Inner Musings: Fighting Fair

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last]Let’s dive into this astrological new year by igniting our fires and facing our anger square on. CosmoMuse mental health expert, Lauren Eimers-Wangrud, shares some brilliant thoughts on how we can do this in a very constructive way.

“Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns it all clean.” – Maya Angelou, Poet, 1928 – 2014

It’s the beginning of the astrological new year, and with new beginnings comes refreshed energies to clean house–literally, emotionally, psychologically. One way to “clean house” emotionally is with anger. Many of us were taught that anger is a purely negative feeling, but anger can be a positive and curative force when uncoupled from violence and aggression. This Aries season, the season of fire, ignition, and clarity, we can address anger in our lives and learn how to convey our anger in constructive ways.[/one_half_last]

[full_width]Sitting on or stifling your anger isn’t the best idea for your emotional or physical health. Just as a wound can fester if not cleaned and properly cared for, so can anger that is left pent up. That anger can turn into a grudge or bitterness and creates an energy drain on your internal resources. Anger that is not expressed ultimately damages the person carrying it, not the source or cause of the anger. Understanding now that unreleased anger serves no one, let’s talk about how we can channel our anger and express it in a positive way.

“Fighting fair” isn’t about not letting your emotions be known or sugar-coating how you really feel. Bringing honesty, maturity, and empathy into an argument can make your expression of anger a starting point for better communication and even possibly a solution to the source of that anger. Much like a debate, there are ground rules that need to be followed for an argument to have a chance at a positive outcome.[/full_width]

[two_third]The first and most important rule is that aggression and violence have no place in “fighting fair.” That said, your next rules need to be agreed upon by both parties and are best discussed during a time where emotions aren’t running high, i.e. don’t try to discuss new mutual ground rules in the middle of a fight:

Try to remain calm and open to communication. When we are overwhelmed or “flooded” with emotion to the point where we aren’t hearing what the other person is saying, it is 100% okay to take a “time out” until you aren’t feeling flooded any longer.

Be specific about what it was that caused your anger. Using phrases like, “It makes me feel XYZ way when ABC happens,” helps the other party to understand what you are trying to convey while not getting defensive. Your feelings are valid and talking about them only helps in reaching a positive outcome, as opposed to accusations, which shuts down communication in no time.

Old issues aren’t allowed in the fight. Bringing up something that happened in the past isn’t going to help the situation at hand. If you are still carrying a wound from the past, pick another time to discuss that, so you can release that from yourself. Try not to let your anger build up over time, so the only arguments you have are of the “kitchen sink” variety.

[one_half][/one_half][one_half_last]Try not to use words like “always” or “never.” Generalizations not only are inaccurate, they can make an issue seem bigger and that there is less room for change.

Stonewalling is not an option. The silent treatment won’t help in two-way communication or the reaching of any sort of resolution. If you are feeling flooded, let the other person know you need a breather, but are committed to resuming your conversation when you are better able to talk constructively.

Remember this isn’t a “win or lose” situation. Many an argument have resolutions built on respect and compromise.

Your spring cleaning can take many forms this year. With a little planning, honesty, and empathy, you can let that anger burn brightly and emerge unburdened with new emotional clarity.[/one_half_last]

Dear Ash: Translate the Virgo Full Moon

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Astrologist, Ash Bonelli, brings her intuitive Pisces insight to one reader, and then to all of us, around this weekend’s Virgo full moon. The polarity of Pisces and Virgo that is illuminated at this time is always one that feels haunting, in a magical way. Ash channels this beautifully as she guides us to weave through the energy of the Dual Fish and the Virgin with mysticism and purity.

Dear Ash,

How does this Full Moon in Virgo translate within my life?

Dear Kate,

The transiting Sun (our current solar path), Chiron (our point of sensitivity) & Mercury (our communications) are all conjoined with your natal Moon (our emotional hub) in Pisces for this particular lunar event. The transiting Moon in Virgo will be shining her light on that watery quartet. This fleeting dance of opposition may be asking you to make a compromise somewhere in your life or at least strike a more authentic balance.

Breaking this down I will start with the Moon lighting up your second house. Where the Moon is transiting, especially when she is full, shows where you currently need to feel nurtured and cared for. This window of time is showing you where you can amplify those requirements. In Virgo, the Moon needs to be able to care for those they love in a way that is more practical and almost mundane. The everyday details of life can be boring but if we didn’t take care of them everything else would just seem a bit sloppy. [/two_third_last]

[full_width]If we thread in that this expression is occurring in your 2nd house, there is a link to your self-worth. You may need to derive more value from your everyday acts of service. Since this is a Full Moon we are experiencing, there is something that has come to fruition as well as something that needs to be released. It may become more clear in the next few days just exactly how you’ve been routinely engaged with your intimate circle. This could also highlight what has been blocking you from experiencing a deeper, more fulfilling version of expressing these Virgo moon characteristics.

Now over in the house of Pisces where the Sun, Chiron and Mercury are transiting your natal Moon with a little hug we see the other side of the opposition story. The Sun is highlighting the energy and attributes of how we go about our life path. Being in Pisces, there is a heightened urge to express empathy, compassion and creativity. Considering you were born with a Pisces moon these sensitive qualities are certainly not foreign to you. Having the Sun illuminate your tender moon could highlight the need to invest more into that compassionate soul you were meant to be. With Chiron so closely tied into this exchange it could bring up some raw emotions especially if you feel you haven’t been able to properly/fully utilize your kindness. It could be that you’ve felt repressed and need to channel it outwards in some capacity. Mercury rounds out the mix with a need for creative verbal release. Your thoughts and feelings may be swirling about for a few days and possibly journaling or just sharing with a friend may be very cathartic. This all goes down in your 8th house so you may be feeling a need for more empowerment. Maybe your heart has yearned for expression but due to feelings of fear or anger haven’t yet had the proper outlet to share it. I feel this is especially strong due to the fact that Saturn will also be squaring this gathering of pisces planets. There could be an authority figure or a negative male/patriarchal energy butting heads with your spirit’s need for expression. Use that Virgo moon energy to be strategic, skilled and crafty with your emotional executions. We live in a time where caring about the details, doing the work and leaning into the art of discernment will lead to more creative freedom and compassion. Wishing you a healing and inspiring Full Moon.


[two_third]Dear Collective,

We have arrived at the Full Moon in Virgo at 22 degrees which will give birth at 7:54 AM (PDT)!

We find ourselves swimming through the season of the dreamer, Pisces, for another week. Pisces is at the end of the cosmic pantheon making our entrance into Aries on March 21st, the zodiacal New Year. There is a feeling of endings with Pisces, yet as her archetype would also suggest (the two fish swimming in opposite directions) a symbology of new beginnings. I often think of the quote from Pablo Picasso, “The act of creation is first of all an act of destruction” when I meditate on Pisces energy because this sign really embodies the belief that there is a never ending cycle of birth/death. Full moons also possess this similar energy as they represent the culmination of something as well as the ending of something else. The Sun and Moon are gazing at one another asking us to weave together a narrative between these two polar opposites.

Our current Full Moon is playing out in the sign of Virgo. The Moon in Virgo wants to nurture by taking care of all the necessary details that can get missed by the nebulous/dreamy nature of Pisces. With that said, there is an area of your life that needs more fine tuning, more craft and care. With Chiron being so closely linked to this lunar event you may find yourself feeling a bit more sensitive especially to any outside critiques. Mercury is also intimately involved so how you think and speak are at play as well. Really give notice to whether or not your thoughts align with your actions. Maybe work on letting go of any distance between the two so you can feel more cohesive in your daily life. [/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

[full_width]As if this wasn’t enough to process, Saturn, our cosmic life coach is squaring (90 degrees) our little underwater trio (Sun/Chiron/Mercury). This adds a serious depth to any shifts or decisions that you embark on during this time. Pisces is all about the feelings and Saturn is all about the achievement. Whenever Saturn is involved just do the work and the rewards will eventually come. Such a simple mantra, do the work, do the work and yes, do the work. Saturn is really the Zen master of the universe.

Concurrently, we are under the spell of the Venus Retrograde. Our values within our relationships, our self-worth, what unifies us and all the things we love are up for review. This addition to the heavens weighs heavily into how we navigate this Full Moon. Stay clear of being too critical, drowning in unnecessary worry or judging things that you know all too well you are also guilty of. Up the self-care, make mindful adjustments that you can commit to long term and allow creativity to lead the way. Below are questions for each of the houses Virgo could rule in the chart. Take time to review and process these questions. This Full Moon could bring some healthy solutions to begin integrating into your routine starting with our next New Moon on March 27th in fiery Aries. [/full_width]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]1st house Virgo/Virgo Rising – Are you taking care of your body? How do you speak to yourself? Could it stand to be a bit kinder?

2nd house Virgo/Leo Rising- How is your budget? What is your money story aka your relationship to your finances based on how you were raised regarding the topic of money? Are your feelings of self-worth directly linked to how others perceive your external successes or failures?

3rd house Virgo/Cancer Rising – Are you too critical of yourself and/or others? Do you place too much pressure upon yourself to be perfect? Have you considered starting a daily journaling practice?

4th house Virgo/Gemini Rising – How do you engage/support your family? How do they nurture you? What small actions could you take to feel more secure in your own home?

5th house Virgo/Taurus Rising – Do you allow yourself time to engage creatively with your inner child? What allows you to feel free? Are there any new skills/crafts that you wish to start learning or sharing with others?

6th house Virgo/Aries Rising – What could you add to your daily routine that would help it flow better? In fact, what could you take away? How could you nurture your health better? What dietary changes could you embrace for more optimal wellness?[/two_third_last]

[full_width]7th House Virgo/Pisces Rising – How are you contributing to your relationships in a meaningful way? Do you feel seen, heard and supported by your intimate circle? What do you love about yourself?

8th house Virgo/Aquarius Rising – What helps you feel in control? Do you feel that something within you is actually limiting your ability to experience self empowerment? How can you creatively connect on a deeper level to your own intuition?

9th house Virgo/Capricorn Rising – What makes you feel spiritual? How do connect to a deeper sense of purpose? What is your relationship to culture?

10th house Virgo/Sagittarius Rising – What are your career goals for the rest of the year? How is your relationship to your co-workers? Is there a creative interest that could be turned into a new career or make for a nice addition to your current work situation?

11th house Virgo/Scorpio Rising – How do you support your social network? Is there a charity that could really utilize your area of expertise? How often do you allow yourself to daydream?

12th house Virgo/Libra Rising – Do you take time to notice and really evaluate your more subconscious/background thoughts? Do they align with your daily conscious expressions? Do you write down your nightly dreams?

Happy Full Moon Muses!

xxAsh [/full_width]

Inner Musings: 1/24th of your Day

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Lauren Eimers-Wangrud brings us some very caring mental health advice for this Pisces Season as we are urged to find a little extra personal space during this meditative and ethereal time.
Images via Pinterst

“Caring for myself is not self-indulgence, it is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare.”
– Audre Lorde, poet, writer, activist, 1934 – 1992

1/24th of your Day

You’ve heard it a million times before: you have to put on your oxygen mask before helping anyone else with theirs. This Pisces season I challenge you to make self-care a new priority. It sounds self-indulgent, but as Audre Lorde so eloquently states, caring for oneself “is self-preservation.” In today’s climate, taking care of oneself is as important as ever. We will explore simple ways to reframe your days or weeks to allow for this important and sustaining practice.[/two_third_last]

[two_third]Self-care can nurture different aspects of your life. You can take time to care for your physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological, personal, and professional self. Sometimes a self-care ritual will help just one portion of your self, but often something that is sustaining for one aspect can be buoying for another. For example, taking time to have lunch with a dear friend not only cares for your personal self, but can be supportive to your emotional self as well. A long walk is great for physical self-care, but it can also give you time to reflect and recharge psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually.

In our culture, self-care can be conceptualized as self-centered, greedy, or weak, so it may be difficult at first to attempt to carve out a bit of time each day or week for yourself. It may help to remember when you are stepping away from the computer, project, or your partner or family, that helping yourself will better enable you to conquer the tasks that may be wearing you down in everyday life. Recharging for an hour a day can give you the resolve and energy you need to conquer the other 23 hours you have ahead of you.

Conceptualizing your day as 24 hours for you to use can be helpful in finding that one hour for yourself. You’ll need 8 hours to work and another 8 to sleep, most days (this is an important part of self-care, as well!), so that leaves approximately 8 more hours for eating, commuting, chores, childcare, and living your life. If you can first commit to 15 minutes a day for a few weeks, you’ll find it less stressful to jump to a half-an-hour, and then an hour in the weeks following.[/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][two_third]What are things that only take 15 minutes that can be solely for you?

o Set down your phone and pick up a magazine, periodical, or book. Read.
o Lock the bathroom door. Parents know this is a gift to oneself.
o Breathe deeply. Meditate.
o Prepare yourself a cup of tea, coffee, or your favorite morning beverage and sit down to drink it while it’s still hot. No, you may not reheat it.
o Listen to a bit of music that you love.
o Cuddle with your person or pet.
o Paint your toenails.
o Write in a journal.
o Take a power nap.
o Call a friend or family member that lifts you up.[/two_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]See? Self-care can be squeezed into a busy day, even if it’s only for a few moments. Once you are comfortable asking yourself for that time each day, gradually increase that amount of time. You may need to get creative with how you can fit an entire uninterrupted hour into your day. You may need to wake up before the rest of the house or physically remove yourself from your normal routine to get that time to yourself. You may have to get a babysitter or swap childcare days with another parent that is as in need of self-care time as you! Whatever you do, remember that this is an act of self-preservation, not self-indulgence.

This schedule-bending is worth it as you’ll begin to see the benefits of self-care spilling over into the other hours of your day. This could manifest itself as more energy to take on the challenges a day can bring. You could notice you’re calmer in situations that previously made you upset. You could find your creativity sparked or a readiness to connect more with others. Hopefully this Pisces season will help you in putting on your daily “oxygen mask” and realizing that in caring for ourselves first, we are better prepared to care for others and give improved attention to our families, careers, and responsibilities.

Pisces Solar Eclipse: Life’s Symbolic Meaning

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]It’s time to get your CosmoMuse 2017 Seasonal Astrology Guide out to make your Pisces New Moon Eclipse Intentions. If you don’t have yours yet, you can get our printed guide OR PDF download in our online shop (HERE). Our seasonal discount code: PISCESSEASON will get you 10% off. Get ready to explore this big lunar event that will bring deeply spiritual shifts into our lives as Seasonal Astrologist, Allie Couch, gives us a glimpse into this moon-y cycle.

Every zodiac solar season, an opening graces our lives rich with opportunity for fresh starts and new initiations. This is the new moon’s gift to us: a new cycle with new opportunities to grow and push ourselves in the things that that season represents. It’s like planting a seeds that needs tending to, and that will go through different phases over the course of the year until the next new moon of the same season comes, in a year’s time.

This Pisces Season, we get an extra helping of new starts for this sign’s purpose in our lives. As new moon’s happen, we often build on them with each new round. We may start with a rose bush seed, and then next year we decide to expand and plant 3 more rose bushes, next we make a whole entry path lined with rose bushes, and so on. Enter the eclipse. Eclipses always fall on the full or new moons, and when they coincide with a new moon, the progressions we’ve been making each year with our new moon initiations, or new seeds for that sign, gets a complete overhaul. [/two_third_last]

[two_third]Maybe we’ve grown tired of the same rose bushes, maybe a tornado destroys them, or maybe a different flower catches our eye that we become fixated with. Either way, every six years, we begin a fully new cycle for a two sign polarity, over the course of two years. With Sunday’s Pisces new moon eclipse, we will see our lives take on a newly evolved meaning within the area that this sign rules in our lives: dreams, fantasy, compassion, healing, arts, symbolism, chemistry, the quantum field, and spirituality. It brings a lot of overall symbolic meaning into our lives.

Whether we consciously decide we want to take on a new phase of evolving for these things or an event happens that rocks your world, forcing these changes, much shifting takes place. As the trickle down happens and others around us start to shift, this impacts our shifts and we see a several-week impact with all sorts of news making waves and changing circumstances.

Not every eclipse is equal, and the intensity depends on the connections the eclipse forms with other planets as well as whether it connects to any planets or cardinal lines in our own chart. This Pisces eclipse feels especially potent as it’s slow moving nebulous ruler, Neptune, recently returned to it’s own sign after a 165 year tour of the zodiac. This eclipse falls very near to the same degree of Neptune in Pisces. In short, this new and evolved Pisces phase that we are entering is graced with it’s own ruler’s gifts, quadrupling our ability to heal, dream, and find symbolic meaning in life. If working Pisces in the negative, watch out for disillusionment, lies, addiction, narcissism, and/or a victim mentality.

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][two_third]The most ethereal and inspired energy comes from this sign, so it makes sense that we also see some of our most difficult issues arise here as well.

With us being in a 1 universal year, ruling new starts, this Pisces solar eclipse may take on even more significance of new beginnings in our lives. [/two_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[three_fifth][/three_fifth][two_fifth_last]PISCES IN YOUR CHART
Depending on your rising sign, Pisces will rule over (or gives its dreamy filter to), a specific area of your life, and this is the area that will get a complete revamp, under the Pisces umbrella of energies.

Aries: Pisces is in it’s natural 12th house in your chart so it’s themes are triple. It may be hard for you to notice as this house lies in your shadows. Arts, your spiritual connection, covert works, connection to institutions, healing, life meaning, compassion, and retreating are all getting a makeover.

Taurus: Your 11th house of systems, friends, networks, future hopes, and groups or industries is starting a new phase in its connection to compassion, art, healing, and institutions. You may find more compassion and chemistry in the groups you discover now or see makeovers in your circles that uplift and inspire you.[/two_fifth_last]

[one_half padding=”4% 0 0 0″]Gemini: Your 10th house of career, aspirations, and reputation is getting an overhaul in its connection to arts, healing, spirituality, inspiration, and building lasting structures in fantasy and dream driven fields. Much composition will flow out of you this year to create the building blocks you need for your rise to success.

Cancer: Your 9th house is about to undergo some big changes. Finding compassion and spiritual connection in your world views and beliefs is important to you and you may see yourself blurring boundaries in order to see outside of your current views, broadening your compassion for more ways of life. Compassionate expansion brings opportunity.

Leo: Your 8th house is beginning a newly evolved cycle, helping you soften your heart and find compassion for those dark places that have been hiding way down inside of you. With some psychological digging and healing, you start to better allow others into your life who may provide resources for your needs. [/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Virgo: Your 7th house of partnerships, relationships, sense of balance and equality is getting an overhaul. You may find a deeply spiritual way of relating with others at this time that opens up a much more composed and symbolic way of creating harmony and elegance around you.

Libra: Your 6th house is ruled by Pisces so a new cycle is starting in the way that you go through your day-to-day life, the processes you use to get things done, and how you like to be productive. You may find more art, mediation, retreat, and compassion become available to you, helping you to better hone your ability to compose your days in an artistic fashion rather than checking things off in a linear mode.

Scorpio: Your 5th house is ready to shine in new and inspiring ways. You may not be an overt and bossy leader, preferring to inspire rather than command, and this eclipse is surrounding you with a soft, memorizing glow that makes your vitality and star powers enchanting and magical to watch. Much artistic, healing, and/or spiritual expression is available to you this coming year.

Sagittarius: Your 4th house is about to go through a big change making home, family, and your roots a little wobbly for a minute. As changes take place, you may find yourself needing to uproot and plant new roots or metaphorically having that feeling with some big revamps in family dynamics. Once settled, the new soil you find your home and/or family in will be much more glamorous and spiritually rich, allowing for a beautiful and meditative vibe. If moving, something near the ocean, or a large body of water, could bring you more fluid, soothing energy. [/two_third_last]

[two_third padding=”3% 0 0 0″]Capricorn: Your 3rd house of communication is up for a reset. Poetic, psychic, and compassionate in thought and thought patterns, you may find this new reset utilizing your poetic and integrally composed way of thinking being put to better use for healing, arts, and/or institutional purposes. More life meaning could unveil itself in the information, newly acquired knowledge, or learning experiences that come your way, helping you make compassionate and artistic connections in your community. You think symbolically so do be sure that people feel clear about what’s been communicated to them as you tend to have the most communication issues of any sign.

Aquarius: Your 2nd house is in line for an revamp with this eclipse. Hone in on your senses and how much pleasure and connection to value they bring you. With Pisces here, you may see new doors open to you that allow you to utilize your love of the arts in newly inspiring and composed ways. This will in turn boost your sense of self-worth.

Pisces: This is a major eclipse for you, Pisces. Your whole agenda and personal desires are up for a makeover. The things you wanted over the past six or seven years may be feeling less interesting as new and evolved maturity and compassion seep into your soul. With your ruler also in your 1st house, your heart’s desires are very supported at this time, or at least feel very personal. Inspiration and healing are at your fingertips all year. [/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]



Model/Dancer: Sayaka Ohtaki

Hair & Makeup: Lesley Lind

Words & Photography: Allie Couch


Mindfulness & Polarities: Creative Possibilities

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Dive into the life activating forces of polarity work as John Kesler, renowned mindfulness expert, guides us through the pole of clarity & confusion, and how holding both of these can give rise to creative and experimental possibility.


If we are present in the moment it can create new possibilities.

A primary polarity for holding this sense of abundance is “clarity/confusion” If we are present to what is arising we can be clearer about the reality before us instead of being immersed in a narrative based on our biases grounded in experiences of the past and/or in fears of the future. Related to this is that we have greater clarity by not being in denial and accepting what is before us.

We should also face the reality that any mental framing we have of what is arising has to some extent inevitably been constructed by our minds. If we realize this we may be thrown into confusion. Or on occasion we experience confusion in any event because we have no sense of what is going on. Such confusion is a gift, though, because we are freed from the unconscious limitations of our own faculties.[/two_third_last]

[two_third]The challenge is learning not to swing dramatically from clarity to confusion and back again. It is optimal when we can lightly hold the interplay of perceiving with our latest framing capacities as things arise from moment to moment and also noticing that any act of framing is limited in its grasp. In this way we live in an endless series of moments of clarity/confusion.
Buddhists call this “beginner’s mind”. Having beginner’s mind implies the courage to look at everything with fresh eyes with minimum bias, to have the integrity to be responsible for what is arising but humble enough to realize that we must stay open to the possibilities of every moment. This can gives each moment an element of surprise and delight.

When our awareness can access a stillness underlying this free flowing dance of clarity/confusion, another phenomenon happens. That stillness is an opening to our deepest wisdom and compassion, which transcends the thinking mind. This is also a place of abundance giving rise to hope, possibility and experimentation.

Because of this opening to something deeper beyond the everyday conceptual mind, we are also more prone to be open to inspiration. In this moment there is an opportunity for the emergence of creativity and with others, co-creativity.

All this depends on being present and being aware of these basic universal dynamics of consciousness. [/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

Inner Musings: Discovering Your True Self

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”1% 0 0 0″]Resident mental health counselor, Lauren Eimers-Wangrud, is back with us today—this time sharing exercises and musings on how to get in touch with your unique self—a very Aquarius Season topic. Images via Dreaming Soul.

“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”
– Mary Oliver, b.1935

How much of yourself have you become? – Aquarius Season Insight

The past few years have seen a cultural phenomenon of scaling back and paring down one’s material possessions in search of true happiness. Call it minimalism or the Konmari method, this winnowing of possessions has struck a chord with many disillusioned and unhappy individuals. This Aquarius season I challenge you to do the same in the uncovering and discovering of your true self in shedding layers that do not serve your life and fail to reflect who you really are.

Aquarius season is a time for experimentation, progression, and open-mindedness – the perfect time to get better acquainted with your true self. This can be a scary journey to embark on, but in recognizing who we want to be and then pouring our energies wholeheartedly into fulfilling our unique destiny, we begin to get closer to our personal truth.[/two_third_last]

[full_width]To start this journey, you’ll want to give yourself at least an hour of solid “you time,” free of your mobile device, computer, television, or distractions. You want to create a space where you can focus solely on yourself. If that means you need a hot cup of tea and your favorite music playing or heading out on a long walk with a small notebook and pen to jot down your thoughts, great! Just find the space and time to allow yourself to let your mind wander.

Next, you’ll want to tell yourself that you can worry about all of your stresses and pressing matters in your life in an hour. You’ll also want to let your inner critic know they can pipe down, at least for a bit, while you work out some important things. It sounds silly, but giving yourself the mental space and direction to process some thoughts is imperative in this exercise. If you find your inner critic or everyday stresses needling into this you-time, calmly tell them to take a seat and you’ll get to them in a few.

Now, time for the digging to begin. You’ll want to imagine a scene where you are completely at ease. It could be a place from your past, a place you’ve visited, or even a place that only exists in your imagination. What does it look like there? Are there buildings? Are you indoors or outside? Is it present day? Who is there with you, if anyone? What feelings or emotions are brought to the surface while you’re in this serene place? Continue looking for details about this place and write down things that resonate with you. Be sure to try and keep that inner critic out of the observation, since this is a judgement-free zone.[/full_width]

[one_half padding=”8% 0 0 0″]After you’ve really mined this scene for details, sit back and look at what observations really stuck with you. These elements that have boiled to the surface is your true self giving you clues as to how to make your way to self-actualization. They could be the emotions elicited from your scene, to people you met there, to the surroundings.

Everyone will have vastly different scenes and details. You could have found yourself in a lecture hall learning something new or in a kitchen whipping up a recipe with a dear family member or friend – the possibilities are truly endless. The key here is to look for themes and elements that really resonate with you.

Once you’ve teased out the themes of your exploration, think of how your life now is mirroring that. Is it on a similar or on a divergent path from your exploration? If you’ve envisioned yourself very differently from your present state, what small changes can you make to start to align with that vision of yourself?[/one_half][one_half_last][/one_half_last]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]For example, if you imagined yourself in a lecture hall, but aren’t a student, maybe you just need to feed your thirst for knowledge with more books and time to read them. If your life as a chef is restricted to watching cooking shows on Netflix, maybe buying a new cookbook and preparing a meal each week is a way to get closer to what makes you really tick. You may not need to enroll in classes or run a restaurant to find your true self, but these clues are imperative in helping you get there.

Shedding layers of yourself from your past can also help in getting closer to the true you. Don’t let yourself be tied down by perceptions of yourself that are outdated. Clinging to old definitions of yourself is a disservice to you and your growth. Make a promise to yourself to let your present self, and the self you want to become, dictate how you spend your precious time.

Just as Marie Kondo states objects in our life should “spark joy,” so should our pastimes, hobbies, friends, and work. While we may not be able to overhaul our jobs or friends in a weekend of self-exploration, I guarantee you’ll be able to change the way you spend your free time or try a new hobby that excites you in the matter of a few weeks. Starting with small changes is what leads to bigger and more impactful shifts. Use this Aquarius season to dive in and rediscover yourself. [/two_third_last]

Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow We Rise

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]CosmoMuse astrologist, Allie Couch, reflects on yesterday’s Women’s Marches and musefully projects into the future of a Trump era and progressing past it.
Photography: Ann Whittaker, Park City, Utah

YESTERDAY It was an historic day and Together We Rose. The Women’s Marches across the world brought so many together, in solidarity, around much that the Trump administration is openly trying to take away. This march means something different to everyone but as a unified thread, it ignited the empowerment of all that are disenfranchised, unheard, or unfairly treated.

To CosmoMuse, this is a time when we see the need to empower the yin, or feminine, in everyone (men, women, transgender…); the energy of listening, intuition, community, nourishment, peace, and love. Yin in it’s healthy state is not seductive, receiving through manipulation but rather a High Priestess and magnetic, receiving with gratitude. Yin is organic, nourishing, mystical, receptive, and channeling. The out of control Patriarchy, wars, segregation, and hate crimes show a clear indication of an overtaxed yang energy in our world and an undervaluing of yin.

It’s time to understand that yin or feminine energy is not weak, it’s not unqualified to lead, it’s not overly emotional. Over the next year we will be laying out ways to heal and empower our yin, or feminine, sides to bring balance to our overheated yang energies or undervalued yin energies, however those play out in each of us. [/two_third_last]

[one_third padding=”17% 0 0 0″]TODAY
Rest day. Make sure to nourish yourself and reflect so you know just what it is you are fighting for as the tides shift throughout the course of Trump’s Presidency.
Drink tea, meditate, journal, and listen to others on the days that are less active on the front lines. Flex some of your yin muscles to channel and find magnetic attraction to what is needed and where your energy is best directed before shifting to the next day of yang action. Let these energies support and work in harmony through the flow of this movement in your life.

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last padding=”21% 0 0 0″]TOMORROW
Back to the movement. Get up, know from your days of recovery where you are going next and no matter how bruised or bloody you feel, get out there and join the resistance as well as join in with innovations and movements that move past the resistance and have a life of their own, creating the future, rather than waiting for the battle to end. We need both of these actions if we are going to move humanity forward in a healthy way.


Astrological guidance: Astrologically, as the physical march on January 21, 2017, being the thing that brought us together as a collective, was ignited under the season and sign of Aquarius, it holds an energy of forward progress and hope for humanity and the future. A good omen if there ever was one.

My biggest fear of the astrological signatures that graced both January 20th (start of the Trump era) and the 21st (ignition of the Together We Rise movement) is they are both ruled by an Aquarius sun, Scorpio moon combination. These are both fixed signs so an absolute stubborn approach is indicated by both. I hope we can find ways to talk to each other effectively but the indications show a battle ahead. On our end, we can uphold our own integrity and maturity by attempting to listen and find unity with those who voted this administration in, in order to help both sides overcome ignorance of each other’s needs. There is a reason that so many jumped on the Trump bandwagon and they will likely be sorely bruised, disillusioned, and taken advantage of over the next four years by his egregious lies. Let’s be there with solutions, waiting in the wings to say, we hear you, we understand that life is hard on you as well right now. Let’s listen to each other’s stories and find ways to make progress together. [/full_width]

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]Lunar Phase Connection: Every time the moon is in Aquarius, things started in this season will see progress. We’ll make sure to call out the Aquarius moon days to remind us all that these are very activated times for forward progress in humanity.

Season of Gathering: This once a month gathering, near the start of each new zodiac season, we will touch on how yin and yang energies might play out within the movement for the next four-week period and how we can utilize that for the best paths forward.

Feminine Rising Products & Proceeds: We’ve started with one Feminine Rising product, a beanie, and hope to do more with our new CosmoMuse affirmation by creating products that also benefit the causes we see as being important to the movement. [/one_third_last]

Dear Ash: Your Personal Capricorn Energy

[one_sixth][/one_sixth][one_third][/one_third][one_third]Astrologist Ash Bonelli brings a powerful offering today as she answers one muses’ question about connecting to the Capricorn in their chart. Keep reading as she then sheds light, for each sign, on how the transformation enhancing Sun conjunct Pluto transit is affecting each of our signs this weekend. A must read.

Dear Ash,

Can you tell me a little bit about where I have Capricorn energy in my birth chart and how that plays out in my life?

Dear Andrea,

You were born with Capricorn residing proudly in your 1st house. Your Ascendant/Rising sign is there at 19 degrees. [/one_third][one_sixth_last][/one_sixth_last]

[two_third]The Capricorn rising moves through the world with a quiet grace, a strong sense of self and stoic distance. They appear wise, classy and are usually quite polite with the occasional side of bluntness.. They possess a natural determination to pursue their goals no matter how many blocks pop up on the path. Capricorns are serious achievers and wish to be noticed for their committed efforts! They can be stubborn but dedicated and they want to be seen as successful. This is definitely a rising sign that wants to project to the collective that they are cool, calm, and collected. Lucky for Cappy, they usually are!

This year these normal temperaments may begin to shift though. Pluto, the mighty mouse of the cosmos will make an exact conjunction to your Ascendant in early March and will be moving back and forth over it all year due to his retrograde period. That means this will be a deeply transformational year for you. How you engage with the world is up for review. Pluto likes to break things down so they are forced to rebuild better and stronger than before. You may notice that your attitudes around how you want to be seen in your day to day life could drastically change. Pluto works beneath the surface so these are likely (to be) subconscious thoughts and feelings that are coming up for processing. The mantra with Pluto though is “just let go”. If you feel you are clinging on to some old beliefs or support systems that are no longer working, but you are simply hanging on for comfort, then that’s your cue to release them. New and better ones are on the way! [/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

[full_width]Pluto can sometimes work in really obvious ways but usually the most profound insights come about in hindsight. Because this is a merging of two energies it’s possible that you will feel more powerful during this transit because Pluto will essentially be imbuing with your Ascendant. This could give you a sense of strength you’ve never had before and you will now know how to integrate it moving forward. The mantra with Pluto though is “just let go”. If you feel you are clinging on to some old beliefs or support systems that are no longer working (but you are simply hanging on for comfort) then that is your cue to release them. New and better ones are on the way!

Another piece to add to your Capricorn nature is to take a look at her ruler. Saturn is the traditional feminine ruler of Capricorn. I see Saturn as our cosmic life coach. He has rough edges and can be quite demanding, but he is also fair and ultimately expects you to do well. He goes about it in harsh ways sometimes so most people dislike him, but if we didn’t have structure, pressure, deadlines, etc. in addition to someone putting up boundaries then we all would just Neptune out and party all the time. It’s all about balance, and Saturn loves when our ducks are all in a row! You have natal Saturn in Gemini in the 6th house. This would suggest that you try to have structured routines and are always paying attention to the way you communicate. This adds a playful and talkative quality to your Capricorn rising which could actually soften some of that natural coolness that Cappy is known for. It also means that this upcoming Pluto transit could also have a strong affect on your daily routines and your work life. You may notice that any shifts in your personality directly affect your engagement with clients. It could be that the way you’ve always presented yourself in a professional setting needs a tune up. Maybe you’ve been over giving? The 6th house represents service after all. You might set up stronger boundaries and this transit could bring some new found confidence that allows you to really go after some bigger dreams. However this Pluto transit plays out for you, I think you will come away with a renewed sense of independence, strength, and vitality!

Ash [/full_width]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last]Sun + Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn


Our solar king is making his yearly conjunction to Pluto this weekend. This sets the tone for the next year to an area of your life that could use an injection of power or deep changes. Pluto, lord of the underworld likes to work behind the scenes. His presence is strong, immensely felt but usually not obvious right away. It’s common to feel the plutonian experience while it’s happening, but the wisdom that comes from those experiences seems to arrive in hindsight. Pluto has been in the sign of Capricorn since 2008 and will be there until 2024–so he’s a slow little beast! Capricorn also rules power so they have that in common but this sign also governs structure which is Pluto’s favorite thing to tear down. The Sun/Pluto lesson is that we are learning what we need to let go of in order to feel empowered on our life paths. Often we are weighed down by self-imposing barriers or ideas that have been created by outsiders that we feel we need to uphold. These can limit our growth, autonomy, and independence. Pluto likes to peel back our layers to get to the bones of our own personal truth. It’s not easy work but the more you learn to let go when it comes to Pluto dealings, the happier you will ultimately be. For more insights I’ve written a few sentences for each of the houses. All you have to do is look at your birth chart and see which house Capricorn lives in. [/two_third_last]

[full_width]1st House/Capricorn Rising – Our house of image, projection and our bodies. Pluto moving through your 1st house is asking that you let go of the idea of who you think you are to the world. If you are putting on airs or projecting an image that isn’t really you, then it’s time to peel back those layers. Authenticity is key here. This is a really impactful place for Pluto because most likely it’s crossing your Ascendant/Rising sign. Your Ascendant literally represents how you rise up each day to face the world. So a whole life examination could be in order. Think of this as a bit of a rebirth. You are the Phoenix, not the snake.

2nd House/Sagittarius Rising – Our house of money and self worth/esteem. Pluto moving through your 2nd house is asking you to let go of any negative feelings you have around your finances. If this is an issue in your life then it’s probably damaging your self worth/esteem. Therefore it affects more than just your bank account. Currency is tangible energy so how we treat it and what we think of it does play a role in how it shows up in our lives. If you have a really negative view of yourself financially, then that’s going to be a tough hole to climb out of. Really use this Sun/Pluto conjunction to get really honest about your feelings around spending, saving, and what limiting ideas you have that are actually holding you back from prospering. [/full_width]

[full_width]3rd House/Scorpio Rising – Our house of communications in all forms: speaking/writing/body language. Pluto moving through your 3rd house is asking you to re-evaluate how you engage with others. This could range from feeling like you don’t have a voice because other people speak over you or maybe you are the one that needs to learn to listen more. We all have times where we feel unseen, unheard, and misunderstood. These issues all come from how well we listen, mentally digest what we just heard, and understand one another. These are very important skills that make or break our conversations. Be mindful of your dialogue at work, home, school, etc., and see where some adjustments could be made.

4th House/Libra Rising – Our house of home, family and security. Pluto moving through this house is asking you to let go of the need to be in control at home all of the time. There could be a need for more compromise with members of your family. If this can’t be met in a healthy way then a hard look at serious boundaries may be in order. Also look at what you need to feel safe at home. Everyone deserves to have a sanctuary, so look at your current situation and see what could be shifted/discarded in order for you to find your perfect haven. This could also be a time where you find security in new or unusual places. You may start to find an inner strength that you didn’t know you had. One that gives you comfort in the face of changing foundations ahead. In times of shaky grounds remind yourself that you are always at home in your own heart. Allow the tides of change to do their work, and take comfort in your own resiliency. [/full_width]

[full_width]5th House/Virgo Rising – Our house of children, creativity, and romance. Pluto moving through this house is asking you to let go of anything that is blocking your true expression. This could show up in your dating life, your relationships with your kids, or how you go about creating anything that you feel passionate about. If you don’t have a clear/honest relationship about what lights you up in life then that’s where you need to start. That fire within us is our own personal root system that then feeds the garden of our lives. Get digging. Also, whether or not you have children we all have an inner child. This part of ourselves needs attention so that we can experience a bit of play and joy in our adult lives. You may find yourself craving childlike activities that allow you a deeper connection to source. If this is the case, embrace it.

6th House/Leo Rising – Our house of daily routines, work, service, and health. Pluto moving through the 6th house is asking you to let go your daily habits that are no longer serving your highest self. When I say highest self, I’m referring to the best version of you that each of us should strive to be. Of course we all having housework to do but what do you do regularly that doesn’t actually make life better? Think about your bad habits. These could run from cigarettes/unhealthy food choices to the constant need for outside approval. These are just a few of the many examples of things you could let go of. These changes would not only make your daily work/routines feel better but give you a more healthy body/mind/soul as well! This could also be a time where you heal your own issues and find yourself feeling the desire to help others with the same journey. This could be a profound experience that allows the energy of Pluto to work his magic by stripping away what doesn’t serve you so you can better serve others![/full_width]

[two_third]7th House/Cancer Rising – Our house of love and relationships. Pluto moving through the 7th house is asking you to let go of any toxic relationships, negative self-talk, limiting beliefs, or issues around control. These issues can apply to romantic or business relationships. The ideas that you had when you were younger about what love looks like could be up for a major shift. You may find yourself craving a new type of partnership or maybe just a better one with yourself. You may also realize that the drama in a current situation is actually coming from you. If so, it’s up to you to be proactive about figuring out why you behave in the negative ways you do. If you find yourself in that relationship with someone else then maybe it’s time for couples therapy. This could also be a breakdown to breakthrough situation, so some relationships may only get better and better. Work on letting go of any power struggles and the new fresh energy to arise will be oh so lovely.

8th House/Gemini Rising – Our house of personal power, sex, death, and the mysterious side of life. Pluto enjoys this house (of course) so he is quite at home here. Pluto asks us to let go of of anything blocking us from being totally empowered individuals. Think about people, situations, attitudes or ideas that make you feel small. How can you step away from any of those toxic choices. I use the word choices because that’s the driving force behind many of our issues. We can choose who we spend time with; we can choose to not partake in certain negative situations; and we also decide what we think. These things that need to change can seem so obvious, but we are all guilty of letting things in our own control wreck our day. Look for ways in which you allow drainage to occur in your life, and make some adjustments so you can move through the world with more power and grace. [/two_third][one_third_last][/one_third_last]

[full_width]9th House/Taurus Rising – Our house of spirituality, higher education, philosophy, and international travel. Pluto has his work cut out for him in this section of the chart. There is a lot going in this house. He could be stripping away a long held belief system that shaped your upbringing, but now doesn’t fit who you’ve become today. Your thoughts and feelings about the world could be changing dramatically at this time. Maybe you are desiring to get out and fill up your passport so you can open your mind to different cultures. You may also be thinking about going back (or currently going) to school to connect deeper with these shifts in your consciousness. Any limiting or just rigid ideas that you’ve had about society, government, religion, and lifestyle are up for review. Be open-minded and let go when you find yourself swimming upstream against the current.

10th House/Aries Rising – Our house of career and public life. Pluto moving through the top of the chart here could signal major job shifts or the ideas you’ve held about your current position could be changing. Your thoughts/feelings around how you appear in the world could also be transforming. Since Pluto governs power, you may be recognizing where you don’t have as much as you thought or how you actually need to work on developing yours. Maybe you’ve been working in an unfulfilling career but never had the self worth to actually make a change until now. Pluto could show up in your experience as a bit of a wrecking ball that breaks down one situation so that a better one can come about. Work on letting go of clinging to anything that isn’t actually benefitting you just because you are comfortable. Sun/Pluto asks that you step outside of your box long enough to see what else is possible. Then work on your personal power step by step until you’ve reached a more satisfying situation. If it all happens too quickly though, just embrace the end goal by recognizing that you have to break the walls to let the light in sometimes. [/full_width]

[full_width]11th House/Pisces Rising – Our house of hopes, dreams, and community. Pluto moving through the 11th house is asking you to get real about your goals. You may have big dreams, but due to a multitude of reasons (so many things can bog us down) you haven’t actually reached your desired outcome yet. This Sun/Pluto conjunction is kicking off another year for you to get really clear and practical about your wishes. If there is something blocking you from achieving your dreams, then Pluto’s presence may remove them. Now this may sound too good to be true. That’s because it is. There is another side to this shiny coin. When the excavation occurs it could actually leave you feeling a bit vulnerable. We have a tendency to unconsciously rely on our blocks, bad behaviors, and things we don’t actually like. Weird, huh? When those negative things are removed and we come to terms with our new reality we can then move forward with more clarity. Be careful what you wish for, and be ready to work for your dreams when those roadblocks are no longer lingering!

12th House/Aquarius Rising – Our house of mystery, intuition, and inner wisdom. Pluto is treading through the private waters of our soul in this house. Because this house is a bit undercover, Pluto may bring up issues/feelings that we have either forgotten (possibly on purpose) or didn’t even know we had. This can be a deeply cathartic experience where we really get in touch with our most intimate selves. This can feel like a spiritual purge that at times may be painful but once you pull the thorn out the healing can occur. Pluto is asking you to let go of any barriers that restrict you from connecting with your more yin/feminine side (men included). This is a great time to start a meditation practice so you can still your mind from over active thoughts. This would allow for the deeper wisdom residing in this house to bubble up. You can learn from the nebulous energy of the 12th house by surrendering to your own emotions. Release to realize is your mantra. [/full_width]

[one_fourth][/one_fourth][one_fourth][/one_fourth][one_fourth]Dear Ash is a monthly advice column with astrologer Ash Bonelli. For her next CosmoMuse feature, if you want to know more about how Aquarius show up in your chart (or if you are an Aquarius who has astrological question), send it to [email protected] for a chance to get it answered in next month’s Dear Ash feature. For private readings with Ash, email her, [email protected], or pop into her website. [/one_fourth][one_fourth_last][/one_fourth_last]

Inner Musings: Climbing the Mountain and Cat Videos

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last]We’re excited to introduce our newest muse contributor, Lauren Eimers-Wangrud, bringing us some Capricorn Season advice on how to be more human and empathetic toward those different from us after the stresses of an intense 2016. As a licensed mental health and genetic counselor, Lauren brings a valuable and compassionate voice to our muse-ful community. Photography by Dan Peck

“Power comes not from the barrel of a gun, but from one’s awareness of his or her own cultural strength and the unlimited capacity to empathize with, feel for, care, and love one’s brothers and sisters.” – Addison Gayle, Jr.

2016 has been called many things, most of them negative and rightly so. This was the year that stripped us of beloved artists, robbed the U.S. of its hope for its first female president and nationally exposed the roiling underbelly of racism, sexism, and xenophobia that many Americans still call patriotism.[/one_third_last]

[full_width]2016 also witnessed the massive loss of civilian life from overcrowded escape vessels in unforgiving waters to the dissolution and death of families just trying to reach safety across borders from their once-safe home. We also saw another mass murder of individuals just out celebrating their youth and vitality at a club in Florida. It’s human nature to recall the jarring events of the past, while forgetting the better times and while there are other years in humankind’s history that could take the title as the “worst,” 2016 has put so much information in our faces without the obvious ability to actively do anything about it.

It’s understandable that one can become numb to this seemingly constant barrage of horrific news, day in and day out. That is totally normal and I’m here to tell you that’s ok – don’t beat yourself up over wanting to look away from these reports and images. Taking a break to expose your mind to something uplifting and light can be a salve for the weary mind and soul. Yes, I’m telling you those cute cat videos are something that is 100% necessary for your mental health.

But before we all end up staring into our phones at 3am after hours of animals sneezing videos, we need to also recognize that the echo chambers we’ve built around ourselves have served as protection from many of the horrors that took us by surprise this year. While David Bowie’s passing and transformation into stardust was something out of our control, the “social siloing” we create for ourselves on Twitter, Facebook, and the like made many of this year’s occurrences seem like impossibilities is something we can change. When your social media feeds likely just reverberate the same thoughts and ideas you have, it can seem like more folks ascribe to your way of thinking, are voting similarly, and treating other human beings in the same way you do.[/full_width]


[full_width]This siloing is one of the reasons conversations with the “other side” rarely end well or even occur to begin with. In the spirit of Capricorn season, let’s take this time to makes a promise to ourselves to push outside of our comfort zones. Let’s seek and endeavor to understand the perspective of those who oppose our viewpoints. In this journey to dialogue with others, don’t feel pressure to change any minds or persuade the opposing party; in simply understanding comes empathy and with empathy comes compassion.

But why should we have to do all the work, many have asked? Why do we need to listen and reflect? Empathy from you doesn’t just benefit the person you’re with, it can benefit you, as well. Steering your mind away from objectifying an individual helps you keep their humanity at the forefront. Objectifying people deliberately can distance us from the opposing party and keep the discomfort empathy can bring at bay. Associating people with groups can be a slippery slope, making it easy for us to forget the individual, their stories, and their nuanced positions. Ultimately, they are bringing their history, ideals, and hopes to the table, just like you.[/full_width]

[one_third]Sounds a lot like climbing Mount Everest, right? Change happens incrementally, for better or for worse, so you can empower yourself to be on the side of change for the better, one step up the mountain at a time. Continue putting yourself out there, challenge you own worldview while listening and dialoguing with those that both share and oppose your viewpoint, push yourself to donate to charities that are fighting the good fight, just like you, don’t forget that there are real people on the other end of those tweets and Facebook posts. And last, but not least, watch a cat video here and there (try this one). [/one_third][two_third_last][/two_third_last]

Sagittarian Archetypes: A Huntress & A Physician

[full_width]CosmoMuse creative writer, Ann Whittaker, brings us inspiration around some bad-ass female archetypes as a lens to create our own mythologies and epic journeys through our Sagittarian sides.

Sagittarian Archetypes: A Virgin Huntress & A Byzantine Physician

Gather round, CosmoMuses, as we continue deep into Sagittarius Season to explore two female archetypes that will rekindle your enthusiasm for expansive journeys, limitless adventures, and constant change.[/full_width]

[one_third][/one_third][two_third_last padding=”7% 0 0 0″]The First Archetype: Atlanta | Virgin Huntress | Unwilling to Marry

Atlanta is Greek mythology’s badass-in-chief. Born an “undesirable” female, her father left her in the woods alone to die, but she was taken in by a sleuth of bears who raised her. Of course, Atlanta became a fierce huntress with bow and arrow who refused to marry–unless her suitor could outrun her, which was impossible. Many suitors attempted to outrun her, but their attempts ended in death. How’s that for badass?

Eventually, Hippomenes asked the goddess Aphrodite for help to outrun Atlanta so he could marry her. Aphrodite gave him two apples that would slow down Atlanta. The virgin huntress could not resist the apples, and Hippomenes beat her in the footrace and they married. However, Hippomenes failed to give sacrifice to Aphrodite, and the vengeful goddess turned them both into lions. [/two_third_last]

[one_half padding=”5% 0 0 0″]The Second Archetype: Anna Komnene | Byzantine Princess, Scholar, Physician, Historian

Anna Komnene was betrothed at birth, and married at age 14 in the 11th century. Sounds like the end to marry so young, yes? Despite the tragedy of being married off for only political reasons, Anna embarked on many paths that any of us could only hope to accomplish one within our busy lifetimes.

Anna, the Scholar
She was a devoted student of astronomy, geography, and mathematics. Her tutors were constantly impressed with her intellect and dedication. She secretly read the Odyssey for herself despite her parents’ wishes that she avoid such literature.

Anna, the Physician
She studied and practiced medicine throughout her life.

Anna, the Historian
Anna felt cheated when her brother, John, was enthroned, and she was accused of plotting his murder. She spent the last years of her life at a convent studying and writing philosophical and historical papers.

[two_third][/two_third][one_third_last padding=”12% 0 0 0″]And so, during this Sagittarius Season, what are the grand possibilities you want to manifest in your life? What are you doing now to set the stage for your own epic? How will you find ways to incorporate these archetypes into your daily imagination and to-do lists? Consider all the ways you can travel and achieve the greatest heights of success with these words from Dr. Clairssa Pinkola Estés:

The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.

Image to the left by Mystic Mamma[/one_third_last]