our guide around the Gemini new moon. As hard as we worked and tried to get it out to everyone a few weeks earlier than we did, it is manifesting now, literally getting delivered today to the people who ordered it. A very literal moon cycle in our cards: set the intention at the Gemini new moon and watching it manifest at the Gemini full moon. We have put our hearts, souls, love, and gratitude for so many into this and it’s overwhelming to see the love coming back in and new connections coming our way.[/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]Please come to our humble home today for our pop-up shop to check one out for yourself (check our Instagram @cosmomuse for details). If you already have one come to our 7-9pm holiday celebratory open house and toast to the coming 2017 ‘A Year of Great Expectations’ so we can help elevate each other in all of the new and altruistic inspiration that we see seeping into so many of your minds.

We would love to meet every one of our followers, although I know many are not in the same city as us.

Gemini Full Moon Gathering Ideas:
With this moon being agile, verbal, quick, and movement oriented, it’s a gathering that should be more free flowing than usual. Instead of having a structured program, maybe treat this more like a book club

[full_width](actually a book club theme would be great for a Gemini themed gathering) where food and wine are just out and available to nibble on all night as you sit and chat and move around freely. Let the ritual aspects of this moon gathering happen in their own time and in a less formal way. Instead of doing the traditional circle, maybe set up a table where your moon crew can write out their messages to release and burn and messages that they are hoping to have come into manifestation, to do in their own time. No doubt people will be coming and going so anything structured may have constant distraction. Smudge people upon arriving at the gathering location rather than before entering the moon circle.

Gemini Full Moon Prayer:
I release all of my negative thoughts, forgive other’s negativity and embrace the good messages that I, and others, have. As the year ends, so do my feelings of hatred and bitterness. I am loved, connected and belong to amazing things and people that are all around in this world. My messages carry light and love as I help connect the dots of positive forward motion all around me. [/full_width]