Dear Ash: Is There A Block In My Chart?

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Dear Ash,

I’m a Sagittarius who needs some astro clarity! I had an astrological reading done in the past and was told I had an area of my birth chart that shows that I’m ‘stuck’ somehow. I wasn’t quite sure what she meant so could you further explain where I might be blocked in life?

Hi Amy,

Looking at your chart there are some things that immediately jump out at me. I will try to break down what I’m seeing as easily as I can. I hope! Astrology is not easy so never fear asking questions about it.

First off –
Everyone has what is called the ‘North Node and the ‘South Node’ in their chart. They are not planets. They are simply mathematical points created by the moons path. The north node represents our future, our dharma and depending on the sign it resides in will shed light on the skills we are supposed to gain in this life. The south node is our past, our karma and the traits/talents we came into this lifetime being good at. Your south node is in the sign of Sagittarius and your north node is in the sign of Gemini. Meaning that you came into this world ready and able to look at the world through a big picture lens. Being naturally philosophical, spiritual and possessing a large appetite for expansion/travel/freedom.[/two_third_last]

[two_third]Your north node in Gemini suggests a need to learn how to be more detail-oriented and really focus in on projects. Learning how to study the individual trees of the forest and not just the name of land it grows on. Zeroing in on the more everyday experience is what you’re learning about this time around.

Secondly – Your Sun (your life path/ego/identity) and Mercury (your mind/how you communicate) is right next to your south node. This would suggest that you have a natural talent for writing or communicating in a creative way. This also shows that you might be stuck in the past. The south node represents our past lives, our family history, and the genetic code that pulses through our veins today. I think where you may be blocked is that you could be too focused on your past or what you didn’t do/achieve yet. Sagittarius usually has really lofty goals and perspectives so it can be hard to live up to your own expectations. Looking at your north node you have Jupiter, the planet of expansion and the ruler of Sagittarius (therefore the ruler of your south node, Mercury and Sun) in the same sign. When I use the term ‘ruler’ I just mean that it has a strong affinity for those signs/placements. This means that you have big hopes, dreams and wishes for yourself. In order to obtain those dreams it would serve you well to be more focused on the little things in life. Maybe it’s time for a life makeover. Maybe certain attitudes or ideas or even physical objects in your life need to be snipped for good. It can sound harsh but it’s really incredible the weight that supposed comfort isn’t actually bringing to our hearts/souls.

I think the more organized and direct you can be about your passions and life objectives, the more successful you will be. It could be that you are quite scattered and you’ve worn yourself too thin. Figure out what you really love/need in life and let go of the rest.

If you don’t love it, leave it, girl.[/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

[one_fourth][/one_fourth][one_fourth][/one_fourth][one_fourth]Dear Ash is a monthly advice column with astrologer Ash Bonelli. Send your question to [email protected] for a chance to get it answered in next month’s Dear Ash feature. For private readings with Ash, email her, [email protected], or pop into her website for a list of services. [/one_fourth][one_fourth_last][/one_fourth_last]

In the Stars: How to Find Calm in Tomorrow’s Election

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]I have to start out with full disclosure that I am voting for Hillary, no questions asked. As a female with any sense of dignity I can’t in any way, shape or form support Trump.

As I started digging into the candidates, Hillary and Trump, and the dates of the election and on and on down the rabbit hole for this post, I felt more and more and more perplexed by what I was finding. Instead of seeing threads that brought clarity and insight to mind, I felt overwhelmed. Can the stars tell me who’s going to win? Can they help support why I believe Hillary will be a better president? Can I tell who’s a better ‘match’ as Commander in Chief per the US’s chart? Can I see why this election season has been such a disappointment? I only felt more lost the more I dug into different cosmic insight.

In true Sagittarius rising fashion, I had to step away for a while and realign with new questions around what I was even trying to find for this post. Perspective – that’s my ultimate keyword. This step away helped, immediately realizing that I was going about nebulous election questions in the wrong way—just as I was going about my day in the wrong way (car issues, puppy issues, technology issues – is it Mercury Retrograde? No. Really?). Realignment and a step back cured the symptoms of chaos. So, here it is, here’s my big cosmic reveal around all of the nebulous questions about the candidates and this election:[/two_third_last]

[full_width]Both Hillary and Trump have charts filled with complexity. There’s really nothing that I can tell you that we haven’t already dissected about them so I’ll just confirm: Yes, Hillary is brilliant, filled with stubborn determination to have power, control as well as lead. She keeps secrets and we may never know if they are all for her own benefit or for the good of the country. She is compassionate and duplicitous. Trump is a narcissist, he’s archaic (and is blind to that having been born on a south node lunar eclipse), he’s intuitive but not focused. Both have things in their charts in relation to the US’s chart that make me feel a little scared of their leadership for this country.

What finally made the circus and shit show make more sense was when I decided to step away from the candidates and the election and look more at the birth, transit and progressed charts for the US. This is where the root of the problem lies. It’s not about ‘them’ but more about why our country is attracting such candidates right now as well as unprecedented polarization, bringing out the ugliness in all of us.[/full_width]

[one_half]First: We are currently going through some heavy Pluto transits as a country. Our sun (our vital will and ego) is being opposed by this intense planet of transformation. We are going through epic shifts in power structures where the white middle-class male is no longer the majority. This, I believe is where The Donald is gaining support. People are scared of change and he represents old world security that is an illusion. With Pluto involved, change is already upon us and there is no going back—just walking into the fires of destruction. Specifically, around infrastructure, reputation, corporations, security, and value, knowing that as a great nation we can rebuild these things better as a more encompassed country if we can embrace the changes already in motion. With Trump’s heavy Cancer influences he is hugely reactionary and I think a lot of us fear the big red button in his reach – this is what scares me the most with him. [/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last]Second: It’s this same transit that I think has drawn Hillary into the mix along with the way Pluto is placed in the US progressed chart. Her Scorpio packed chart (ruled by Pluto) is one that can walk into the shifting tides and help us grow new skins and revitalize our country through re-building rather that clinging to the old. She represents that shift in society that is embracing power that looks different than it did in years past. Her ability to control and assert a psychological upper-hand is a double edged sword here. We need someone to lead us that isn’t scared of the change ahead and knows how to pool our power with others (that Scorpio is so masterful at), to keep us great. But, in that change will she get power hungry and make decisions that are better for her than for the country? The US chart has Scorpio in its 12th house of illusion, behind the scenes dealings, shadow and healing or self-undoing. So this could go both ways, either she uses her secretive Scorpio energy to help heal this area of our chart that has major baggage or she adds further fire to our sneaky backroom dealings. Either way, if she wins, I have no doubt that there will be much mystery around her presidency that we will never know about. [/one_half_last]

[one_third]Third: This is the biggie and the one that is the least about the candidates. Every thirty years, our charts make a shift in their progressions to a new sign. The last three degrees of progressing through a sign are when we can feel cycles coming to a close and are wrapping things up. As we move into the new sign, the first three degrees are ones where we are totally thrown out of water and struggle to understand our new environment and direction. For the US we are in the thick of this with our rising sign (what determines our direction and assertion) having just changed in May. The past three years we’ve been wrapping things up around leading, creatively expressing ourselves and shining as grand leaders and theatrical divas. Now, in Virgo, our direction needs to shift in big ways. [/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

[full_width]It’s time for us to figure out how to be more productive and create healthier process in our country. We’ve burned through a lot of resources in this Leo cycle of fun and excitement but now Virgo will help us dig in, work hard and make sure that the great creativity and leadership that we’ve asserted will be sustainable with a focus on refining, maturing and growing up. It’s not a really fun sign but it will bring a great harvest and more clout when we finish our new thirty year cycle. We are less than a degree into this new sign so we are literally spinning right now. None of us can fully grasp this new cycle for a couple of years so we have a long road ahead before the current turmoil calms down and we can all understand how we connect to our nation’s new directive. Call it fate or the cosmic powers that be, but this new rising sign is conjunct Trumps rising sign and conjunct Hillary’s mid-heaven (or career line). I guess we’ll see which line is more important to our nation’s chart tomorrow night. Although, Trump’s ascendant is technically in the last degree of Leo so I believe Hillary’s Virgo mid-heaven will be the rising star (but it’s going to take time for the US to ease into this Virgo energy so any leader will feel uncomfortable now).

In closing, more than who wins, keep in mind the epic cycles of change that we are going through and allow your fellow Americans to figure out their place for themselves without as much harsh judgement. We all have things we are going to have to let go of, find new footing in and transform for so try to be supportive and calm in this effort as we are all trying to figure out our place in the madness of the current US charts.

Side Note: There is controversy and mystery over Hillary’s true birth time as well as over the timing of the signing of The Declaration of Independence (US birth chart time) but I made my own judgements and assertions that I now (after having done research for this post) feel confident about. I’d already dug into the US chart for another post and feel sure that we have a Sag rising (freedom of speech, religion…). Feeling 98% sure about that, made it easier to rectify the time I choose to believe Hillary was born, of the few times she’s given.[/full_width]

Dear Ash: How to Embrace More Scorpio Mystique?

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”6% 0 0 0″]Dear Ash,

I’d love to know how and where Scorpio shows up in my chart and how I can tap into its dark and mysterious powers?

Dear Jessica-

There is a deep reservoir to be found in the Scorpio slice of the chart that is vulnerable, sacred and fearless. In your Libra rising chart we find Scorpio ruling over your 2nd house of self-worth, tangible resources, your relationship to those resources and money. It’s the house of how we support ourselves in this material world. The foundations we create. The way we view ourselves in private. Needless to say, a powerfully important house. Truth be told, each house carries its own blessings and burdens but this one really represents some heavy topics.

So LaCasa Scorpio is a private place meaning you may be a bit secretive about your money. Maybe its a topic you like keeping a little mystery around. You might be strict, hyper focused or obsessive about always having enough. Your feelings about yourself could have a direct link to how much you have and how well you can take care of yourself. You also have two planets living in that house that are in what is called a ‘Conjunction’ in astro speak. This simply means they are in close proximity. Their themes influence each others energy.


[full_width]First off, you have Saturn, the planet I see as the cosmic life coach there. Saturn represents our fears, survival, fathers or older male figures, hard work, restriction and structure. Where we have Saturn in the chart is where we are meant to work extra hard in our lifetime. This means making money could have been or still is a bit of a struggle. If not, you are working your Saturn. If it is, that is what you should focus on. Because this theme is in your 2nd house it represents more than just making money to consume and have fancy things. This is about your ability as a woman to take care of yourself on your own merit. Knowing you have your own back at the end of the day is the lesson here. Scorpio is independent and will go to whatever length it needs to, to achieve success even put itself at risk. That is a trait you must always be mindful of. Risk assess every option.

[two_third]Secondly, you have Mars, the warrior planet residing there. Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio so he is very strong and able to act on his desires with greater ease. He governs over personal drive, passion, aggression, masculinity and power. This adds an interesting dynamic to your 2nd house formed by the relationship between Saturn and Mars. One restricts and wishes you to work hard by sometimes going without while Mars goes after whatever it wants. So there is probably a push/pull that occurs within you around topics of self-esteem, what you want/deserve/need and how you go about getting it. The good thing about Saturn is that if you do work hard for him, you get rewarded. He isn’t there to help you (not in the traditional sense of the word), he’s there to challenge you to push through the obstacles life throws your way. Mars adds a needed boost in purpose to help you achieve in the face of struggle.

To tap into this side of yourself further I would say work on transparency around any issues you have with your money, your self-esteem and your current living situation. Scorpio likes to dig till they hit every nook and cranny of truth possible. Look at what blocks, boundaries and resentment you have around the 2nd house subjects so you can be clear as possible about what you want to work for. Your goals in life come back to this house because of the inherent psychological self value component. It’s imperative to feel like you have control over the tangible sections of your life. So dig deep and see what treasures lie within that can help you move forward feeling the best you can feel about yourself!

Scorpio Season Mantra: I let go of that which I cannot control. I embrace my shadows without the need to hide them away. I release any resentments that cloud my ability to be authentically seen by others.

[one_fourth]Dear Ash is a monthly advice column with astrologer Ash Bonelli. Send your question to [email protected] for a chance to get it answered in next month’s Dear Ash feature. For private readings with Ash, email her, [email protected], or pop into her website for a list of services. [/one_fourth][one_fourth_last][/one_fourth_last]

Crowdfunding: 2017 Printed Astrology Guide



This is what we at CosmoMuse have picked as our theme for the coming year. Why? Good question, and one that is beautifully addressed and expanded on in our 2017 printed Astrology Guide. We used numerology, Chinese astrology and western astrology to determine this large arc theme and you’re going to want to know how to get in sync with what 2017 can offer you.

We think you’ll LOVE this beautiful guide, BUT, we need your help to get it printed. Check out our crowdfuning page to pre-order your copy today!



As well as presenting a well researched theme for the year, we have 5 gorgeous editorial features to help us grab hold of the bigger themes in the stars for 2017 and really utilize them – inspiration, ritual, yoga, meditation and creativity are all part of these features.

We then go into the guide part of the publication with a chapter for each season (season being the four week period that the sun spends in a sign). These seasons hold so much cosmic magic to tap into if you know what to look for, and it really can produce massive and positive insight and change. Living ‘in-season’ with the stars is actual magic and we can help you tap into this!

Each seasonal chapter of the guide will talk[/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]about the theme for that season, connecting us to the larger patterns and cycles at play, but will also weave into our yearly theme in a seamless and inspiring way. Our insight is digestible, fun, clean and intentional.

These chapters will include an overall theme for the four weeks ahead and the sign ruling it, moon cycle events (such as new moon goal setting and thoughts for full moon manifesting) and wellness & mindfulness tips for the season.

This guide is easy enough for a beginner to follow and deeply researched enough for our spirit junkies to find endless fascination with. It’s a new way of approaching a yearly astrology guide, in a ‘bookazine’ style, and we think you’ll love it – we do!

follow this link to pre-order your copy![/one_third_last]

Virgo New Moon Eclipse: Queen of Lifestyle

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]The early morning of Thursday, September 1st, 2016, kicks off a month of eclipse season and with it the Virgo New Moon Eclipse (or a Virgo Solar Eclipse). Eclipses always coincide with new and full moons, as well as makes them 100 times more potent. If one hits a natal planet or major point in your chart, you can expect sweeping changes. For a new moon, they’ll be in the form of initiations and doors opening that never had been for you. You don’t need to have a Virgo Sun to feel the epic shifts coming our way tomorrow. I know plenty of people who are going through big shifts because of this event, in the area of their life that Virgo rules – although a natal Virgo planet will feel this the most.

Virgo is the sign of refinement and perfection with no time for frills and fuss. They need efficiency and purity. Our digestion and gut instinct are ruled by Virgo and it’s the sign that helps us create our daily processes from how we chose to get our work duties done, to how we structure the flow of our day and our routines. In this sense, it rules our health, wellness and lifestyle. Virgo wants us to run like a well-oiled machine: Early to rise, get our workout in, a 10 minute meditation, make a green drink, get showered and groomed, off to work with energy and purpose, post-work errands, make a healthy dinner, tidy up around the house, a batch of laundry while having a quick read-up on something useful – news or an article on how to work more efficiently. NO ROOM FOR FRILLS. This sign is pure and clean. Wherever this sign is in your chart, you will be thoughtful, purposeful, intentional, contextual, perfectionist and sophisticated. [/two_third_last]

[one_half]Simplicity and a mantra of quality over quantity follow this sign around. They know how to create the best lifestyle for anyone, based on the contexts of their lives. If you know a Virgo and need help organizing how you setup your days, give them a shout. They may seem shy or unapproachable on first glance, but at heart this sign NEEDS to feel useful and LOVES to be of service.

With tomorrow’s eclipse, you can be sure that the area Virgo rules for you will see exciting developments and you may have new opportunities around bringing purpose into yours or others lives. In the least, more organization and purpose will be felt.

Here’s a breakdown per sign on how you may feel the events of this lunar cycle:

Aries || Aries Rising
Your work projects and lifestyle, in general, will have an open window to be completley redesigned.

Taurus || Taurus Rising
Your creative expression and leadership style could get a surge of fresh vitality with a hint of efficiency and productivity in your wake.


[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last]Gemini || Gemini Rising
Get ready for a more efficient and healthy home. You may be moving, renovating or simply spring cleaning.

Cancer || Cancer Rising
Communication and the way you think and write may get new opportunities to show off just how detailed and contextual you can be.

Leo || Leo Rising
Your sense of value and self worth may get healthy boost with new lifestyle and purposeful work coming your way.

Virgo ||Virgo Rising
This is your big reset of the year. Chose wisely what your agendas a passions are and watch as door fling open to help you move those forward. Obviously, these will be filled with purpose and useful lifestyle notes.

Libra || Libra Rising
The cosmos are oping up to you with new inspiration. You may have a chance to bring compassion, art and spirituality to lifestyle with a new opportunity.

[one_half]Scorpio || Scorpio Rising
You are being given a window to connect with new groups and friends who like to collaborate like you do – efficiently and with purpose.

Sagittarius || Sagittarius Rising
Your career could be seeing fresh opportunity and a chance to show the world how you can help them be more healthy and live with more purpose.

Capricorn || Capricorn Rising
Opportunities to broaden your horizons through your lifestyle and work could appear.

Aquarius || Aquarius Rising
Purity and purpose in your investments (time and resources) could bring empowering circumstances to your door.

Pisces || Pisces Rising
Relationships are on the rise for you. New developments could appear here that create a healthier and more productive you.

Images via Instagram: Sarah Sherman Samuel[/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]